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reborn Clan Wolverine

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#1 godzofwar


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Posted 16 December 2011 - 01:55 PM

this story arc has been with me for 20 years here are a fiew pages enjoy.

SaKhan voice log
Entry 1

[color="#000000"]This is my first log I am the SaKhan they call me Jorn. The date October 15 2923 it has been 100 years since the trial of annilation that destroyed my clan. [/color]

[color="#000000"]I am the very first of my kind I was genetically engineered to the science cast for this role of SaKhan. [/color]

[color="#000000"]So where do I begin? I was put into this office a few days ago, I barely have my head strait, and already we have members of maintence, the ship captains, the labor cast that handle food growing & distribution, wanting my attention. O-man I really didn’t want this. But since I was the first out of the tubes, I am supposable the smartest so they gave me the job. Heh I’m only 23. My birthday was a few weeks ago.[/color]

[color="#000000"] This is absolutely crazy, but apparently I’m the only one to voice log, my time in office, and my experiences’ what has or may happen. The others just wrote down facts not details or feelings. But that is what you get with scientists’, just the facts cold calculating period.[/color]

[color="#000000"]I guess we have to go a little over a hundred years ago. I don’t even remember the saKhan’s name he defies the council, he gets our clan destroyed, but he did have a plan incase this happened.[/color]

[color="#000000"]He built 6 ships the mother ship which is the biggest thing man has ever seen, well I dought that man will ever see it because if they ever do we’ll have to kill them. The one thing is we have to be kept hidden or we die. We’re 4000 light years from Strana Mechty and we keep jumping further away, each system we scan the stars hope for something viable then jump again. Our telescopes can barely get 2 LY. But we go anyway, hit the north or south stellar pole, scan the system while the fusion engines charge the drives, find another star jump again. Over & over, Heh the only exciting thing is when we find a mineral deposit or 2, never a planet only space born. Stellar cartography keeps trying to find a viable world ever core ward deeper older stars dead planets though I do have an idea.[/color]

[color="#000000"]It will be dangerous, and the captains won’t like it, but we have been rolling craps for too long time to make the long bet.[/color]

[color="#000000"] [/color]

[color="#000000"]I remember when I was 5 and the water shortage. There were people trying to distill coolant from the mechs. 300 people died before the captain’s finally stopped them. We got lucky there was a mostly ice comet in the outer planetary ring. It took nearly a year to harvest that rock that was the worst year of the fleet. It took our 2 aero-fighters & the leopard drop-ship 6 weeks round trip. The fighters lased chunks off and construction mech’s with thruster packs loaded the ship. The first time they came back I laughed so hard cause the fighters & con-mech were strapped to the hull it looked like a spine fish with wings. That is when I looked up and saw a tech. crying, I asked why he was crying, that is when he told me how the other two ships were lost 25 years ago. [/color]

[color="#000000"] [/color]

[color="#000000"]When the fleet jumps the main fighting ship jumps first. It has 12 aero-fighters and a star of mech’s adapted to space maneuvers. Every ship has a HPG system so the lead ship sends coordinates for the others to jump to. Then the worst thing happened, an anomaly was detected 10 minutes later, they call it a macro-black hole. Its 20 feet wide can’t be seen if it wasn’t for the gravity sensors the ship would have been sucked into it. When they changed course the captain tried to send an emergency warning. 5 minutes later both supply ships jumped smack in the middle of the gravity well. 15,000 people 70% of fleet supplies gone. That’s what caused the water shortage to begin & get worse. All of the overlord drop-ships were converted to hydroponics; it took 2 years to finally grow enough food for the fleet. Then I found out another 1000 died of starvation.[/color]

[color="#000000"] [/color]

[color="#000000"]4 ships left 60,000 people, the genetic repository and our future. [/color]

[color="#000000"]In my hands.[/color]

[color="#000000"]I don’t want this job. [/color]

[color="#000000"] [/color]

#2 Warrior2300


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Posted 17 November 2012 - 09:08 PM

I was part of Clan Wolverine back in the day for a short time; not sure if you have any logs of me being on the roster.

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