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Triple Monitor Mechwarrior

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#1 jimmyhackers


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Posted 07 April 2017 - 08:25 PM

hello all....

i run mwo on triple monitors at 4320x900 resolution and it makes the game awesome.

i run medium settings with no AA and get a solid 60-75 fps on a gtx 770 4gb (soon to be two in sli).

can anyone else running triple monitors let me know what gfx card, resolution, settings you use and what kind of fps you get from it all.

#2 Sagamore


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Posted 07 April 2017 - 08:46 PM

It's my dream to run 3 monitors but then I figure I'd need a new gfx card (got a 760). Does SLI make a big difference for MWO? I remember hearing that the game is very CPU heavy and not really optimized for most graphics cards. I could be way off base though.

#3 The Unstoppable Puggernaut


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Posted 08 April 2017 - 04:46 AM

I am watching the superwide screen market very closely. Many thanks for posting that link Jenner, it might be a bit too wide for me though.

I am going to aim for a 3440x1440 @ 34". I'd recommend always buffing the graphics card before getting a new monitor, big screen with low quality graphics would probably depress most people.

#4 jimmyhackers


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Posted 10 April 2017 - 05:44 AM

thanks for your replies....

the bezels dont bother me.....the two side screens are really more for peripheral vision than anything else.
i overlap my two side monitors bezels infront of the middle monitors to reduce the bezel width.
if anything they just look like party of the cockpit glass frames most the time

aslong as the mech your using has a cockpit with side windows you have a tactical advantage.
many a game ive been spectating and seen baddies in the side windowes where as the mech pilot hasnt, to their own detriment....

i get your feeling about the 760 maybe not handling it......im glad i have 3x 1440x900 monitors instead of 3x 1920x1080.
my frame rate would be even lower.

and a note on SLI......i tried to see the difference between one gt9800 and two in sli and....it didnt seem to make any unfortunately. but that is with two very old gpus.

#5 Ultimax


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Posted 10 April 2017 - 05:52 AM

View PostThe Unstoppable Puggernaut, on 08 April 2017 - 04:46 AM, said:

I am watching the superwide screen market very closely. Many thanks for posting that link Jenner, it might be a bit too wide for me though.

I am going to aim for a 3440x1440 @ 34". I'd recommend always buffing the graphics card before getting a new monitor, big screen with low quality graphics would probably depress most people.

I run a 34" ultrawide and it's glorious, but performance comes at a cost.

I have a 1070gtx & the monitor is the Asus 34" curved with gsynch.

I get about 90fps on most maps and it sometimes drops to 60ish on some maps (crimson) or in brawls with tons of missiles.

Gsynch/freesynch are absolutely worth the extra cost if you can afford it.

#6 sneeking


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Posted 10 April 2017 - 06:03 AM

Wouldnt you be better off with an ultra wide curved monitor ?

#7 El Bandito


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Posted 10 April 2017 - 06:06 AM

Thinking of getting a bigger monitor with 144 Hz. Wonder how much of a performance boost I can get, compared to my current 60 Hz monitor.

#8 Acehilator


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Posted 10 April 2017 - 07:04 AM

21:9 ultra-wide is where it's at. The additional FoV for a triple monitor setup is not really "used" anyways, and the hardware requirements go through the roof for almost no effective gain. 32:9 monitors coming out this year... yeah well, same problem, AND you need the game to support it in the first place. It is still a problem with 21:9, and that has been available for years now.

Same with SLI, don't bother. Way too many issues with too many games, just run it on a GTX1070/1080, or wait for the next generation (1170 should be really good for that).

Can't really comment on Gsync/Freesync, haven't seen it in person yet, but reviews are good all around, so should be good, but not mandatory as long as your rig is powerful enough to achieve high framerates (subjective improvement from Gsync/Freesync is supposed to be more pronounced the lower your framerate is).

144hz, if you got too much money to burn on your graphic card, sure. Otherwise, 60/100hz will do. I know that more than 60hz is all the rage at the moment, but 60hz without framedrops is still really good gaming, and the benefits of more than 60hz (especially 144hz) are questionable as long as you are not playing CS:Go or LoL or games like that at a high skill level. And most gaming monitors from the last 1-2 years are running 100hz anyways.

#9 CygnusX7


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Posted 10 April 2017 - 07:17 AM

R9 390, i5 2500k with 3 24" displays. Runs fine with some candy backed off.
I don't usually run MWO via 3 screens though. Without the ability to adjust in game side monitor angle the fish eye gets old.

Edited by CygnusX7, 10 April 2017 - 07:17 AM.

#10 Ultimax


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Posted 10 April 2017 - 09:06 AM

View PostEl Bandito, on 10 April 2017 - 06:06 AM, said:

Thinking of getting a bigger monitor with 144 Hz. Wonder how much of a performance boost I can get, compared to my current 60 Hz monitor.

What is the rest of your set up like?

It's kind of hard to judge if you will be able to push enough frames per second to make use of the higher refresh rate - but if you were able to hit like 70+ FPS consistently then yes having a higher refresh rate than 60 hz would be worth it from an overall "smoothness of performance" standpoint.

I personally can't tell the difference between 90 FPS and 60 FPS, but the main reason I have everything tweaked for 90 FPS gameplay as consistently as possible is because there are some situations and maps where the frames will drop - so in effect everything above 60 FPS just acts as buffer for me (and is based on combo of in-game settings, CPU & GPU for MWO).

At the time, the 34" curved monitors (3440x1440p) I wanted did not have 144 hz as an option - my monitor can be (and is) set to 100 hz though which has met all my needs so far.

As I said above, Freesynch/Gysnch are amazing. I was really shocked at just how "buttery smooth" gameplay visuals are with Gsynch enabled (or freesynch for non Nvidia based - which I haven't tested but should effectively be the same) - so keep this in mind when considering a purchase.

For example I personally would go for 100 hz w/ Gsynch and a high resolution than 144 hz, without Gsynch (or a lower resolution) - but that's what fits my needs and the types of games I play. (I don't actually play many shooters at all)

Edited by Ultimax, 10 April 2017 - 09:10 AM.

#11 JediPanther


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Posted 10 April 2017 - 09:31 AM

Good info to have for newer cards and screens. Here I am using a 15inch lcd or whatever monitor i can get in spades from the goodwill for $20.

#12 Revis Volek


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Posted 10 April 2017 - 01:40 PM

View PostEl Bandito, on 10 April 2017 - 06:06 AM, said:

Thinking of getting a bigger monitor with 144 Hz. Wonder how much of a performance boost I can get, compared to my current 60 Hz monitor.

Apparently this is why my game crashes from time to time...

My GPU is throwing frames the monitor cant handle (like 170ish was where it dies and crashes the game) and since i limited it i have seen no issue.

So im excited to get a new one and see what gets better.

#13 Kira Onime


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Posted 10 April 2017 - 01:54 PM

I used to run triple monitor. ( 3x 1920 * 1080 ) (and specs in sig).
It was nice and the peripheral vision was awesome but had to reduce a few settings to medium - low to keep something stable.

Can't remember why I stopped using it.

#14 El Bandito


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Posted 10 April 2017 - 04:17 PM

View PostUltimax, on 10 April 2017 - 09:06 AM, said:

What is the rest of your set up like?

It's kind of hard to judge if you will be able to push enough frames per second to make use of the higher refresh rate - but if you were able to hit like 70+ FPS consistently then yes having a higher refresh rate than 60 hz would be worth it from an overall "smoothness of performance" standpoint.

CPU Intel i5-3570K 3.40GHz, 4 Cores
GPU GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
RAM -- 16.0 GB

Edited by El Bandito, 10 April 2017 - 04:19 PM.

#15 Ultimax


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Posted 10 April 2017 - 05:43 PM

View PostEl Bandito, on 10 April 2017 - 04:17 PM, said:

CPU Intel i5-3570K 3.40GHz, 4 Cores
GPU GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
RAM -- 16.0 GB

Unless you get a really high resolution monitor, then I think you should see some very solid frame increases from a higher refresh speed.

#16 jimmyhackers


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Posted 11 April 2017 - 05:27 PM

thanks for all the replies, i dont think i will go sli maybe a 1070 or a 1080

i got my monitors from my mates moms business. i think i paid 20 quid for 3x 1440x900 acer lcd monitors.

the real trouble was a i had a gtx 560 2gb back then and it wouldnt run 3 monitors. so i had to get a gtx 770 4gb 2nd hand and 3 display adaptors to get the vga only monitors working.

what is annoying is the fps hit is so drastic. at 1440x900 or 1920x1080 my rig can push over 100fps all day on highest settings.

as soon as i go to smee setting but triple monitors it starts to hurt fps badly.

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