The BV system from TT is not designed for a videogame so would not work. That being said here is what I propose (As I am not in beta I don't know exacts so this is just a theoretical example of what I feel would make a good BV system) Also I apologize if this is hard to read. I am not the best at formatting these things
First I will cover the percentage math as this would act as a modifier to all the flat math to follow
Heat:Taking a 20 second sample all weapons firing on cooldown Whatever percent the of heat would be remaining till the mech shuts down apply half this. Example If a mech would shut down within 20 seconds of full on fire apply a 0% modifier to its end BV where a mech that is "heat neutral" would apply a 50% modifier
Clan tech equipped: +x% As we know NOTHING about clans or their intended implementation I will not hazard just throwing an arbitrary number here. The idea behind this as a percentage modifier is to represent the clans tech advantage and therefore possibly allowing IS players to have clan tech while keeping their canon tech advantage while at the same time not making non clan geared mechs useless.
Engine rating: Find a standard engine size per weight (35,40,45 all being different weights) and every size larger or smaller modifies the end value by +/- 5%, Add an additional 10% for XL engines
Flat Values:
Armor: 10 armor per 1 BV. This is used instead of tonnage to account for FF armor being lighter.
DPS: Yes DPS rather than weapon damage. Over a 20 second period of fire 2x DPS as BV. Average damage for weapons with variable DPS (LRMS, etc)
Extra equipment: Hard to put into a BV without any knowledge of how truly effective they are in game.
Originaly I was going to do an example but realized explaining how to get heat index and DPS numbers would just bore people and really don't add anything to the validity of my suggestion.
Again remember these are all more or less guess work numbers and are just meant to explain how I think a combination of both flat and percentage math to determine BV would help to keep everything nice and balanced.
Edited by Gorith, 15 July 2012 - 03:17 AM.