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Necessary Roughness Event

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#1 InnerSphereNews


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 03:28 PM



Hello all!

I want to say sorry for the frustration this event caused everyone. It was not my intention at all.

We very briefly extended the event to adjust the "All Done" Challenge to only require 7 of 9 challenges complete.
This change allowed players to get the Mech Bay without having to complete the dreaded "Failed Delivery" or "Necessary Roughness" Challenges.
The "extension" was to give the script the chance to run one final time. and the Mechbays were injected.

However, that is not all we are doing.

As a Consolation Prize anyone who completed 1 Match of Incursion with a minimum Match Score of at least 80 (during the Event) will receive the following rewards as our way of saying sorry for the frustration caused by this event.

Consolation Prize -
  • Anyone who completed 1 Match of Incursion with a minimum Match Score of at least 80 during the event will receive 250,000 C-Bills, 200 MC, and 2 days of Active Premium Time (activates on your next log in).
That covers 99.5 % of the people who played this weekend!

In the interest of transparency...
Here are some additional Completion Stats
  • First Foray 86.3243%
  • I've Got The Power 28.1888%
  • Powered Up 26.2549%
  • Rock'em 67.9991%
  • Sock'em 60.2637 %
  • Delivery Failed 22.1744%
  • All Your Base 26.0837%
  • Raid Complete 55.9565 %
  • Necessary Roughness 57.6313%
  • All Done 25.3528% (before we changed the requirements)

Lesson Learned:
  1. I based the Actions in the Challenge off 1 days worth of stats from the new Game Mode. More Data would clearly have been preferable.
  2. We needed a way to increase the frequency of a particular Game Mode as a voting option. Currently, we can only adjust Map weighting. However, Mode weighting functionality should arrive with our May patch, so in future mode-related events we won't have this particular issue again.

We hope everyone enjoys the Consolation Prize as things return to normal in the Quick Play Queue.
Our next event will target Faction play....
Rally your Units and Lock in your contracts...

#2 CycKath


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 03:37 PM

I wonder if some of those fuel cell ones will be obtained by all, even with need to run a light or medium.

#3 Nightbird


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 03:41 PM

Looks like a good event to get people familiar with, then sick of, incursion :)

#4 B0oN


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 03:55 PM

View PostNlGHTBlRD, on 20 April 2017 - 03:41 PM, said:

Looks like a good event to get people familiar with, then sick of, incursion Posted Image

<3 y´all NightScorner´s just for the pressure y´all puttin´ on point (a.k.a. PGI) without even bein´ ma enemies on the battlefields .

Arrrrr, goes down like the sweetest salt-flavoured virgin olive oil ..... (chek dat refe, brahs´ ^^)

#5 OmniFail


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 04:28 PM

O wow man! Sounds like drops are going to get pretty crazy over the next few days.

#6 L1f3H4ck


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 04:30 PM

That's a lot of money to be made. And the Leopard is my favorite standing item :) No paint job for the new mech though :( Not that I need one, I'm rockin' the Steiner patter, just saying. Sounds like fun!

#7 paws2sky


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 04:30 PM

Can we assume that Incursion will show up more frequently during this event?


#8 TechChris


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 05:03 PM


As if incursion wasn't enough of a cluster**** with people trying to test stuff out, screwing around, and all the general crazy that comes with a new game mode release......

Now we got this event......it's gonna be a Mad House out there!!!!Posted Image

#9 AureliusDean


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 05:21 PM

There goes my marriage... oh well, it was time to upgrade to a '93 model anyway. The '80 is getting a bit crusty and the upkeep is getting expensive.... she complains about gaming but forgets I was painting 'Mech's when she was 6. LOL


#10 D V Devnull


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 05:24 PM

PGI, I'm looking at this Event, and I see two points of worry at this time. :(

The first is that I've been seeing too much DeathBalling and unwillingness to actually perform the Objectives, because too many would rather Skirmish and then leave. This is going to short everyone who is actually trying to do the Event. Perhaps we need to have a penalty for failing to properly perform any of the Incursion Objectives, alongside the rewards? :o

The other is that winning a single measly match should NOT result in 3 Days of Active Premium Time. Please either increase the number of wins required to 6 or more, or just simply replace that reward with '10 Supply Keys' in order to handle all the trouble people have with racking 'Supply Caches' up and being unable to open them. There is no good reason to actively force insomnia upon the player base, unless you're trying to drive people out of MWO and wreck it down into being a small, niche game. <_<

With those notes out of the way and said, I'll probably still try to show up and target the things I would like to win from this Event. But as it stands right now, my drive to succeed is seriously decreased by the fact that I could end up with undue insomnia (Active Premium Time, which I seriously loathe letting go to waste) in my lap. -_-

~Mr. D. V. "In severe hope that PGI listens to this post before the Event can begin..." Devnull

#11 Marius Romanis


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 06:13 PM

View PostD V Devnull, on 20 April 2017 - 05:24 PM, said:

The whole point of events is to keep people playing the game and numbers up, handouts of a few days of premium time with events is also a good way to get people play LOTS for the following few days. I agree premium time is bad for our health if you have OCD like dev (or myself) but supposedly the majority of the human population have this mysterious thing called self control and life neccessity prioritisation.....

Im much happier with the premium time that I would be with 10 supply cache keys , 250 MC worth ?

Also, getting 10 fuel cells x 24 people at 3 fuel cells with 2 min respawn, thats going to take A DAMN LONG TIME and everyones going to be dropping 155kmph mechs to try to get to them 1st.

I do like supply cache key rewards, just prefer the 300 MC events the most followed by 3 day premium time events followed by colors followed by warhorns followed by mech bays, then maybe cache keys. And im very happy about the free BNC-3M(c) we got, i would never have bought the mech but discovered its a great mech, had a lot of QP 1000 damage games in it.

Edited by CadoAzazel, 20 April 2017 - 07:46 PM.

#12 Wildstreak


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 06:20 PM

Oh nice if I was not having performance issues that got worse yesterday.
REAL worse.
Just sent in the email to Tech Support.

#13 Kageru Ikazuchi


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 06:45 PM

And, now we're back to events starting after midnight Friday night for the Asia-Pacific-Oceanic time zones.

If there was any way that you could start events eight or so hours earlier, it would really be appreciated.

#14 Marius Romanis


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 07:48 PM

View PostKageru Ikazuchi, on 20 April 2017 - 06:45 PM, said:

And, now we're back to events starting after midnight Friday night for the Asia-Pacific-Oceanic time zones.

If there was any way that you could start events eight or so hours earlier, it would really be appreciated.

^ what he said, for the majority of the oceanic population this event starts at 3am saturday morning, 7pm Friday night 8 hours earlier would be very much appreciated.

#15 TheFourthAlly


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 08:09 PM

What they said. Really. I praised you last week for starting on time for Friday evening in the Oceanic region, even though I would be away and couldn't participate and then the very next week you rule us out?

Was this personal? What did I do?

Edited by TheFourthAlly, 20 April 2017 - 08:09 PM.

#16 B L O O D W I T C H


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 08:40 PM

Rather challenging challenges (which isn't a bad thing).
Props for including a 'mechbay this time around, haven't had that in a good while.
*thumps up*

#17 Michal R


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 09:24 PM

LOL, they know that this is new r%e%t%a%r%d mode and try to give people good prizes....

Perfect Game Industry you give us new r%e%t%a%r%d mode but you can use this resources to fix game.... i7 CPU still have problems with MWO... sad like always.

#18 Cyrilis


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 09:31 PM

View Postpaws2sky, on 20 April 2017 - 04:30 PM, said:

Can we assume that Incursion will show up more frequently during this event?



#19 Kotzi


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 10:40 PM

Ye, that will definitely not make people like that undone mode better. You may want to show the people how this mode has to be played all you want. But if kill em all is the fastest, easiest and most fun way to play, people will deathmatch, like in any other "gamemodes" that were presented. By the way, what does that dropship do anyways? Doesnt shoot the base or does absolutely laughable amount of damage. Dont know if it shoots mechs cause there are none by the time you actually activate the air tower.

#20 Meppoy


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 10:42 PM

I felt a lack of events last weeks. So good to see a new one. My only worry is that that some of conditions are pretty luck-dependent. But I still think that here is a good chance for any player to take all the prizes. It'll tale 6-12 hours of the gameplay, but it's not so much. And a premium time - one of the best reward along with the warhorn and the mechbay - will be given to you after a just one winning game. So nobody stays without reward.

P.S. Incursion still looks pretty raw for me. It needs a lot of fine tuning and maybe - maybe - after that it would be nice. But now I'm going to play it just because of the event. Everybody loves freebie, right?

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