So, I'm just getting into FW.
In the scouting missions, I like to run a Griffin with med pulse lasers and srm's. LRM's are useless in scouting missions. And ofc, I like the ECM.
BUT, in the actual invasions, I do like LRM's and lasers combo. Had a fairly good winning streak last night with some really good teams. And I saw how LRM's can be DEVASTATING to clan mechs in the right team (ones that lock targets).
In today's first match, everyone was upset that I had brought LRM's into FW... We got pinned down by lasers that were out of range and with ECM cover, we got sniped to death; and then base camped. Needless to say, it was bad.
So, can someone please inform me on the proper attire (for my mech lol) to bring into FW? What works? Last night, it was clear to me, that LRM's had a valuable place. But tonight, I feel like an idiot... Last night, winning streak. Tonight (one match only), we get beat into the ground and it appears to be due to my LRM's (according to everyone). I am thinking I should run ballistics, but not sure.
I am confused... Can I get some advice please. And yes my KDR is trash because when I started this game I ran a light for way too long, and just didn't know what I was doing in it.

Lrm's Not For Fw
Started by Rotella-T, May 12 2017 07:58 PM
8 replies to this topic
Posted 12 May 2017 - 07:58 PM
Posted 12 May 2017 - 08:25 PM
It's just harder to use because clan mechs have SOOO much ecm and certain ecm mechs are very popular in fw
Hellbringers, artich cheeta's, shadowcats ect
Hellbringers, artich cheeta's, shadowcats ect
Edited by kesuga7, 12 May 2017 - 08:27 PM.
Posted 12 May 2017 - 09:06 PM
Lrms are never good. They're a bad weapon only use them if they're fun for you.
Pug matches go with some range. ac5+ppc is still good, erlasers for a lot of maps. lpl if you plan on fighting up closer.
unit matches you can use about anything other than lrms. Your just just have to all take the same thing and get ready to use it in the same way. If you really want to keep playing in cw join your houses TS server and group with them.
scouting matches its ac20+srm, ac10+srm,srm or spl. There are other things you can do but really only works with a group of 4.
Pug matches go with some range. ac5+ppc is still good, erlasers for a lot of maps. lpl if you plan on fighting up closer.
unit matches you can use about anything other than lrms. Your just just have to all take the same thing and get ready to use it in the same way. If you really want to keep playing in cw join your houses TS server and group with them.
scouting matches its ac20+srm, ac10+srm,srm or spl. There are other things you can do but really only works with a group of 4.
Edited by Monkey Lover, 12 May 2017 - 09:14 PM.
Posted 12 May 2017 - 11:53 PM
LRMs are easier to use on the Clan side cause IS doesn't have good ECM mechs. If you are playing as IS, then bring ERLLs for long range, and LPLs for anything else.
Posted 13 May 2017 - 12:07 AM
Easy way, laservomit.
Posted 13 May 2017 - 05:33 AM
If you are dropping as a solo, each of your mechs should be able to do ~500 damage and/or 1 kill reasonably reliably without much assistance of others.
That would be an ideal baseline to start your builds on. If you want to use LRMs have at it, just have bap and a laser pointer to counter ecm, as well as a sensor range module. Basically if you can make those LRMs actually effective it doesn't matter what anyone else says, if you can't make them effective you should probably run something else or run with a team that is set up for LRM support.
Personally I'd suggest srm4/6+art over any lrms with whatever pulse lasers you can fit. 2-3 Tons of ammo is all you probably need for FW drop cycles which means a bigger engine and more heat sinks over the overkill amount of ammo you need with lrms.
That would be an ideal baseline to start your builds on. If you want to use LRMs have at it, just have bap and a laser pointer to counter ecm, as well as a sensor range module. Basically if you can make those LRMs actually effective it doesn't matter what anyone else says, if you can't make them effective you should probably run something else or run with a team that is set up for LRM support.
Personally I'd suggest srm4/6+art over any lrms with whatever pulse lasers you can fit. 2-3 Tons of ammo is all you probably need for FW drop cycles which means a bigger engine and more heat sinks over the overkill amount of ammo you need with lrms.
Posted 13 May 2017 - 06:31 AM

Remember if you do that lurms are a "fire support platform"
I love my 2600 rounds Stalker 5M
So support your team.
1. Soften up those slow fatties.
2. Suppressing snipers.
3. Suppressing other lurm boats.
4. Stalling pushes.
And many others play your game man.
And if they don't like it tell them to just kiss your rear exhaust port.
Edited by Novakaine, 13 May 2017 - 06:40 AM.
Posted 13 May 2017 - 06:37 AM
Monkey Lover, on 12 May 2017 - 09:06 PM, said:
Lrms are good. They're a good weapon but only use them if you know how to.
Keep in mind most of this LRM hate is due to low blood sugar. Healthy people do not complain about LRMs.
It is a game. If people grief you for what you bring, especially if you are contributing or contributing more than them, tell them to unhook the coolant line and take a walk outside.
Posted 13 May 2017 - 07:31 AM
Experienced players often aren't in the habit of playing to counter LRMs (they don't make as much use of LRM-relevant cover, tend not to get close to LRMboats, etc.), and so while they'll sit there and moan about how bad LRMs are, they still die to them (quite frequently) because they just aren't in the habit of countering them.
Between Marauder IIC-D, Hellbringer, Shadowcat, and Arctic Cheetah, there's a lot of ECM on the clan side of things. Makes LRMs very unreliable.
Inner Sphere side, there's the Griffin 2N, occasional Atlas D-DC, maybe that ECM Cyclops, Raven 3L... IS just doesn't pack a lot of ECM. Honestly, best mechs IS side are probably standard engine heavies boating MLs (Grasshoppers, Warhammer 7D, Black Knight, Thunderbolts). Long range specialists can work, of course (I've gotten some decent mileage out of a 2xGauss/2xERPPC King Crab). But, yeah, due to the lack of much viable ECM IS side (really, who's going to play a Cataphract 0XP?), Clans can get away with packing some of their very tonnage efficient launchers more easily.
Between Marauder IIC-D, Hellbringer, Shadowcat, and Arctic Cheetah, there's a lot of ECM on the clan side of things. Makes LRMs very unreliable.
Inner Sphere side, there's the Griffin 2N, occasional Atlas D-DC, maybe that ECM Cyclops, Raven 3L... IS just doesn't pack a lot of ECM. Honestly, best mechs IS side are probably standard engine heavies boating MLs (Grasshoppers, Warhammer 7D, Black Knight, Thunderbolts). Long range specialists can work, of course (I've gotten some decent mileage out of a 2xGauss/2xERPPC King Crab). But, yeah, due to the lack of much viable ECM IS side (really, who's going to play a Cataphract 0XP?), Clans can get away with packing some of their very tonnage efficient launchers more easily.
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