Posted 10 April 2017 - 03:50 AM
My playing of F.W has been extremely limited these days.
The tug of war system is far better, but it shouldn't exclude siege entirely, neither should planets fall without that mode being opened.
This system needs tweaking, but not changing, and the biggest issue seems to be there isn't enough time for the unlock.
The 8 hour session was introduced so that all time zones had roughly the same chance of taking a planet, which is fair and under the old system was needed.
With the tug of war system it's not needed.
You play tug of war on the standard maps the bar moves, there is no time period, it continues until one side unlocks siege.
The game then switches into siege mode, which does have a time period. From now on until the end of the time period you only play on siege maps.
The Faction that gets the most wins in the siege period, either captures or retains it, the tug of war regardless of result then resets.
The 8 hours sessions are not required, because the siege section can unlock during any timezone, giving each zone a chance of playing the seige section, if the seige time period is an odd number of hours, this also makes the seige period less likely to stick in one time area.
Unit rewards, they're extremely limited but shouldn't be ignored, and i'm proposing a change to the current system, where you have to take a planet to be rewarded.
The unit that contributed the highest number of players during the tug of war and the seige section are rewarded with the planet taken, the unit tag and the MC.
However if the planet doesn't fall, the team that contributed to it's defence the most, gets it's tag on the planet and the MC reward.
The reason for this is that many teams contribute a lot to a defence but are simply not large enough to have any chance of contributing in the attack in any meaningful way.
The reward is still most likely to go to a large active unit, but a medium sized one does now have a small chance to get something out of FW other than purely participation, with this change, and frankly they deserve it for being the most likely players going up against the big attacking units.