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Civil War 'mechs Faq

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#1 Alexander Garden


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Posted 14 March 2017 - 08:52 AM

Release Dates and Eligibility Information

Q: What are the release dates for the Civil War ‘Mechs?
All Civil War ‘Mechs will all be released to eligible pilots (according to their purchased packaged tier) starting on the same day:

Uziel (all variants): July 18th 2017
Annihilator (all variants): July 18th 2017
Cougar (all variants): July 18th 2017
Mad Cat MKII (all variants): July 18th 2017

Q: When will Civil War Early Adopters receive the Early Adopter rewards?
Purchases processed and received before April 30th 2017 11:59:59 PM PDT (May 1st 7:59:59 AM UTC) will be eligible for receiving the Early Adopter Rewards for their purchased pack(s) at the same time as the release of the Civil War:

1 ‘Mech Standing Cockpit Item
Crusader (IS) or Applejack (Clan) Pattern Unlocked for associated Variants
3 New Colors
2 Decals
6.5 Million C-Bill Bundle

* Please note that depending on your transaction method, processing delays may result in a final processing time that falls after the above cutoff time. To help minimize the potential impact on Support services we request that you try to compensate for any processing time that may be associated with your payment method to help ensure your automatic eligibility for the Early Adopter Rewards.

Q: How do the IS Collector, IS Ultimate, Clan Collector, and Clan Ultimate Rewards work? When will they be released?
Purchasing Collector or Ultimate Packs for both the associated Civil War ‘Mechs aligned with a specific side will provide you with 1 copy of the associated reward items.
These Standing and Hanging Items provide you with a flat 5% boost to XP and/or C-Bills when equipped.
Important Notes: The IS Collector and IS Ultimate Reward Cockpit Items can only be equipped onto Inner Sphere ‘Mechs! The Clan Collector and Clan Ultimate Reward Cockpit Items can only be equipped onto Clan ‘Mechs!
However, you can swap these items from ‘Mech-to-‘Mech as needed (if the ‘Mech is applicable to the item), providing you with a permanent boost to associated earnings for every match!

Collector Rewards
Purchasing the Uziel Collector Pack and the Annihilator Collector Pack will provide you with the IS Collector Rewards.
Purchasing the Cougar Collector Pack and the Mad Cat MKII Collector Pack will provide you with the Clan Collector Rewards.

Ultimate Rewards (also includes Collector Rewards!)
Purchasing the Uziel Ultimate Pack and the Annihilator Ultimate Pack will provide you with the IS Ultimate Rewards and the IS Collector Rewards.
Purchasing the Cougar Ultimate Pack and the Mad Cat MKII Ultimate Pack will provide you with the Clan Ultimate Rewards and the Clan Collector Rewards.

All Collector and Ultimate Rewards will be released to eligible owners at the same time the ‘Mechs are delivered.

Q: Someone gifted me a Civil War Pack, which I’ve redeemed successfully through the Redeem Portal. When will I receive my Civil War content?
Delivery of items received from a Civil War Gift Code will also begin starting July 18th 2017.
Gift Codes that were purchased within the Early Adopter Reward window of eligibility do qualify for the rewards, even if they're redeemed outside the eligibility window. However, Early Adopter Rewards are only injected automatically by the database into eligible accounts on the specific date of the Early Adopter Reward release.
Therefore, any granting of Early Adopter Rewards for special Gift Code cases will need to be handled manually by Support services, so please send off an e-mail to accounts@mwomercs.com if you want to inquire about Early Adopter Reward eligibility for your Gift Code.

Q: When will the Civil War ‘Mechs be available for purchase in-game with MC or C-Bills?
The Civil War ‘Mechs will undergo a staggered release schedule, outlined below.

Uziel Release Dates
MC Release Date: September 5th 2017
C-Bill Release Date: October 3rd 2017

Cougar Release Dates
MC Release Date: October 3rd 2017
C-Bill Release Date: November 7th 2017

Annihilator Release Dates
MC Release Date: November 7th 2017
C-Bill Release Date: December 5th 2017

Mad Cat MKII Release Dates
MC Release Date: January 9th 2018
C-Bill Release Date: February 6th 2018

Q: Has a sale end date been announced?
The Civil War should be available for purchase indefinitely, but the Early Adopter Reward eligibility window is determined according to the dates listed here and on the Civil War page.
Early Adopter Reward Deadline: April 30th 2017 11:59:59 PM PDT (May 1st 2017 7:59:59 AM UTC)

Q: Can I upgrade from one tier of a specific Civil War Pack to another? For example, from a Standard Uziel Pack to a Collector Uziel Pack.
Yes, you may upgrade a specific ‘Mech pack from its Standard Pack order to its Collector Pack at any point for the duration of the sale.

Q: If I upgrade from Standard to Collector, will I receive duplicates of the items in the Standard Pack?
No. Upgrading to the Collector Pack will only provide you specifically with the additional items featured in the Collector Pack. Upgrading to Collector essentially provides you with the difference between the two tiers.

Q: If I upgrade from Standard, purchase the Hero Add-On, then upgrade to Collector, will I be able to acquire a second copy of the same Hero Add-On I already bought?
No. You can only acquire a Hero Add-On once.

Q: Can I acquire a Hero variant without getting a Civil War pack?
Until its release for MC purchase at a date to-be-decided, the Hero Civil War variants are only available as Add-On's to the Standard or Collector Civil War Pack.
Attempting to redeem a Gift Code for a Hero variant will not succeed (the Gift Code will not be redeemed).

Q: What is the Ultimate Pack?
The Ultimate Pack is essentially just a way to purchase a specific the Civil War Pack and its Add-On additional variants at once, without needing to process individual transactions for each of them.
It is not a discount/bundle pack; purchasing all of the items individually costs the same as purchasing just the Ultimate Pack (though you might save a few bucks in transaction fees, depending on your purchase method).

Q: Can I upgrade from a regular pack to the Ultimate Pack?
The Ultimate Pack does not support upgrades from existing packs. Attempting to purchase the Ultimate Pack after already owning a Standard or Collector Pack will prompt you to purchase the remaining items individually.

#2 Alexander Garden


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Posted 14 March 2017 - 09:32 AM

General Questions

Q: Can Civil War Packs be gifted to others? I.E. Can I buy this for a friend?
Yes! The Civil War Packs will be available for purchase as Gift Codes through the MechWarrior Online Gift Store.
Gift Codes for the Hero Add-On Packs can only be redeemed if the account already has a Standard or Collector Pack. Attempting to redeem a Hero Gift Code without owning one of the required Packs will simply return an error, and the Gift Code will remain active.

Q: If I buy a Gift Code in time for the Early Adopter Rewards, but my recipient doesn't redeem it until after the deadline, will they still receive those Early Adopter Rewards?
Gift Codes that were purchased within the Early Adopter Reward window of eligibility do qualify for the rewards, even if they're redeemed outside the eligibility window. However, Early Adopter Rewards are only injected automatically by the database into eligible accounts on the specific date of the Early Adopter Reward release.
Any granting of Early Adopter Rewards for special Gift Code cases will need to be handled manually by Support services, so please send off an e-mail to accounts@mwomercs.com if you want to inquire about Early Adopter Reward eligibility for your Gift Code.

Q: Do I need empty Mech Bays in preparation for receiving my 'Mechs?
Each Pack comes with all the Mech Bays required in order to house your newly acquired 'Mechs.

Q: What is the difference between a Special Variant and a Standard Variant?
The Special [S] Variant gives you a 30% C-Bill Boost when using that 'Mech. Standard Variants do not include this C-Bill boost.
The Special [S] Variant also come with a unique Pattern, which cannot be acquired or applied to other 'Mechs.

Q: Will I be able to acquire Standard versions of the Special Variants?
Yes, these will be released for purchase in-game with MC and C-Bills according to the release dates provided earlier in this FAQ.

Q: Will the Standard versions of the Special Variants have the same C-Bill Boost and unique Pattern?
No. The Standard Variant versions of the Special [S] Variants will not have the 30% C-Bill Boost, nor will they have the unique Pattern.

Q: Can I remove the unique Pattern from the Special [S] Variant and the Hero Variant to apply other Patterns?

Q: If I remove the unique Pattern from the Special [S] Variant or the Hero Variant, can I re-apply it to that 'Mech later?
Yes, and there would be no cost in re-applying it. However, you can only apply that unique Pattern to the Special [S] Variant! You cannot apply the unique Pattern of an [S] Variant or a Hero Variant to any Standard Variants or other 'Mechs.

Q: Can I apply custom colours to the unlocked channels of the unique [S] Variant and Hero Variant Patterns?

Q: Can I sell my Special or Standard Variant 'Mechs?
[S] Variants are locked to their Mech Bay and cannot be sold in-game. These are the Variants designated with an [S].
Standard Variants may be sold normally, freeing their Mech Bay for use with another 'Mech.

Q: If I sell my Standard Variants, can I re-purchase them?
You can sell your Standard Variants at any time, but you will only be able to re-acquire them when they become available for MC and C-Bill Purchase according to the release dates above.

Q: What guarantees can be made about the balance of these Mechs?
Only that we will try to provide as fair an experience for all players, Clans and Inner Sphere alike. This may mean "nerfing" or "buffing" some weapons or adding Quirks to the 'Mechs at a later date.

Q: What are the Hardpoint details?
Hardpoints and other 'Mech details can be found towards the bottom of the Civil War page.

Q: Are the Mad Cat MK II variants an OmniMech or BattleMech?
The Mad Cat MK II 'Mechs are standard BattleMechs. They do no use the OmniPod system.

#3 Alexander Garden


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Posted 14 March 2017 - 09:33 AM

Payment Information

Q: Which payment methods do you accept?
For direct credit card transactions we currently accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. Credit cards that are not accepted for direct transactions, such as Discover card, are usually functional when processed using a standard or guest PayPal account as an intermediary. We also accept most other major payment options through our current Global Payments option.
Payment options vary by country. Please click the Contact Us button at the bottom of the payment portal or contact Piranha Games support directly at billing@mwomercs.com if you have a specific payment question.

Q: Where is the payment option I previously used?
Due to a transition of our payment services, several payment options are still being freshly contracted out to PGI. We hope to make them available again as soon as possible. Please click the Contact Us button at the bottom of the payment portal, or contact Piranha Games support directly at billing@mwomercs.com if you would like to inquire about a missing payment option.

Q: Will this Collection be available for purchase worldwide?
Yes, except where prohibited by law.

Q: What can I do if I have encountered a problem with my purchase?
Please click the Contact Us button at the bottom of the payment portal or contact Piranha Games support directly at billing@mwomercs.com and our Support services will be happy to help you out. Please provide them with as much information as possible, such as a summary of the issue, the items being purchased, and the payment method being used.

Q: The payment portal looks different than it used to. Who or what is Xsolla?
Xsolla is a global payment processor with a specific focus on providing payment infrastructures for videogame developers and publishers. Their customer support network is unparalleled, and we have been extremely happy with their performance since our recent transition.

Q: Why can't I seem to process a successful transaction using PayPal Credit?
PayPal Credit is currently not supported, but we are working with Xsolla and PayPal to resolve this problem.

Q: Am I able to get a refund for my Collection if necessary?
Refunds are granted without issue in cases where none of the Collection content has yet been delivered. If your Collection content has been partially or fully delivered prior to the refund request, particularly in cases where some or all of that content has been consumed or used since its delivery, refund eligibility is not guaranteed and must first be evaluated and approved by Support services.

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