I feel deeply sorry for you. Since the introduction of the clan mechs several years ago PGI failed to balance them so that they can compete with the superior IS tech on the same level. It is a shame.
I mean - I get this really nice 1 million C-bill bonus almost every day during Tuk3 and you just 500.000, because your shiny mechs suck so hard. And they are so expensive. Why are you even buying this ****?
When was the last time you saw a clan mech in a competitive match? Seriously, MRBC, MWO championship, star league - all major leagues are dominated by IS tech and we even won Tuk1, 2. Think about it!
Have a look at the innersphere map too, you are in a terrible situation driven back to your homeworlds. Never ever a slightest chance to reach terra. Why don't you even try it and just come over to the better side.
And it is even getting worse for you. With the upcoming patch and the introduction of the skill tree PGI takes away all these great weapon quirks, which kept your clan mechs around 10-15% below our level of greatness and power. What will come now? Is it just darkness?
It is really awful. Once again sry. Dear clanner.
Edited by Joey Tankblaster, 13 May 2017 - 08:38 AM.