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A Message To Pgi And To The Community As A Whole.

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#1 Knightshadowsong


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Posted 15 May 2017 - 01:59 AM

Well fellow Mechwarriors, After a long time being idle on the fourms i feel that i need to say this. Both to PGI and to the community as a whole, Mind everyone please take this as MY OPPINION, i've been a fan of BT and Mechwarrior sense i stumbled into a game shop at age 8 and started playing table top, I'm a long time fan, Won my blood name with the Oregon Wolf's, the local group i was in until the shop we met at closed, so i like to think i'm resonably good when it comes to Lore and such.

This is my oppionion on the current state of the game, and where i think thinks should go from here, First off, lets talk about Faction play, As much as i somewhat enjoyed the event, I have to say, FP is STILL broken. in my honest oppinon the simple of it is that unless your in a 12 man, or have people who are VERY good, your not going to have fun in faction play. Over the event i've seen lots of complants about how the clans are "OP" or "Domanate no matter what".

To that i have to call BS. Take a good long look at the event scoreboards, most of the Big units went clans for the event, IS had no real coordanation, and even though i was mostly pugging in the event, I still found that just being the guy calling targets doing the games improved how well we did by a factor of 10 at least. simply put, The clans were useing Team work, had the bigger, more coordanated units, and just played the game the way it was meant to be played. I dont see that as anyway of saying that the clan's are Over powered, but lets be honest. Anyone who read Blood Legicy, the first book in the Blood of Kerensky series which covered most of the Clan invasion, the Clan's weapons and equipment are SUPPOSED to be better.

The long and short of it is that IS Tech is about 300 years behind the Clans at the very least, the sucession wars, nukes flying between planets, destroying research centers and factories, even having a machine with a working ECM system was rare in Lore.

When the Clans came around, they had a huge advantage, which is true, there range was better, mech's ran cooler, and they fought like beasts.

The few victories that the Sphere did get, was because of careful planning and useing the clan's tactics in a way that worked for them. And the same can be used in MWO. if you guys would just STOP B#TCHING and work as a team, the IS units would probably do a lot better,

in terms of ballance, i feel that the Clans are slightly UNDER POWERED, I bought an Artic Cheeta, played it for a few games, at least to basic it, then sold the thing. and why is that. it's simple, when i was playing it, it would heat up very fast, and cool slower then a mech with IS Standard Heat sincs. which frankly is unacceptable. Light mech's by default are supposed to have good cooling. and even with a simple build like 2 med lasers, and 2 small lasers along with twin LRM 5's with one ton of ammo and the rest of it in heat sincs, it over heated way to fast. and cooled down way to slowly.

The short of this rant is that Clan Heat Sincs are supposed to run better, so in that sense i feel that they need a minor buff. Not too much, but just enough to be noticable. PGI has repeatedly stated that they want to keep things as close to lore as they can get it. So i think that if they kept the cooling roughly just higher then IS double heat sincs, would be okay.

Now, Range, this is another complant about the Clans, there range is better. Well, lets face it. That's how there supposed to be. so guess what, it's going to stay that way. what ticks me off is 'laser vomit' lets face it. anyone from MW4 or MW3 (best MW game made IMHO) knows that a build like that would cook a pilot alive, or blow the reactor. But i'm not saying laser boats need a nerf like the Clan's old nerf, making the mech's used like this just totally un useable. which is where i feel that PGI makes it's biggest mistake.

I use for example the Poptart problem, back then the Victor was the big target, so PGI made it basicly unplayable. This didn't fix the problem. people just moved on to the next 'meta' and the victor sat abused.

This is a prime example of treating the symptoms not the disease. A simple way to fix this is probably going to be addressed in the new skill tree. which is a good bit more adaptable from what I've seen, so gg to PGI on that one. But I feel that the issue needs to be addressed, Rather then assaulting the mech's being used in these builds that break lore, make a system based around adaptive quirks, or adjust the system to make those builds less working.

I could go on for hours about how I could suggest 'fixes' for MWO as a whole. But what I feel is that the biggest problem. is pounding on the whole community for the actions of a few.

So. In a nut shell. Here are my suggestions.
One: Stop Nerfing the clans. It's not necessary, and with the new IS tech coming soon, IS is going to get a major buff in there equipment, so with these new weapons and such will quickly close the gap between the Clans and inner Sphere.

Two: Nerf the builds, Not the whole mech:
This is self explanatory, like I said with the Victor, the nerf's they implemented, just made one mech unplayable, and did nothing to address the problem of Pop tarting, it was the Jump jets vibration, and other such that fixed that problem. Certain mech's like the Nova Prime for example need to use lots of lasers, so work in cooling quirks for mech's based around energy, do not give bonus quirks for machines that don't need them, I feel once players learn the new skill tree, balance will work itself out.

Three: play to the style of the machine your piloting.
This is just my inner geek talking, But lets be honest. IS is better at all out warfare, well the clans are based around one on one duel's The simple of it is, Never NEVER fight a war on your enemies terms. You will never win in that.

So. That's it. my rant is over.

Out of respect, I ask that others post there idea's on fixing balance here, Please, be civil, and we can all come up with effective idea's on how to improve this good game.

#2 raidarr


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Posted 15 May 2017 - 08:47 AM

Clans can do quite well as they stand. The Arctic Cheetah is superior in weaponry to a majority of IS lights and can eliminate them and several IS mediums fairly well. I think the clan balance is doing quite well; it's just a matter of figuring them out and using them properly.

And as for your third point;


Never NEVER fight a war on your enemies terms.

Try sitting behind the main line without seismic, lobbing long range weapons or just chilling, when there's a Stormcrow with 12 small pulse lasers walking around the backfields Posted Image

#3 Knightshadowsong


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Posted 15 May 2017 - 09:19 AM

Yeah. I've had that happen. My main point is that the rule of war is Never fight on your enemies terms. It's a sure fire way to lose. You have to play the way your good at. if your a support player like me. You bring medium and long range weapons into the fray, and mostly draw attention away from Assault players.

#4 Ade the Rare


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Posted 15 May 2017 - 10:11 AM

View PostKnightshadowsong, on 15 May 2017 - 01:59 AM, said:

The few victories that the Sphere did get, was because of careful planning and useing the clan's tactics in a way that worked for them. And the same can be used in MWO. if you guys would just STOP B#TCHING and work as a team, the IS units would probably do a lot better,
Out of respect, I ask that others post there idea's on fixing balance here, Please, be civil, and we can all come up with effective idea's on how to improve this good game.

Units changed from IS to Clan during the event: 56
Units changed from Clan to IS during the event: 12
  • Total IS Players: 10346
  • Total Clan Players: 7312

I know exactly what you mean about IS lacking coordination in FW. Even against a few very average Clan pugs I watched some IS players do *rediculous* things which totally doomed the outcome of a match for the entire team. I quoted the figures above because, honestly, it stands up for what the units who switch sides say; there's fewer Clan than there are IS, so they get more matches.

Units win because they're coordinated. IS loses because there is a lack of coordination. I'm curious to see what ideas people can come up to address this; hopefully without trolling.

#5 Generic Internetter


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Posted 15 May 2017 - 11:18 AM

Both IS and Clan sides are equal and balanced.
Last night we got utterly destroyed by a superbly-coordinated IS unit (The infamous EVIL).

It's the IS players that are the problem, not the game.
I'm certain a lot of it is to do with the Store and Mechlab, notably the mech C-Bill pricetags and customization options.

I've seen a lot of IS players who simply don't have a clue how to build a mech properly. They shove things on with compartmentalized reasoning instead of each piece of equipment fitting the build playstyle as a whole.
Why? Because IS mechs are half the price or cheaper, and going XL or just dropping to dirt cheap STD engines gives crazy tonnage for uncoordinated players to build uncoordinated mechs and play uncoodinated matches.

For the "normal" Clan mechs, Clan players are stuck with the engine, armour type, JJ-or-no-JJ, and always DHS. With less free tonnage and slottage, Clan players are forced into the chassis playstyle and are forced to think about the mech build as a whole rather than shove things on it slapstick style. Really the only challenge in the mechlab for Clanners is heat mgmt.

IS players who don't make the effort in the mechlab show up with horrible builds and therefore don't play to a build playstyle.
Clan players are forced into holistic builds that fall into a playstyle much more naturally, even if those playstyles are mostly hard-wired to the chassis with fixed equipment.

When IS players get it right in the mechlab, they do just as much damage as Clanners, plus they have more freedom for build creativity. EVIL rocked a full crew of Battlemasters with ERLLs. Very coordinated as individuals and as a unit. Gotta tip the hat to them.

Edited by Generic Internetter, 15 May 2017 - 11:19 AM.

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