Ideas for Mechwarrior Online
- Have an option where MWO randomly auto picks a mech for you based on the "weight class" with the lowest wait time
- MWO will auto pick a mech from the mechs you marked as “favorite”
- This will balance out the weight classes and balance out games
- This will lower wait times and speed up match making
- This will make the game more dynamic and interesting for each player
- This option can be disabled and the user can still manually pick their mechs if they choose
- MWO will auto pick a mech from the mechs you marked as “favorite”
- Add an “average match score” metric to the “stats” section on the “mwo mercs” website
- This metric is available on the “in game leader board” but not available on the mwomercs website
- Have a way to sort metrics such as “average match score”, “kill death ratio” etc on MWO
- I have a lot of mechs and want to sort them either based on best K/D ratio or best “average match score ratio”
- Add a “current damage done” number to the live play window
- Kills are displayed in real time (as crossbones)
- Damage done is not displayed until after death or after match
- “Current damage done” could display as a small number on the “crossbones” display
- Kills are displayed in real time (as crossbones)
- Have the minimap at the bottom of each players screen become more translucent/see through when the player’s cursor moves over it (by the player holding down the Shift button to aim with their arms)
- Too many times when sniping, the arms and the aim could go lower, but the mini map is in the way
- Display tier level next to each player on the “final score” screen
- Even better would be to display the W/L ratio of each player on the “final score” screen if people do not want to display their tier level
- I have a feeling that match maker is pairing people with a high(er) W/L ratio (a degree over 1.0 W/L) with people of much lower tiers (and much lower W/L ratios)
- This may be an effort to try and balance the sides out
- I suspect, the higher a players W/L ratio the lower the tiers of the other players the player gets teamed with
- I have some evidence this is happening by people admitting their tier level during game and the differences seem to be significant
- If this is happening, it often makes for incredibly lopsided games (2-12 and so on)
- If this is happening it makes for incredibly inconsistent game play
- If this is happening, it ruins the quality of play for the players
- If this is happening, it often makes for incredibly lopsided games (2-12 and so on)
- This may be an effort to try and balance the sides out
- I have a feeling that match maker is pairing people with a high(er) W/L ratio (a degree over 1.0 W/L) with people of much lower tiers (and much lower W/L ratios)
- Add the following commands to the “Command Wheel”
- Enemy UAV up
- Regarding the “leader board”
- Display each players tier level
- At least for top 100 players
- Display each players tier level
- Display mech most piloted by pilot in each separate weight class
- If player mostly pilots an Arctic Cheetah in the light weight class, display arctic cheetah in the players light category
- If the same pilot plays Timber Wolves in heavies, display Timber Wolf in the players stats in their heavy category
- And so on and so forth for each weight category
- If player mostly pilots an Arctic Cheetah in the light weight class, display arctic cheetah in the players light category
- Have a metric and display “Number of times dropped with a group member”
- Who is getting high match scores (high damage, kills etc.) but piloting in a group
- Who is getting high match scores but piloting alone in random group – more impressive
- Who is getting high match scores (high damage, kills etc.) but piloting in a group
- Have MWO automatically report a player who is AFK the whole match
- This happens far too often in MWO and few players seem to report this action and just accept that “this is just the way it is”
- Players may purposely enter a match, then leave to “surf the web” the whole time, just to leech Cbills and XP
- Track a players “idle time”
- If player has not moved since the beginning or after a set period of time, the player is automatically reported
- With enough reports, the player gets a warning
- With enough warnings, the player gets banned
- Track a players “idle time”
- This happens far too often in MWO and few players seem to report this action and just accept that “this is just the way it is”
- Show each individuals “team kills” and “team damage” publicly on the final “match score screen”
- Right now it shows these stats but not on the public match score screen with all players listed
- It doesn’t state the player that “team killed” or how much each person had of “team damage”
- Right now it shows these stats but not on the public match score screen with all players listed
- This will be useful for determining chronic “team damagers” and “player killers
- It will also be good to show that sometimes a player can accidently get a team kill with only 2 (or some other crazy low kind of damage)
- List the weapon that killed you when you die
- As it stands now, the “death screen” only shows what weapons you were hit by and what component was destroyed that killed you
- Not what weapon actually killed you
- As it stands now, the “death screen” only shows what weapons you were hit by and what component was destroyed that killed you
- Going along with the previous idea, show what player you just took damage from in real time
- After playing so many games, while rare, you start to notice things that are questionable (i.e.) possible cheaters using aim bots
- Things like getting legged while piloting a locust who does not stop or slow down and is constantly changing directions and still getting hit with ac weapons (or guass rifles), at over 400 meters, is possible but incredibly rare
- However, there are nights that it is more common than usual
- Unusually common
- These “crazy shots” happen on some nights way more than the rest of the 8,000 games played
- So much so that it stands out as odd
- The problem is, I suspect these players are using an aimbot to just take out a lights leg, then they turn if off so as to not get the kill and raise suspicion
- If you are legged and that is it, you don’t know who shot you
- So much so that it stands out as odd
- Unusually common
- However, there are nights that it is more common than usual
- Things like getting legged while piloting a locust who does not stop or slow down and is constantly changing directions and still getting hit with ac weapons (or guass rifles), at over 400 meters, is possible but incredibly rare
- After playing so many games, while rare, you start to notice things that are questionable (i.e.) possible cheaters using aim bots
- When you get a timed penalty before entering the next match, list the specific reason for the penalty
- As it stands now it just lists a set of generic reasons on how a timed penalty comes about
- There are matches where I am strongly confident I got neither high team damage or a team kill but still got a penalty
- Often in a match, I will do the best I can until I die, then I minimize the MWO window to surf the web until the next match
- Especially if the game is not even close and it strongly looks like a loss
- As it stands now it just lists a set of generic reasons on how a timed penalty comes about
- Reward players who accurately report abuses such as grieving, chat abuse and cheating
- There is now no incentive for policing and reporting players abusing the system
- While incredibly rare, there is sometimes suspicious play from some players
- With the sophisticated programs out there, spotting cheating players through software is becoming incredibly difficult
- Games have to rely on players policing and reporting to effectively find and remove players abusing the system
- The problem is a good number of people do not seem to care to report suspicious play
- This is evident by the response given when a player asks another player to report someone
- It’s also evident by how fast players on the same team disconnect after the game is finished despite being asked to report player “X” at the end of the game
- Other abuses such as grieving (shutting down with good weapons, running out of bounds etc) and chat abuse occurs
- These types of abuses are more common then cheating players but are still a detriment to all players involved
- Awards could be high for reporting a player if, at a later time, it has been found that the reported player did indeed have a history of game abuse
- 180 days premium time, or
- Mech pack, or
- Large sum of Cbills, or
- Reasonable amount of MC
- 180 days premium time, or
- These types of abuses are more common then cheating players but are still a detriment to all players involved
- This is evident by the response given when a player asks another player to report someone
- The problem is a good number of people do not seem to care to report suspicious play
- Games have to rely on players policing and reporting to effectively find and remove players abusing the system
- With the sophisticated programs out there, spotting cheating players through software is becoming incredibly difficult
- There is now no incentive for policing and reporting players abusing the system
- Have an small quick audio tone play when the match starts or maybe flash the MWO icon red in the system tray below instead of the regular yellow
- Sometimes it does take quite a while for a match to start
- Many players seem to minimize the MWO game window and surf the web while waiting for a match
- This is evident by the number of AFKs in each game
- Many players seem to minimize the MWO game window and surf the web while waiting for a match
- Sometimes it does take quite a while for a match to start
These are ideas I have come up with over the years while playing MWO. I am having some difficulty with the formatting of this post. I cant seem to get it to post right even after playing around with the editor.
I kept a separate Word Document and typed up these ideas as I thought of them and just pasted it onto this forum. I will add more ideas to this thread as I think of them. Feel free to add your own ideas.
- I do this at times as well
- Sometimes, the players get lost in whatever they are doing or the game starts sooner than they thought
- What brings me back to the game if I am doing this is someone saying something audibly about match starting
- To ensure all players are present when the match starts - play at tone when the match starts
- Or, have the icon flash red only when the match starts, not when entering the match start screen
- Right now the icon flashes yellow both when entering the match screen as well as when the match starts
- Players aren’t as concerned about the match start screen as they are to know when the game actually starts
- Right now the icon flashes yellow both when entering the match screen as well as when the match starts
Edited by Blue Pheonix, 12 April 2017 - 06:55 PM.