I've noticed that the tourney ends at 10pm UTC time, and while that's fine, its 4 PM my time today and since i have to work, it makes completion if the ten million c-bill rank very hard as i wont be released from work by that time. Ive been playing this tournament afterwork for the last five days desperstely trying to catch up.
Next time around can we please use american time and adjust by two days for the rest of the world?
I dont want to make this hard on anyone; im just finding the time requirements to search for a match and jump into a FW match and added with the time of a normal match, the time requirement is well over an hour. five hours = 5 matches if your lucky. Since match scores are low generally in the "its only siege mode", I'd really appreciate the extra time.
Im not asking for a lower bar, im asking for more time. I'm so close but im pretty sure i wont make it because im leaving to work in less than 20 mins and im about 1000 match score off the reward.
Extending Utc Time Requirements?
Started by InvictusLee, May 14 2017 08:13 AM
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