Savage Wolf, on 09 May 2017 - 08:04 AM, said:
Thank you, that gives some insights.
Was hoping for some ways to counter the range, but in lack of that, simply play the same game back. Does however still expose the map as kind of one sided if all there is to do is snipe or lose. Maps should really have more than one viable stategy for them.
Any IS mech with a 10% range quirk and an ERLL range module has a range of 810m
Clan ERLL with range module has a range of 814m
Both IS and clan gauss with range module 726M
Clan ERPPCs with range module 891M
IS ERPPC with range module 891M
Yes there are a handful of clan mechs with range quirks. Yes you can boost clan range with an investment in targeting computers.
But that pales in comparison to quirks like the -15% beam duration on the grasshopper 5P.
Maps like Boreal, Polar highlands, and Alpine peaks are more often than not won and lost in the mech lab. Especially in FW where you are able to choose your drop deck before the match.
Personally I hate Alpine peaks and polar highlands with a passion. The range game on those maps leads to the most boring and stale game play. It is also on those maps where I've experienced the most lopsided 48-12or less matches. And as it where I've had the most boring snipefest 20-15 matches. That is both as IS and as Clan. But I know that if I don't bring range, then I am going to be on the losing side of a 48-12 stomp.
Boreal at least forces one side to push the other side because of the objective win condition.