Patch Notes - 1.4.115 - 16-May-2017
Posted 16 May 2017 - 04:31 PM
Posted 16 May 2017 - 04:32 PM
Aidan Kell, on 16 May 2017 - 04:13 PM, said:
I imagine it's pretty simple to see what a person has in their inventory and simply not offer it as a potential prize.
that would be the logical approach, but this is PGI and i wouldnt count on them being able to find their backside with both hands
Posted 16 May 2017 - 04:39 PM
Alex Reed, on 16 May 2017 - 04:31 PM, said:
To those who do not like buying things you do not want to get the things that you do (like the Speed Tweak): it is bringing opportunity cost to the game.
You have to weigh the things you want against the things that you really want. A shrewd move by PGI to avoid having someone spec a mech out to max potential and mow people down.
It forces players to pick and choose a path that fits playstyle. I am a fan of the skill tree so far.
All the lights that are picking mobility more than firepower and durability are learning it was not such a good idea.

It also means every time you see a certain mech you don't know what skills it has and therefore can't automatically counter it... of course for some that want a predictable meta, this undesirable...
Edited by MovinTarget, 16 May 2017 - 04:39 PM.
Posted 16 May 2017 - 04:41 PM
Edited by Ed Steele, 16 May 2017 - 04:42 PM.
Posted 16 May 2017 - 04:57 PM

Link to supporting post: https://mwomercs.com...see-at-mechcon/
Link to second plug and skill tree pts feedback: https://mwomercs.com...35#entry5614535
PGI, something like the above wasn't perfect (I spent like 2 hours on it, it needed refinement, and was based on old data), but the structure was a hell of a lot less cataclysmic a change for the player base while still bringing about mech roles. (The full post explained how i thought that could happen.)
Would something like the above work? Maybe not completely.
Would it be better than what we have? Most definitely.
Am I asking for simplicity? Yes.
Do I want this game to scare off all of its players, myself included? Hell no.
Do I think this is currently happening? D**m right I do.
With all the player feedback you received, why do you guys think that a few value changes and bug fixes from the pts version for what was nearly a unanimous call for simplicity would be sufficient to keep players from saying "**** it" and jump ship?
The sad part of this whole thing is, there is no going back. They have built up to this transition so much that there is no way to undo the massive economy changes they have brought about to bring this thing to the live client. I can only hope they fix this, and quick.
Edited by EvAbsence, 16 May 2017 - 05:00 PM.
Posted 16 May 2017 - 04:59 PM
Why didn't you change it after we told you it sucked on the PTS?
You need less than half the number of total skill points and that is just for starters.
I am also still mad about the 540 million c-bills that were not refunded from modules and instead switched with an unusable amount of GSP!
Edited by DoctorDetroit, 16 May 2017 - 05:01 PM.
Posted 16 May 2017 - 05:00 PM
On the other hand I am slightly daunted by trying to figure out the new systems, I'll probably have to spend a good wee while reading through the notes to understand the way this all works, especially in the translation to different forms of XP. I want to make sure I am spending the 'right stuff' to get the mechs that I play most back to a play style that I enjoy
Any change is controversial, especially one as 'big' as this but this is a solid fun game, even if its something I just pick up now and again for a bit of fun times I just about always have fun when I do hop back in the neurohelmet.
In the end nobody wants this game to succeed more than PGI. This is their baby and also their business. If it goes down they lose their jobs. Have faith that they are doing the best they can in an always controversial situation and take the ups with the downs and see what comes of it.
(And for those that care [I don't]: Yes I have purchased quite a few mech packs, far more than I ever anticipated doing when I started playing this game, because of how much I enjoy coming back to this game. I personally don't feel this makes me any more entitled to an opinion on the state of the game but some people seem to think so *shrug*
Posted 16 May 2017 - 05:04 PM
No thanks. My next click was logout.
Posted 16 May 2017 - 05:06 PM
Ed Steele, on 16 May 2017 - 12:59 PM, said:
Dude you are a simpleton of Mechwarrior knowledge.... IS Mechs are by design completely inferior to Clan Mechs, You might as well remove the IS component of the game completely if we followed your advice. Play on complete skill alone ... just your view and statement tell me how uneducated you truly are regarding to how this game in fact really plays. Do you even play this game? Your sheer ignorance is telling. The embarrassing part is you seem to be a founder ... I guess you haven't played any IS mechs since the introduction of clan mechs.
The best mechs in the game and it isn't even a competition are clan mechs already. IS Mechs require specialist knowledge to have any chance of being comparative to your typical clan mech.
Posted 16 May 2017 - 05:07 PM
Posted 16 May 2017 - 05:10 PM
Posted 16 May 2017 - 05:30 PM
Honestly, I have no time or desire to sit here and actually certify myself on this new skill system.
AND, unlike the old system where I could just move an AC20 cooldown module around to different mechs for example, I now must be punished for making changes to a specific variant and now MUST buy skills for each mech.
You actually cost me time and money with this system, and spent probably hundreds of hours on development resources on this.
Edited by OneVunceNation, 16 May 2017 - 05:32 PM.
Posted 16 May 2017 - 05:35 PM
Crockdaddy, on 16 May 2017 - 05:06 PM, said:
Dude you are a simpleton of Mechwarrior knowledge.... IS Mechs are by design completely inferior to Clan Mechs, You might as well remove the IS component of the game completely if we followed your advice. Play on complete skill alone ... just your view and statement tell me how uneducated you truly are regarding to how this game in fact really plays. Do you even play this game? Your sheer ignorance is telling. The embarrassing part is you seem to be a founder ... I guess you haven't played any IS mechs since the introduction of clan mechs.
The best mechs in the game and it isn't even a competition are clan mechs already. IS Mechs require specialist knowledge to have any chance of being comparative to your typical clan mech.
I play this game almost every day, I have played both Clan Mechs and IS Mechs extensively over multiple accounts, but I have decided to stick with my main account now because multiple accounts drive me nuts. I briefly switched to clans because I keep wanting Clan Mechs to be good, but they are just not what they should be and I do better in IS Mechs. Almost no one plays with stock Mechs, so comparing stock builds is a poor argument. Clan Mechs are supposed to be better, but in this game they either only better in a few areas, or they are actually more limited than IS Mechs. When my deserter phase is over, I will be IS only again. Do I claim to be the best player?...no, but I occasionally have my moments. So assume what you will, because I really don't care.
Warden of Reason, on 16 May 2017 - 05:18 PM, said:
its not going to happen the said from the beginning that the old system was a place holder
They need to say the same thing they said about 3PV (which they promised would never be in the game) and tell us that "it is here to stay" and to "deal with it".
Posted 16 May 2017 - 05:38 PM
Warden of Reason, on 16 May 2017 - 05:18 PM, said:
its not going to happen the said from the beginning that the old system was a place holder
A placeholder that's been there for the past four years is not a placeholder. If it is, you and PGI needs to go back to Grammar school.
Posted 16 May 2017 - 05:48 PM
HerbieTheCar, on 16 May 2017 - 05:38 PM, said:
It's PGIs placeholder, so they can determine the duration, it is not so different from government projects that sit idle for years waiting for funding / resources / whatever.
Posted 16 May 2017 - 05:50 PM
But I this new skill tree is really making me think of giving you up cold turkey.
I understand you want to do away with quirks because it doesn't promote build diversity and makes balancing tough. Fine I get it. This skill tree will fix it. Because no one is going to play your game if they can't figure out how to tweak their mechs.
I spent 1/2 hour on trying to skill up one of my most played mechs (Stalker 4N). But I couldn't do it because you have about 4 different currencies I have to manage (SP, HXP, GXP, C-Bills) and on top of that 7 different screens of hexagons. I have seen tax forms less confusing.
in the 15mins it is taking me to compose this post I have created in my head about 2 other ways you can easily implement a more concise and easy to use interface and skill up system.
The first basically what we have before, especially with how you unlocked modules. You have a perk say Laser Duration. And it has 4 levels with each level adding 5% and it costs say 500xp for lv 1, 1000xp for lv 2, 2000xp for lv 3 and 4000xp for lv 4. It's easy to understand and the person can unlock exactly how much they want and move on.
The second is using a modified version of your interface tree. Except it each perk in its own row (or column) and it works exactly as I described above. Now you can add additional branches that correspond to the tree you are unlocking. Again you are unlocking Laser Duration and after unlocking level 2 you can branch of to Laser Range, and another branch farther down can be Heat reduction. This way a person if he wants to make a laser boat mech will invest heavily in this tree and will have to forgo other trees. But he will get want he wants out of it. He won't have to take a LBX-10 spread option in order to get what he wants.
As I said I understand why you are doing this. But lets be honest here, this was not the best way to get there. This reeks of UI 2.0 all over again confusing, not intuitive, and people are taking too much time in a menu screen and not playing the game. This means they are going to get frustrated and log off and probably never come back. Meaning they are not going buy anymore mech packs, MC.
I know its way too late to revert back to the old system due to all the refunding you did. But I do implore you to quickly fix this mess before start leaving in droves. Like myself.
Posted 16 May 2017 - 05:59 PM
Posted 16 May 2017 - 06:08 PM
First, the UI is slow as hell. Whenever you select a mech, it starts loading ALL OVER from the top.
When you made it inside the mechlab to start configuring, each time you select a new group (fire power, operations, auxiliary etc), you have nothing better to do than to return to the default display size of those monsters, so that I can reduce the size again to the perfect size I had just before selecting the next group.
When you want to activate nodes, you have to wait ages (well, at least a second !) before the UI registers which node you hover your mouse pointer over and therefore can select it. if you click to fast, you have to hover over another node before you can go back in hopes you are not too fast again. FRUSTRATING !
When you want to distribute historic XP, why the hell do I have to confirm that I want to give all my historic xp of the single variant of that mech type that I possess to that mech? Does it make sense to not spend historic xp, buy a duplicate and then split the xp? was that really a consideration? Why not simply put all the historic xp into that single variant you own. I understand giving the player a choice if you got more than one copy, but with a single mech?
Why not exclude unavailable skill nodes from the list of unlocked nodes? I mean you cannot put ECM or jump jets or narc in just any chassis. If those points are not ever possible, why include them? I made the mistake of assigning the max number of skill points to a chassis only to realize later that I could never ever assign all of those, so I got dozens of skill points assigned that will never ever be used. Again, frustrating.
Posted 16 May 2017 - 06:16 PM
My refund was a slap in the face...
And I thought quirks were all going away!? They're still there, damnit!
I refuse to touch this crap for the next few days until we see what happens next...
Edited by Commander A9, 16 May 2017 - 06:18 PM.
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