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#1 Scolapasta Impazzito


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Posted 03 April 2017 - 01:43 PM

Hello guys,
I am a new player here. I loved a lot battletech (my father played it all his lifePosted Image ) and now that my brother gifted me his old computer, I can play the computer version.
I remember my father always played Inner Sphere, so I'll do it too. But I need some help to manage my founds.
I've asked my mother to gift me a set on the store, but she neither understood what I ment.
I've asked my brother too, but nothing, he won't gift me anything. Posted Image
So, I have to do it with game money and I need to spend the bills really carefully.
My preferred mechs are Panther, Enforcer, Warhammer and Battlemaster.
But with whom should I start? and are they good mechs, or should I buy something else?
I saw there is a sort of specialization tab for mechs and if I've understood, I have to buy 3 different variants of the same mech to unlock it, so what to do? Buy 3 mechs in different variants or buy different mechs and after buy the variants?
Thankyou all guys, I hope to learn well and fast.
And to kill you all soon (ingame, ofc)
Posted Image

PS: I played 3 single matches and 1 faction siege... I won all matches and got 2 kills too ^^

Edited by Scolapasta Impazzito, 03 April 2017 - 01:46 PM.

#2 JasonIIC


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Posted 03 April 2017 - 02:03 PM

Welcome to MWO!

I'm a clanner, but in general when you are starting, heavies or assaults are great for the C Bill grind. I love the Warhammer, personally.

#3 Rogue Jedi


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Posted 03 April 2017 - 02:06 PM

Hello Scolapasta

first, playing the tutorial and the first 25 games will give you at minimum 18 million cbills, that is enough to buy and outfit any 1 Mech.

of the Mechs you mention, all are viable, Enforcer, Warhammer and Battlemaster are pretty good and the panther can be good in the right hands, but the Panther will be the hardest to do well in, I would recomend starting in the Enforcer or Warhammer, Warhammer is one of the trial Mechs so try that out as a trial Mech and if you like it there is no good reason not to buy one of them as your first Mech.

after you buy a Mech it will often cost a fair bit to make it combat ready, I recomend using Smurfy's Mechlab to plan your builds, as that will tell you total cost, there will be a huge performance and price diferance between a stock Warhammer and a fully upgraded Warhammer (I just quickly set this up, there are better possible loadouts)

upgrades like Double Heat Sinks (1.5 million) are pretty much compulsary if the Mech does not come with them, because they offer a massive boost to how fast your Mech can fire without overheating
Endo Steel saves weight in exchange for 14 slots, Fero Fibrus offers less of a weight saving for the same 14 slots but most Mechs do not have enough slots to take both and a decent loadout so take Endo first

An XL engine halves the engine weight (not counting in engine heatsink weight) but for Inner Sphere Mechs it makes the Mech vulnerable to death by loosing 1 side torso, some Mechs are far more prone to loosing a side torso than others, but I fine the Warhammer to be XL safe (I usualy loose the Center torso before a side) Clan XL engines offer the same weight savings but can survive loosing a side torso.

with regards to the skill tree, there is a new one in the works, currently planned for the May patch (although it could be delayed again, it was origionaly supposed to be here in Feburary but after some player testing they decided to delay it to incorporate player feedback), that new skill tree will remove the requirement to skill up multiple chassis to fully unlock the skill tree, so bear that in mind when purchasing Mechs, I cannot tell you what is best, decide for yourself
to fully unlock the skill tree you have to purchase 3 varients of the chassis (as in 3 diferant Warhammers) and complete the basic skills to unlock the elite skills, then complete elite on any 3 Mechs in the weight class (e.g. 3 warhammers or a warhammer, a Timber Wolf and a Quickdraw) to unlock the master skill, but the master skill is not anywhere near as usefull than the elite skills, when all elite skills are unlocked the power of the basic skills is doubled

Edited by Rogue Jedi, 03 April 2017 - 02:11 PM.

#4 Xaat Xuun


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Posted 03 April 2017 - 05:00 PM

Welcome to MW;O

suggesting starting with the Warhammers.
The Battlemaster is a solid pick
if you're looking into mediums , Hunchback and Wolverine

just going to post a couple Smurfy links, mainly to see the cost

#5 Scolapasta Impazzito


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Posted 06 April 2017 - 07:21 AM

hello guys, I've thought a lot and I've considered that is useful try every kind of mechs and weapons in order to understand what gamestyle suits better to me.
I've started with a stalker LRM boat, 85 tons missile
Now my next goals are a Laser and Ballistic heavy and a fast runner light.

I've thought my formation should be something like

Stalker LRM Boat
Stalker 4N Laser assault with lg Laser
Jagermech for Ballistics
Spider, fast/capture

is that a good thing or should I change?
In truth I think was an error start with a LRM boat (expecially an assault) cos it is useful in few maps only, but is the faster way to score high damages for me (a newbie)...

#6 Roughneck45


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Posted 06 April 2017 - 07:35 AM

View PostScolapasta Impazzito, on 06 April 2017 - 07:21 AM, said:

Stalker LRM Boat
Stalker 4N Laser assault with lg Laser
Jagermech for Ballistics
Spider, fast/capture

is that a good thing or should I change?
In truth I think was an error start with a LRM boat (expecially an assault) cos it is useful in few maps only, but is the faster way to score high damages for me (a newbie)...

Go with what you think is cool.

Assault LRM's can work, especially in tier 5, but you'll find less success with them as your opponents get smarter, and as you've already noticed they can be map dependent.

Laser stalkers were always my favorite way to run them, usually 4 LL and a large pulse or 6 LL.

Jagers are fun, the high mounted weapons are superb. You usually want an XL for the firepower but the side torsos are easy to pick out so you have to be careful. Four AC5's is my favorite but three UAC5's is probably more practical. A pair of 5's and 2's with a standard engine isn't a bad place to start either.

Spiders are great harassers. You won't be winning 1v1s with them but you can be a major annoyance with a PPC.

metamechs.com for more advice and builds.

Edited by Roughneck45, 06 April 2017 - 07:37 AM.

#7 Scolapasta Impazzito


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Posted 06 April 2017 - 08:16 AM

about Stalkers I have noticed that soon will be possible to equip SSRM on them. I think 2 lg laser and 4 ssrm6 will be more effective than 4x LRM10 and 4x med lasers....

#8 Rogue Jedi


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Posted 06 April 2017 - 08:45 AM

View PostScolapasta Impazzito, on 06 April 2017 - 07:21 AM, said:

hello guys, I've thought a lot and I've considered that is useful try every kind of mechs and weapons in order to understand what gamestyle suits better to me.
I've started with a stalker LRM boat, 85 tons missile
Now my next goals are a Laser and Ballistic heavy and a fast runner light.

I've thought my formation should be something like

Stalker LRM Boat
Stalker 4N Laser assault with lg Laser
Jagermech for Ballistics
Spider, fast/capture

is that a good thing or should I change?
In truth I think was an error start with a LRM boat (expecially an assault) cos it is useful in few maps only, but is the faster way to score high damages for me (a newbie)...

your list of Mechs looks good, but I do have some advice for you.

LRMs as Roughneck45 already said get harder to use as your oponants get better, so it would be better to learn how to use them effectivly now rather than find out later, so with that in mind:

while LRMs can hit targets 1km away they are most effective at 200-500m, basicly when someone fires LRMs at you you get the missile warning, at which point you ether try to break the lock, get to a freindly ECM or find anti LRM cover, it takes about 7 seconds for the missles to travel 1km, 4 seconds is often long enough to do something to stop the LRMs, hence the 500m sugestion.

while you can fire LRMs off someone elses lock I advise avoiding doing so if possible, if you cannot see the Mech you do not know if it is in cover or close enough that it is likely to find some before the LRMs get there, you also do not know how long it will be before that other player looses the lock (and the LRMs stop tracking as soon as the lock is broken) so I advise to get your own locks preferably with your own TAG held on target.

one of the greatest strenghs of the Stalker chassis is that it is extremely durable, an 85 ton Stalker will usualy take more damage than the 100 ton Atlas before going down (and the Atlas is the most durable of the 100 ton Mechs), the reason for this is damage reduction from destroyed arms and torsos, for each destroyed componant a shot passes through damage is reduced by 60% so if a Stalker looses an arm and side torso and the damage hits what remains of the arm the arm absorbes 60% of that damage and passes the rest on to the torso, which absorbes 60% of that remaining damage so 16% of it gets transferred to the center torso. I mention this because the most common complaint about assualt LRM boats is that they stand at the back not sharing armor, now I am not saying you should go out ahead and "meat shield" for your team but if you stay with the main group you will be there absorbing damage with them, and you can take more than double the damage most other Mech can before going down.

now for the Spider.
the Spider is a fast Mech which can take a lot of Jumpjets, it is also rather thin, all this combines to make it rather hard to hit, even after a significant size increase last year.
the Spider is also the least heavily armed chassis in the game yet despite this for about 2 years the worst nightmare of many assualt pilots was having a Spider with a skilled pilot get behind it (now you can add Arctic Cheetah and Jenner IIC to that nightmare)

the 5V is, in my opinion, the most fun varient, but the absolute maximum firepower it can take is 2 MPL but it can take 12 Jumpjets and has a max speed of 165.4 (after speed tweek, one of the elite skills), the only Mechs able to match or exceed that are the Locust and Commando which cannot jump.

The 5K has 1E and 4 B hardpoints making for a great Mech to have late game, of brilliant for sneeking up behind something like a Stalker, and using a LL or LPL to remove the back armor then 4 Machine Guns will usualy destroy the Center torso structure in about 5 seconds, it is as fast at the 5V but cannot take as many jumpjets.

the 5D has ECM and 3 energy hardpoints, but a lower engine cap limiting top speed to "only" 148, and if you are just buying one despite being, in my opinion, the least fun of the 3 this is probably the one you want, ECM is realy usefull.

those 3 are all very good Mechs however I realy do not like the Ananzi, the Spider Hero

#9 Bohxim


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Posted 06 April 2017 - 08:47 AM

View PostScolapasta Impazzito, on 06 April 2017 - 08:16 AM, said:

about Stalkers I have noticed that soon will be possible to equip SSRM on them. I think 2 lg laser and 4 ssrm6 will be more effective than 4x LRM10 and 4x med lasers....

At the moment IS mechs can't load ssrm6. So you're limited to ssrm2 or srm2/4/6. The srm6 and mpl stk is pretty lolsy once it gets in range, but heat is gonna be an issue for a bit til you elite them

#10 Rogue Jedi


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Posted 06 April 2017 - 08:57 AM

View PostScolapasta Impazzito, on 06 April 2017 - 08:16 AM, said:

about Stalkers I have noticed that soon will be possible to equip SSRM on them. I think 2 lg laser and 4 ssrm6 will be more effective than 4x LRM10 and 4x med lasers....

IS will get the SSRM 4 and 6 with the invasion update in June, however SSRMs are in a lot of ways not as good as regular SRMs

when fired SSRM missiles each target 1 componant of the targeted Mech, so an SSRM6 could have 1 missile hit each arm, leg and side torso while with regular SRMs you can often place the damage where you want it and LRMs aim Center torso, with more spread the more missiles you fire at once.
Also all missiles are useless out of range, and range for IS Streaks and regular SRMs is only 270, so on a Mech as slow as the Stalker I would not want to rely heavily on SRMs (and if you do I would recomend taking something with more range) of course that is for you to decide..

#11 Alexander of Macedon


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Posted 12 April 2017 - 04:04 AM

If you're wanting to run a Stalker with SRMs, the 5M is a better choice anyways. It has the best quirking for it, and can support a split of 3 SRM6+A in the torsos, one in each arm, a bunch of ammo, a STD 300, and still have room for plenty of backup energy weapons-I run mine with 4 MPLas in the arms and a CT MLas for extra-late zombie mode. Just make sure to open the doors on your ears before the fighting begins.

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