The6thMessenger, on 17 April 2017 - 08:12 PM, said:

Even as a filthy Clanner, I love Urbies, so does others. I bet the reason why Smoke Jaguar is grumpy, along with it's always-pissed announcer, is that they need Urbienlightenment too. Following the information on sarna, i did my best to make a mock up of the Prime variant. And following the HBK-IIC trend, i tried my best to make up these variants. I also took the advice on my previous tries, and fixed certain things -- it's still a 30 tonner, and uses stock armor. However with the 54 KPH on sarna, means it's engine must be at 100 rating, and it's heavy equipment means it should be an XL engine. Still i played around with the engine and the mix of jump jets.
Do you like it?
Designed as a cheap, efficient urban combat vehicle, the UrbanMech IIC improves upon its predecessor by utilizing an Ultra AC/10 that allows the 'Mech's main gun to fire twice as fast as the old version, though the MechWarrior must still watch ammo consumption carefully. The ER Small Laser is a backup weapon that allows the design to stay in the fight after its ammunition has run out. It's equipped with an XL100 engine, making it a bit faster than the original Urbanmech.
A costly variant of the Urbanmech IIC given to squad-leaders to direct the battle from behind the lines, it has the best survival rate of the rest as the result of investing quality equipment. It has an Endosteel skeleton with five tons of Ferro-Fibrous armor, and equipped with an XL150 Engine, making it faster and allowing quick repositioning, though it is not as fast as most light mechs, but it's elusive enough.
It is armed with an ER-PPC on the Right Arm, along with single Target Acquisition Gear for calling tactical strikes, but widely known as a laser-sight scaring off enemies with the threat of a PPC-Bolt following the red beam. It has a singe Laser Anti-Missile System, used to fend off missiles threatening to dislodge a properly placed Urbanmech.
The left arm is equipped with a NARC with one ton of ammunition, for marking targets at the battlefield, and a single two-tube Streak Short-Ranged Missiles with one ton of ammo for finishing off nearby damaged enemies. The use of Double Heat Sinks makes this 'mech fairly cool.
A sieging and fire-support variant of the Urbanmech, it's massive ballistic arm is replaced with an equally massive bay-doored missile pod. The UAC10 is replaced with an LRM-15 with two tons of ammunition for fire support, along with an ATM-6 with a ton of ammunition for each ammunition type. It is armed with two ER Medium Lasers replacing the single ER Small Lasers, by being able to reach farther it is a reliable and effective direct fire complementing the missiles upon salvos, as opposed of simple backup weapons when main weapons are indisposed of. With a total of 10 Double Heat-Sinks, the mech is fairly cool making use of both it's lasers and missiles constantly. It removes three out of four jump jets to make room for more equipments.
A relatively cheap overhaul of the Urbanmech IIC notable for it having two large arms as opposed of a single massive one. It is designed for anti-aircraft role used enmasse for great effect, scattered to cities in great numbers often blending with the buildings. Shutting down batteries are completely tedious and would have dealt a great deal of damage to the attackers in the process, making skirmishes to cities unjustifiable.
As opposed of engine upgrade to XL100, STD60 has been retained in favor of investing for increasing it's firepower. At a total of two, each arms are equipped with Ultra AC5s, capable of respectable firing rate. With a total of two tons of ammunition, it can provide prolonged suppressive fire both for ground or air targets should it survives longer than expected. One ER Small Laser in each side-torso, at a total of two serves as capable backup in situations where the Ultra Autocannon is indisposed of.
One of the original mechs owned by the Comstar Chief Engineer, Yuna Cassel, the UM-IIC-SN3 "Sentry" is one of her first mech she built her own, and to pilot, during her teenage years, even before her job at Comstar. Used with great impunity she repelled the Clan scouts invading of her hometown in Capella V with a surprising sustained suppressive fire. At first she was thought of the enemy, until she actually fired upon them. With her interference, she was arrested, and with her knowledge and ability to utilize Clan-Technology, she was conscripted to work with Comstar to further her career, and further their understanding with the alien Clan Technology.
Built from spare parts of various Urbanmechs, Yuna Cassel all alone in some hangar spent months assembling everything, and then another month rewiring everything; from the faulty cockpit, to the weapons, with improvements of her own; Endo-Steel chassis with 4 tons of Ferro-Fibrous Armor, and an Extralight 120 engine.
The right arm comes with a heavily customized Ultra-Autocannon 5; rebored to auto-cannon 2 caliber, but the lower energy shell failed to cycle the weapon properly and would sometimes jam, requiring her to link the weapon with an external motor driving the system, resulting into an astounding rate of fire and more reliable functioning that would later be developed to the Rotary Autocannon technology. Still classified as an Ultra Autocannon 5, just fired in longer bursts. The UAC5 has two tons of ammunition.Below the (prototype) Autocannon is a Target Acquisition Gear made light but results in less range, essentially the laser sights that compensated with the faulty targeting system. On the other arm is a 6-tube Streak Short-Ranged Missiles, with a ton of ammunition. And each on the side torso are Extended-Range Medium Lasers with more focused lense.
Quirks are theoretical, they are just there to convey the idea of which quirks and the intensity of the quirks are. The RA generally has more armor quirks, and the LA has less. Except in UM-IIC-C where both arms are kind of big, since they will be ballistic arms, but just a bit smaller than the usual.
A different approach in upgrading the Urbanmech, the D configuration focuses on upgrading it's weapons instead. It uses a powerful Ultra Autocannon 20, with blistering rate of fire it's two tons of ammunition is usually exhausted quickly. Rounded out by a pair of ER Medium Laser, providing a capable backup once the ammunition has been exhausted. And a pair of ER Small Lasers to deal with infantry and vehicles. It's upgrades made possible and cheap by simply upgrading to Ferro-Fibrous Armor and Endo-Steel Structure.
Reinforcement Package:
An offensive configuration for existing Urbanmechs as built by the Clan Coyote to replace lost Kit-Foxes, improving only on it's chassis and replacing armor with Ferro-Fibrous Armor. Unlike most Urbanmechs, it sports a larger engine allowing it to move faster, it sports an Ultra-Autocannon/5 capable of blistering speed that two tons of ammunition is quickly exhausted, with two 5-tube Long-Range Missile Racks with one ton of ammunition enough for fire support, and a pair of Extended Range Medium Lasers allowing it to stay on the fight for much longer. To handle the heat of constant firing, it has a total of 10 heatsinks. It has a total of 5.5 tons of Ferro-Fibrous Armor that makes this 'mech a tougher nut to crack, compared to it's peers along with adequate speed and decent firepower for it's size, it's a surprisingly capable mech that can fit into many paradigms of combat.
The expensive upgrades to the supposedly cheap Urbanmech made this variant unpopular, but it is otherwise rather effective when is put together by any means.
A stalwart configuration of the Urbanmech for long-range support. Equipped with a Gauss Rifle, it can provide a powerful punch at a long range, and a pair of Extended Range Small Laser for anti-vehicle that tries to dislodge a well placed urbanmech.
A stealthy configuration employed by Clan Cloud Cobra, it is a result of proper investment into Urbanmechs which proved to be quite capable if not economical. For offense, it uses a pair of 6-Tube Short-Ranged Missiles linked to an Artemis Fire-Control System, and a pair of Medium Pulse Laser. Upon it's left arm is an ECM Suite for stealth. It is made possible by Ferro-Fibrous Armor and Endo-Steel Structure. A total of 10 Double Heat-Sinks allows this mech to keep firing.
An scouting configuration for existing Urbanmechs as built by the Clan Coyote to replace lost Kit-Foxes, improving only on it's chassis and replacing armor with Ferro-Fibrous Armor. Unlike most Urbanmechs, it sports a larger engine allowing it to move, it sports a pair of Extended-Range Large-Laser for long-range support, a pair of Machine-Guns with one ton of ammunition for anti-infantry, an Anti-Missile-System to protect against missiles, and an ECM Suite for stealth. To handle the heat of constant firing, it has a total of 10 heatsinks.
The expensive upgrades to the supposedly cheap Urbanmech made this variant unpopular, but it is otherwise rather effective when is put together by any means.
Edited by The6thMessenger, 14 June 2018 - 05:56 PM.