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The Better Alternative To The Psr System!

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#1 RabidNinja64


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Posted 09 April 2017 - 04:19 PM

As the title suggests, I'm proposing a change to the already redundant Pilot Skill Rating system. Some of you may not care about your rating, other's will be infuriated at the low numbers, but here is a consideration for PGI to make the player experience abit more personal.

Also note, I'm not rocket scientist, but all of this information is purely from my own personal experience with MWO, and as such, If i make a screw-up on info, i'm welcome to correctionPosted Image
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So...What is the PSR System?
For the uninitiated, the Pilot Skill rating acts somewhat like a less than helpful EXP bar, keeping track of your skill rating, and placing you into a Tier system, judged on your Wins/Losses; The more wins you get, the better you become, with damage output presumably also acting as a factor on your progression. The more you lose, and how quick you die, lowers your rating, and slowly drops you into the previous tier bit by bit. Naturally, this places you into a quickmatch pot of players similar to that skill, ensuring even player skill across the board. Tier 1 being the best of the best, with Tier 5 being newcomers (presumably) or just really unlucky players.

What is wrong with the PSR system?
Personally from my experience of 175+ Hours of playing MWO (unlogged hours from other computer), I've noted that the PSR bar doesn't really add anything to the game, or the player for them to improve their play style, or support them in any way, it's merely there as a reminder to the player that they still have a ways to go to get the to ever yearned Tier 1. Granted we have the tutorial to show them the ropes and the rest is up to them how they tear components to shreds, but there's no real incentive for them to give it their A-game, casual or hardcore.

Not only this, but behind the scenes, it seems that PGI have scrapped the PSR system on their end and the tier system no longer matters, as Tier 4 players will now be paired with Tier 1 players, making the fight either one-sided, or brings everyone down to each other's detriment. Personally, I can attest to this as I myself have played with Snuggles Time, a Tier 1 player (Shoutout Homie!), meaning that the ideology of "I'm in Tier 4 of 5, so other players must be on my player skill too" is immediately blasted out of the back of the hunchback's rear CT by 3 Atlas' worth of AC60, and splattering the internals all over the unsuspecting Centurion.

The bottom line? PSR provides no actual numbers, and is just a visual matchmaker.....that doesn't work.

What do i propose be changed about the PSR system?
  • Firstly, the entirety of the PSR system needs to be ripped out. It fails to serve it's purpose as a "skill based" statistic and provides no valuable information to the player, it is merely there as a means to group up players of similar skill, which even then, fails. just keep the PUG system as open as can be, and let players run wild.
  • Should an iteration of the Tier system be kept, provide the player with an incentive; Each tier increase rewards the player. Tier 1 being a "Free Mech" Token of their choice for their dedication and performance, thus increasing their playtime, making use of their gained knowledge, and let's them picked a prized mech for their time.
  • It is then replaced by a more subtle screen of information that provides the player with personally set goal for the day. This information may include;
  • ​Wins/Loss ratio overall
  • Wins needed to progress to next tier.
  • Percentage of wins
  • Favourite weapon (Hell, just add a statistics graph at this point)
  • (Personal favourite) - The Mech Rating system; Statistics of wins/kills/damage output based on MECH PERFORMANCE per individual mech. This one I would love to explain.
For example, You have 2 Timberwolves; A is dedicated long range, and B is a dedicated brawler build. For arguements sake, your Tier 4.

TBR-A = 2 LRM 20's, 2 Large Pulse
TBR-B = 4 Med Las, 4 SRM 6.

TBR-A has a 40% Mech rating while B has a 80% rating, and both mechs have played 10 rounds each. This tells you that TBR-A has had 4 games worth of success, while B has had 8, both with match losses of 6-2 respectively.

What can the player do to combat this and increase their percentage for build A?

My proposed system Gives them more of an informed opinion on their current build and judge whether it is successful or not, and change out weaponry/omnipods if necessary. it adds a more personal touch to the player and their playstyle with each mech and I believe this will add a more dedicated approach to a chosen mech and gives more of a better thought process to how players wish to play their mechs, as opposed to brazenly buying new sets altogether for the sake of "trying something new" and failing altogether. it's wasted c-bills and time at the end of it, and the player has accomplished nothing. (Did this once thinking I could buy a whole set of TBR-Prime, with the CT included in the first week of playing.....it pains).
Soon, individual mech statistics in comparison, after hundreds of games, will look like this;
TBR- 85%
CTN(NCIX) - 26%
LCT - 14%
UBM - 67&
HMN - 77%

You get the idea; the bigger the number, the better it's built, the more it's used, the harder it hits.

At the end of it, the "Pilot Skill" will ultimately come down to how they play the mechs they pick. Players will fight themselves and their buddies for a higher rating, or as close as they can to 100% as they can, while they might have a failed project in the low 20% standing by. So many projects, so much time. Posted Image

Edited by RabidNinja64, 09 April 2017 - 04:22 PM.

#2 Kynesis


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Posted 10 April 2017 - 02:08 AM

If the skill system or some variant is going to be implemented to further differentiate individual mechs and our investment in them I would want our win/loss ratios to be taken into account with them - the best pilots will do well no matter what, but everybody else will find their performance (potentially) drastically affected.

#3 Zeleglok


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Posted 10 April 2017 - 02:13 AM

The only fix PSR needs is zero-sum principle, cause right now it's more like an XP bar in older MMOs like EQ. You may lose some XP when you die (lose with low score), but eventually almost everyone will hit level cap (tier 1). It worked extremely well in the first few months.

#4 Currant


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Posted 10 April 2017 - 03:37 AM

As a T5 scrublord, I'd be happy if PGI stopped using me to stat pad T1 player's KDR. Please fix the cluster frack of a match maker PGI. It isn't fun to be insta-cored from concentrated gauss rifle fire from human aimbots the second I peek from cover.

#5 Horseman


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Posted 10 April 2017 - 07:03 AM

View PostRabidNinja64, on 09 April 2017 - 04:19 PM, said:

Personally from my experience of 175+ Hours of playing MWO (unlogged hours from other computer),

You can check your hours in-game from your profile here on the MWO website.


Wins/Loss ratio overall
Percentage of wins
Already exists, just isn't visible enough: https://mwomercs.com/profile/stats


Favourite weapon (Hell, just add a statistics graph at this point)
(Personal favourite) - The Mech Rating system; Statistics of wins/kills/damage output based on MECH PERFORMANCE per individual mech. This one I would love to explain.

Both exist, to a certain extent.
The problem is, they're not easily interpretable for the player - especially when those are lifetime stats for each chassis. Giving the players some sort of weekly or monthly stats aggregation (or perhaps just "current" vs "aggregated" stats, with the option to zero the "current" stats for the given chassis whenever you choose) they can compare to their lifetime stats would be very useful. For now I'm just using a spreadsheet to the sme effect.

Edited by Horseman, 10 April 2017 - 07:21 AM.

#6 Hank Wildcarde


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Posted 10 April 2017 - 07:35 AM

I feel PSR or any successor should at least take into account the weight class of the mech you are taking into a battle - as I understand it, the forerunner to PSR had a more basic version of PSR but gave you four values, one for each of the four weigh classes. You could be a Top Gun heavy pilot whilst only being a mediocre light pilot and so on hence if you picked a heavy, you go up against the best whereas if you picked a light you get average joes etc.

This was abandoned when PSR came in and I feel it was a step backwards - I know from personal experience (modesty aside for a second) that I can be an unholy terror in a light (racking up quite a few great matches whilst levelling the abomination that is the Spider-5V). Contrast that with the next mech I choose to level - the Kodiak, in which I have managed sub 200 damage matches and so would have served the team better if the VIP took control of my mech...

I appreciate that within weight classes there are easier and harder mechs (KDK > GAR etc.) but at least it would go some way to ensure a Tier 1 Assault slot is not taken up by a plum like myself!

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