-Ghost Heat limit on Light PPCs at 6.
Why would PGI let you fire 30damage from 18 tons of particle cannon when they currently apply Ghost Heat if you fire 30 damage from 21 tons of particle cannon? 6 PPCs weigh less than 3 PPCs, and you currently get ghost heat if you fire 3 PPCs. GH on Light PPCs will be 4 at most.
-Shutting your enemies down with their LAMS.
Sounds like a good chuckle, but that schmuck you're about to hurl LRMs at also already thought about that. LAMS will be used by Gauss Snipers and people who know how to turn it off when they get into firing mode, and only turn it on when being fired upon.
-AI Tanks as a consumable.
Terrain would not let this become a reality. They would be focusing their tank AI on MW5 anyways.
-Repair and Rearm.
R&R is meant to serve as an immersion tool. The idea behind this is to simulate the logistics of combat. However in this game the only purpose it would serve is to reduce Mission earnings. It would not actually affect people's deployments. Large organizations would just field the best equipment in order to get wins because wins are the name of the game.
-If repair and rearm costs were significant enough to actually affect people's loadouts then it would present a somewhat clear advantage to people who are paying players and can buy premium time to increase their earnings. If a free player cannot perpetually play with the same level of equipment as paying players then that'll tell ya there's an advantage to being a paying player.
-GH set at any 2 packs of MRMs.
No way you can fire MRM80 without penalty. Four SRM6-packs deal only 48 damage. 2 LRM20s deal 40 dmg.
-Mix-and-Match PPCs to Avoid Ghost Heat.
I will eat my hat if you are allowed to fire 2 PPCs and 4 Light PPCs without a linked GH penalty.
-Single Slug UAC/20
-A new map every month
Asking for this is too much. They will not be able to churn out a new map per month based on their quality requirements. And, yes, I know a good many of you just laughed right now. However these maps are more detailed than any MW map ever and it takes much time to design all the art assets.... And skin the collission boundries (STOP LAUGHING!) but I'm just not going to go there right now :-)
-Expecting IS LBX/20 to be viable.
Do I even have to? It's bigger, heavier, and spreads out damage to multiple components. Expect an awesome crit-chance bonus to "offset" all these things... :-(
-Anyone to use Light MG.
What's better then the weakest weapon in the game? A weaker one! Nope. If 4-6 standard MGs are needed to make a mark, imaging only being able to mount half of that firepower with the same massive number of hardpoints.
IS side torso quirks to remain as such.
When the light Fusion engine is released the developers will notice a very large number of users. They will feel less obliged to apply side torso health bonuses. XL users will suffer .
-Respawns in quick play
It wouldn't be that quick now would it? Respawns will remain in Faction Play, otherwise a respawn enabled quick play would draw further attention from the Faction play mode.
-Aerospace Fighters and LAMs.
How dizzy would you get from flying in a donut for 15 minutes?
-Ejection in non-respawn matches.
If you have no weapons then you still have sensors and you still have Team chat. There's no reason to eject in a mode without respawns. No reason. And if you say "to deny my enemy the reward resources" that means you're denying those people resources who could be your teammates next match; that means you just aided the enemy by denying your teammates some resources. Congratulations.
Community Created Maps.
First person to create a map the size of River City with the same level of detail with all the building structures, street signs, pavement ddetails, landscaping, vehicle placements, etc. that can match PGI's River City will win a prize TBD.
-No AC/10 Ghost heat
This ends with the drop of the Annihilator. Please, for the love of God, let us pray PGI leave GH limit at 3 to avoid Nerfing the Ilya Muromets.
- 10 Clan vs 12 IS
This is a terrible idea. All it does is reinforce the fact that Clan Mechs are more fun to play than inner sphere mechs. With 10 versus 12 player teams, the team with better equipment and more targets to shoot at will have more fun than the team using inferior equipment with fewer targets to shoot at. Clan players will be able to get more kills because they have more opponents to shoot and fewer teammates to share those kills with.
It will also further break the Faction Play matchmaker. When people pile up on the Clans side (knowing they are more fun) then it will be very difficult for clan players to form a match because there will be very few inner sphere pilots to play against. Couple that with the fact that more interfere players are required to form a match against a certain number of Clan players and you create a matchmaking bottleneck that will make it ruinous for everybody... That is, unless you enjoy longer wait times than we have now.
10 vs 12 teams will accomplish only two goals and that is to make sure that Clans are more fun to play than inner sphere, and to make sure that Faction play matches will take longer to form.
Edit: For great AC/10 justice.
Edit2: Mystere reminded us that 10v12 is a terrible idea
Edited by Prosperity Park, 12 May 2017 - 06:59 AM.