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How Would Quad Mechs Exhibit Their Capabilities In This Game?

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#61 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 09 May 2017 - 11:33 AM

View PostQuicksilver Kalasa, on 09 May 2017 - 11:30 AM, said:

Because different keybind profiles are so new to gaming......oh wait.

Pretty sure if keybinds can be different in MW:LL between aerofighters/VTOLs and mechs/tanks I'm pretty sure they can find a way to do something similar with quads. Now how much effort will it take to do that? Honestly only someone who knows the code well can really guesstimate that.

You know what you get when you demand too much out of a new feature that's yet to be developed? You get nohing. The feature does not get developed.

Edited by Prosperity Park, 09 May 2017 - 11:34 AM.

#62 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted 09 May 2017 - 11:41 AM

View PostProsperity Park, on 09 May 2017 - 11:33 AM, said:

You know what you get when you demand too much out of a new feature that's yet to be developed? You get nohing. The feature does not get developed.

Except in the case of the skill tree, or energy draw, or "infotech".

#63 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 09 May 2017 - 12:29 PM

View PostQuicksilver Kalasa, on 09 May 2017 - 11:41 AM, said:

Except in the case of the skill tree, or energy draw, or "infotech".

Skill tree is awesome and I have been waiting years for it. The blanket IS nerfs is not a skill tree problem, it's a seperate PGI balance problem.
Energy draw would have been awesome except they kept limiting non-ernergy-powered weapons with it like dopes. ED should have just affected lasers, Gauss, and PPCs.
Infotech had some good points, but they did it wrong in respect to how sensor ranges are supposed to work (smaller mechs should not get longer-range sensors and big Mechs should not have short-range sensors; big Mechs should be easily detectable by sensors at long range, small Mechs should only be detectable at shorter ranges.)

And when it comes to Quad Mechs demanding a strafe function will probably exclude it from a production map, so I think we should stop asking for strafing. I know, I am being all realistic and that's not how forums are supposed to work, but I can be a Maverick sometimes.

#64 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted 09 May 2017 - 12:45 PM

View PostProsperity Park, on 09 May 2017 - 12:29 PM, said:

Skill tree is awesome and I have been waiting years for it. The blanket IS nerfs is not a skill tree problem, it's a seperate PGI balance problem.
Energy draw would have been awesome except they kept limiting non-ernergy-powered weapons with it like dopes. ED should have just affected lasers, Gauss, and PPCs.
Infotech had some good points, but they did it wrong in respect to how sensor ranges are supposed to work (smaller mechs should not get longer-range sensors and big Mechs should not have short-range sensors; big Mechs should be easily detectable by sensors at long range, small Mechs should only be detectable at shorter ranges.)

All of this is ignoring it the fact that they all took some serious investment by the devs to make happen because they all required changes to various systems underneath, which is the point as strafing would not really be any different.

Edited by Quicksilver Kalasa, 09 May 2017 - 12:45 PM.

#65 Kiyoshi Amaya


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Posted 09 May 2017 - 01:12 PM

Aren't you guys going a bit off-topic?

#66 Tarogato


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Posted 09 May 2017 - 01:31 PM

View PostProsperity Park, on 09 May 2017 - 10:53 AM, said:

We really have to drop the idea of strafing.

Yes, Cryengine supports it. Yes, quads can strafe according to lore. No, some should not be able to strafe based on TRO art. No, we do not have to stick with TRO art when it comes to this game... I know...

However A and D are bound to Turn. You are asking PGI to rewrite how the keybinds work on a per-mech basis (some Mechs A would be turn left, other mechs the same keybind would be strafe left, and the mouse yaw would also have to double-bind torso twist or leg turn depending on the Mech you chose).

I know quads coming into the game may be unrealistic... But if we treat the topic realistically then we stand a better chance.

I don't expect keybinds to be the biggest issue. You have two options,

1. strafing is just a double-tap function of the Turn Left and Turn Right bindings (or whatever they are called.
2. strafing is an entirely new binding, such as Q and E

or... preferably, both. Because #1 is incompatible with analog devices (I know even high level competitive players who use an analog stick for leg movement in MWO), you might want to have the option to bind strafing separately, but maybe it would be unbound by default (thus not messing with any default bindings), because most people use a keyboard and would be able to double tap their A and D.

I suspect that animation would be the trickier part for implementing strafing. If the animation can be worked out, I'm not worried about the binding method.

View PostKiyoshi Amaya, on 09 May 2017 - 01:12 PM, said:

Aren't you guys going a bit off-topic?

No. Posted Image

Quad mechs have the capability to strafe, so aren't we're talking about they might be able to exhibit that ability?

#67 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 09 May 2017 - 03:22 PM

I know that PGI developed 360 torso twist for the Urbie, but introducing strafing just for quad mechs, I think, would not be on their priority list.

There are many things that our Mechs *should* be able to do, like melee combat, picking thinks up, lifting arms to chest height like a zombie, and more.

Based on developmental resources I do not see strafing on the table.

#68 Ken Harkin


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Posted 09 May 2017 - 03:32 PM

Just add in horrible turn rate on top of the benefits already listed. Once a light or medium gets behind them they are doomed.

#69 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted 09 May 2017 - 04:42 PM

View PostProsperity Park, on 09 May 2017 - 03:22 PM, said:

There are many things that our Mechs *should* be able to do, like melee combat, picking thinks up

And most of those are actually less useful in the long term than quad being able to strafe because at the higher end of combat both of these have extremely niche applications (whether due to time spent to pick something up making it near worthless or melee combat being extremely short range and more niche than even small lasers).

I would sooner seen quads and strafing than melee or being able to pick things up (especially this one).

Edited by Quicksilver Kalasa, 09 May 2017 - 04:43 PM.

#70 Anjian


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Posted 09 May 2017 - 06:14 PM

My tablet game has plenty of quad mechs but whether they are better than bipedals is arguable. You see plenty of side to side strafing, which is necessary to maintain one's survival.

"Move side to side..."

Edited by Anjian, 09 May 2017 - 06:15 PM.

#71 Anjian


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Posted 09 May 2017 - 06:22 PM

View PostQuicksilver Kalasa, on 09 May 2017 - 09:59 AM, said:

NO, for the love of god, the lore the Nova DID have torso twist, the artwork just never reflected it (the TT Nova can in fact torso twist, unlike quads). Please stop perpetuating this myth.

That said, I would honestly prefer BOTH of Tarogato's suggestions because not all quad are Spider-esque (Tarantula, Scorpion, etc). Some of more the horse-like quads (Goliath) and thus strafing would look....odd (imagine an AT-AT trying to do it).

Spider like quads are going to have problems in the tight confines of some maps, like River City. In the same map, a horse like quad would have problems **turning** around the corners.

AT-AT and AT-ST got heads that turn but even these are going to have a limited firing arc. Have you ever played tank destroyers in tank games? Similar principle. You need to turn things around. That actually does not make it easier for peek and boo tactics around corners. Horse type quads are also going to be vulnerable from flank attacks. Every hit on the side goes to the torso. They can't twist their torsos to distribute damage, unlike spider quads with independent torso turn. I can only see horse type quads act like tank destroyers in tank games, mainly equipped with long range sniping weapons set at high points, and act as snipers. They are certainly not going to be brawlers, as brawling needs true traverse.

Posted Image

A design like this Armored Core quad, if applied to the principles in this game, you could twist your torso to distribute damage, and the arms also protect it from flank attack.

Posted Image

Edited by Anjian, 09 May 2017 - 06:30 PM.

#72 50 50


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Posted 09 May 2017 - 07:05 PM

View PostProsperity Park, on 07 May 2017 - 06:54 PM, said:

How would a quad mech make up for losing all that arm space? There are no skill check rolls in MW:O.

Would it all come down to increased turn speed, reduced hill-incline effect, and reduced height/ high mounted weapons?

Minimal hill climb penalty.
Vastly increased turn rate and Accel/deceleration.
Reduced fall damage
Can lose 2 front legs and still live until a 3rd leg is lost
Potentially slender frontal torso profile
High weapon mounts
Aaaand... Give tosro weapons high inclination, just high enough to shoot UAVs.

Had a thought about that in another thread somewhere.
While the mechs may not be favoured I think it would be a shame not to introduce them and a shame not to break into some new ground.

If the arms are treated as two additional legs there are two quick advantages that can make up for some of the loss of space.
Legs typically have more armour.
It would be possible to have 4 leg mounted heatsinks for double the cooling in the water.
Not much, but worth noting.

A big advantage might be the position of the hit boxes. It would seem reasonable to have the rear armour 'underneath' the mech. That could be significant meaning you would be hitting front armour unless you can somehow get underneath the mech but might have a pretty good chance of having the legs shield the torso depending on the design of the mech.

There could be some other offsets.
Taking from the natural world, a 4 legged animal is more manoeuvrable than a 2 legged one. This could be easily translated into base agility values for acceleration, deceleration and turning.
Better stability when getting hit for less cockpit shake.
They might even suffer less speed reduction climbing hills or from losing a leg.

There would be a couple of other things to work out such as:
Could the mechs side strafe? If so, can they torso twist?
What happens if you lose a torso? Do you lose both legs on that side? (Maybe... depends on the design)

These complications can lead to interesting options.
If a mech can side strafe, (Thinking about the Scorpion here) then perhaps it doesn't have a torso twist per say but it's forward, backward, left and right movement speeds, accel and decel are all equal and it can rotate on the spot as fast as another mech might torso twist.
But... lose a side torso and you lose two legs which brings the mech down.

Weigh that up vs having the legs separated from the torso and instead have that hip connection.
Get the turret like torso twist.... hello Goliath...
But it moves more like a 2 legged mech in terms of forward/backward speed and turning.

As for the actual control and key bindings, there is a movement profile for the different weight classes which can be applied separately. Some mechs have a different movement profile for their class. Ie, a heavy mech with a medium movement profile. I would think that this is how we would introduce the movement for quads... as separate movement profiles which could alter the behaviour for the key bindings to allow for the left right movement instead of turning and use the mouse for turning instead of torso twist... depending on the mech itself. The prime example is to compare the Goliath vs the Scorpion.
(Maybe there is an easier way to do it, but that seemed a reasonable approach.)

It would make the mechs really interesting and unique and I think it's a great opportunity for PGI to have a go.
Have any of the quad mechs been in any other Mechwarior game?
I don't believe they have but someone probably knows better than I do about that.
However, if not.... how cool would that be to have MWO as the first?! Bonus points to the team for taking on the challenge.

In the end, it shouldn't come down to someone not liking them. It's about being able to include them in the game and people enjoying playing them. We get the choice.
I say... do it.

(And now you can all help me barrack for pilotable Elementals. Posted Image )

Edited by 50 50, 09 May 2017 - 07:12 PM.

#73 Anjian


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Posted 09 May 2017 - 08:00 PM

To be honest in the natural world, two legged animals are as agile as four legged ones, and enjoy a natural advantage in climbing and tool manipulation. Raptors are all over four legged animals when it comes to prey. The real advantage of having more legs lie in weight distribution, along with the ability to lift and drag load weight greater in proportion to the size and weight of the body. That's why the biggest land animals on Earth are four legged, and the animals that can carry and drag the greatest weight in proportion to their body weight, are multi-legged.

In a different mech lore, quad legs are used in Armored Core and Chromehounds as best suited to carry the biggest guns and to absorb their recoil. By providing the most stable "feeted" foundation, they also guarantee the most accuracy when using these powerful guns with the least amount of dispersion caused by gun violence and recoil.

(Note, unlike the spiderbot quad + independent rotating torso, this is a horsebot quad + independent rotating torso).

Posted Image

Edited by Anjian, 09 May 2017 - 08:06 PM.

#74 Vellron2005


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Posted 10 May 2017 - 02:01 AM

Personally, I would not mind quads in MWO, but what I would really like to see are the Super Heavy mechs like the Ares, Matar, Poseidon, Orca..

That would be interesting..

And some of them have 3 legs..

#75 Karl Streiger


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Posted 10 May 2017 - 02:08 AM

View PostVellron2005, on 10 May 2017 - 02:01 AM, said:

Personally, I would not mind quads in MWO, but what I would really like to see are the Super Heavy mechs like the Ares, Matar, Poseidon, Orca..

That would be interesting..

And some of them have 3 legs..

Hey you - you have forgotten the Omega Posted Image and the Fafnir was also designed at first as super heavy.

Not so sure if they would work that good in MWO - really huge and slow target.

You can make some 95-100t Mechs easy into more mobile Super Heavys - first its important that they have STD Structure - the next thing is that their engine rating need to be below 350.
For example the 110t Mech would be driven by a 330 - so you spend 7.5tons for engine gyro and structure.
So in the end you gain 2.5t over a 100ton Mech - but the great stuff are the criticals.

You can even mount a IS XL without dying from ST destruction and you can have XL AND Heavy Gauss Rifle in the same location.

So a 105t Super Heavy Fafnir need 10.5t Structure instead of 5 but could use a 315XL instead of a 300STD and you can add Heavy Ferro Fibrous armor - enough to add CASE II and more ammo

Edited by Karl Streiger, 10 May 2017 - 02:14 AM.

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