As you probably know, PGI has been retro-actively implementing full camo support for many of the mechs (they seem to be going from oldest to newest, so the next mechs to get such a treatment are presumably the rest of the miscellaneous mechs like the Kintaro, Quickdraw, Jagermech and Orion, followed by the Phoenix pack mechs, which then again will be followed by the first Invasion mechs) and it's highly appreciated. The camo patterns look well done and are as high quality as the newest mechs (i believe we should thank Lauren for that!).
However, i do think that the high quality of these camo retrofits (and the, in my opinion, reasonably well done Weapon Geometries for the newer mechs) makes the previous Dynamic Weapon Geometry passes for the old mechs rather painfully awful looking. I don't want to offend or insult the person behind them, but they look REALLY bad. From the horrible unpainted metal slabs with pathetic looking barrels like the Centurion or the Dragon to the dreadfully convoluted MESS of plugged holes and empty boxes of the Commando.
Basically, i'd like to know, if there are any plans of doing secondary geometry passes for the mechs with exceptionally offensive hack-jobs and also create a discussion of sorts. I'd like to know more about other peoples' thoughts about the worst examples of Dynamic geometry and possibly share ideas on how to improve on them.
Anyway, i'll just start off with the Dragon and its CT mounted SRM-6 and 2xSRM-4s

How to fix it? SIMPLE. Just ditch the idea of splitting the launchers and go for a more traditional missile port pattern. Since it's CT mounted (so it'd have a maximum of 10 tubes) and has a maximum of 2 hardpoints, it wouldn't be hard to do the more traditional look of just having the tubes in the center.

So anyway, what do you guys think? What mechs would need a second go-over for their weapon geometry the most? How would YOU do it?
Who knows? Maybe PGI will even consider doing it, instead of leaving those mechs a mangled messes of horrible.