How come, that in closed beta we had all the nice thing, and now the game became more shallow and plastic? (I played since open beta. I didn't see most of this stuff, so I'm not being nostalgic.)
It's the difference between a mech and a regular tank with arms. Knockdowns give the feeling of actually piloting a giant robot. And make you watch where you're going. And stop those stupid leghumpers. Ok, people already kind of explained to me that it was messy, glitchy and abused. And Piggy simply decided that it's too complicated so they will not make it properly, and just cross out all accomplishment in this direction. Enjoy your walking boxes that can ram each other and leghump without slightest risk of falling.
Marvelous animation, swirling stream of missiles that leaves behind clouds of smoke and nice jet fire on the back of a rocket. Just look at these beautiful streaks and LRMs on the video (or any other closed beta video). How comes that now missiles look like giant d*ldoes that fly only straight, hardly leaving any smoke or fire?
Explosions of missiles that missed their target and hit the ground, explosions of mechs and components. Why in the love of gods it looked so much better and is so lame now?
Sound. I may be subjective on this one, but don't you think that sound of engine, rotating your torso, steps were way better? (maybe they were similar to sound in one of previous MW games?) Same goes for weapons, lasers and especially machine guns sound.
Edit: reading and watching old stuff I feel like adding more points
Inverse kinematics. Aligning legs with terrain they walk on, instead of going through or hanging in the air.
Representation of damages on the mech. quoting Bandito here
One would expect some progress in 4 bloody years, and yes, we did get some progress. But what's with unnecessary changes (sounds) and obvious degradation and dumbing down (everything else mentioned above)? Why did it happened, I really don't understand.
Edited by Zigmund Freud, 02 May 2017 - 09:09 AM.