What they should have added was the D!
Mad Dog D

Chin lasers guys, CHIN LASERS!!!
I mean on a serious note, does this really power creep here? Imo not really, even on the splat dog or streak dog running 6x6 packs ypu hardly have room for the 4 ER smalls after the racks and ammo. Sure some might strip the arms, but imo what stops them now cause many meta players would just ignore the ER smalls and get go for more ammo/heat sinks. So to the next question so it would bring up to allowing 8 energy hard points now but the geometry of the Mad Dog really isn't suited for laser boating either. And still 75% of energy loadouts are in the arms.
Well hopefully this is a loyalty reward then...along with Mist Lynx F and Dire Wolf C >.>