MAD-IIC-C Dakka Vomit - 2x UAC10 [330] + 5x ERML, 18 DHS
MAD-IIC-C Gauss Vomit - Gauss Rifle [35] + 2x LPL + 3x ERML , 18 DHS
First thing i noticed is that, how perfect the ballistic highmount is:
It's particularly ******* satisfying to make a shot, even ******* more so to land. Most of the time, as long as i can see it, i can shoot, and land a shot. Of course the ACs are harder to land if the target is moving.
The actual torso is still quite rather large, It's easy to get torso-ed out, I'm used to something like that with the timber-wolf though. Side shielding is particularly easy, while torso-twisting more so, i don't have to make full twist to spread damage.
The head is something though, it's easily hit. Strangely, it's even easier to be hit if the enemy shooting from below. Maybe it's because the wide top that's missing from view, forces the hit to go to the head instead.
As an assault, It's not so slow, it's basically just like an even more armored IS heavy, with clan tech weaponry. While it's tonnage for firepower isn't stellar like the 100-tonner Kodiak, still it's a considerable payload should you know how to build it.
In my opinion, it's the best Assault in the game so far, as it stands on the Goldilock's Zone of firepower, mobility, armor -- basically balanced in all the relevant ****, It's like the Timber Wolf of Assaults, except the part with missiles, but with superior weapon hardpoints and has better firepower.
I wouldn't say that it's op, it's armor is still weaker than that of the Kodiak, but it's just so good i didn't feel handling an assault at all.
Edited by The6thMessenger, 11 April 2017 - 03:43 AM.