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Too Complicated - Brain Exploding

skill rubbish system

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#21 Thaloc


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 03:05 PM

View PostSavage Wolf, on 16 May 2017 - 03:00 PM, said:

So does everyone else. It's a new meta, it's fresh, something new to explore. And you figured out the mechlab so you'll figure this one out. The game has always been about customizing mechs and now you can do that even more so.

That can easily be fixed by installing it again. Your welcome.

So how does re-installing in the future compensate me on the money i spent and lost on those 6 days I can't get back you idiot

#22 DeathwindsBreath


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 03:12 PM

holy crap how do you get the apply changes icon to work
how do you buy SP points not well thought out

#23 Savage Wolf


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 03:13 PM

View PostThaloc, on 16 May 2017 - 03:05 PM, said:

So how does re-installing in the future compensate me on the money i spent and lost on those 6 days I can't get back you idiot

You said it was lost, but don't worry, it's still there if you reinstall. No time lost, it's still there.

Also if you didn't like the skill tree, why did you activate premium time this close to it's release? Or is it just the time you got for free from the event?

#24 Max Von Lakes


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 03:36 PM

View PostBigBlue, on 16 May 2017 - 12:28 PM, said:

I have around 70 mechs, and while I know I only routinely use half a dozen, I doubt serious I will even outfit those six mechs with skills until I do a ton of study and see the the first "correction" patch.

Agreed, but in a much worse situation;
Posted Image
The only 'mechs I didn't have fully mastered was 4 Assassins, and the Javelins (which only dropped today)....now, I have 411 unmastered (basic) 'mechs :s

Edited by Max Von Lakes, 16 May 2017 - 03:38 PM.

#25 Felbombling


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 04:17 PM

Don't respec all your Mechs at once. Go it, pick a couple of Mechs for the night, respec them and play a few games. The sky is not falling, you guys.

#26 Sarsaparilla Kid


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 04:23 PM

View PostMax Von Lakes, on 16 May 2017 - 03:36 PM, said:

Agreed, but in a much worse situation;

Your mouse finger is going to need serious physical therapy if you spec them all out in one sitting...send the bill to PGI...:)

#27 kapinga


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 04:32 PM


#28 Nimnul


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 05:28 PM

Love skills but want more openable... near 120

Edited by Nimnul, 16 May 2017 - 05:31 PM.

#29 Negaman1971


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 05:58 PM

Yikes! I feel like I have to go to school to learn how to make my mechs back to what they were...is that even possible? I don't know if there is anyone out there to do it (I certainly won't), but if there was a way to show what sections to click to get my mechs back to my old "master" levels I'd appreciate it. Or if PGI could have a button that would essentially pre-click those choices (automating it) that would be awesome!

Lazy? Perhaps...and I'm all for more customization, but I don't want to have to learn how to tweak my mechs all over again and learn how to pilot them all over again while I refine which box to click. I'd rather have a button to pre-select my skills based on the old levels I've achieved before this came into play, then customize from there.

I like the customization because its what I was used to from the table top game, but I'm not a Min/Max fan and don't want to play tons of games trying to achieve the "perfect" build on a given mech, especially when I own over a hundred of them.

And to the people who say, "just try a few out at a time"...are you serious??? I have a job, a family, and barely enough time to play all of the mechs I already own! I'm ashamed to admit it, but I've spent money on mechs that I've never even played yet because I usually stick with a class until I master it, and that usually takes me a while. My mech bays look like my wife's closet with shoes she has never worn!

#30 Savage Wolf


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 06:46 PM

View PostNegaman1971, on 16 May 2017 - 05:58 PM, said:

And to the people who say, "just try a few out at a time"...are you serious??? I have a job, a family, and barely enough time to play all of the mechs I already own! I'm ashamed to admit it, but I've spent money on mechs that I've never even played yet because I usually stick with a class until I master it, and that usually takes me a while. My mech bays look like my wife's closet with shoes she has never worn!

Then only put skills on one? Just lower the number until you have the time for customizing that number of mechs and play with them. Just take the others as you go. And those mech you didn't get to play before? Still don't. No one is forcing you to use all your skill points right now. Just use them when you come around to that mech and have the time. You know, like always.

#31 Vaderman


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 09:03 PM

View PostSavage Wolf, on 16 May 2017 - 02:36 PM, said:

People able to navigate the mechlab, but can't figure out a simple skill tree. I have a feeling people are just cross and need an excuse.

It's a solution in search of a problem.

Is the game better for it? No.

That was a lot of effort for a big negative in fun factor and just driving customers away.

There's no excuse for this abortion.

#32 soapyfrog


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 09:05 PM

This skill tree is not Battletech. It is not Mechwarrior. It is just boring and repetitive.

When has Mechwarrior ever needed something like this?

The old skill system was superior to this, broken skills and all.

#33 Max Von Lakes


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 11:01 PM

As I said in a different thread; I'll give it until Friday night, if there's no sign of a resolution, I'll be asking for refunds on civil war stuff, and more than likely walking away.

It isn't the clicks that bother me (even with 413 mechs), it isn't even the complication of the skill tree.

It's that no iteration of the skill tree in PTS was liked, by anyone, ever. It was overly complicated, unintuitive, and offered less (No?) "specialisation", and....
we get it pushed onto us anyway.
Did the devs read a reasonable percentile of the feedback, or cherry pick the few good ones (obviously wrote by sadists/trolls) and use that as a basis? Given that the tree has landed...I can guess which it was..

#34 Foghorn71


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 12:33 AM

View PostSavage Wolf, on 16 May 2017 - 06:46 PM, said:

Then only put skills on one? Just lower the number until you have the time for customizing that number of mechs and play with them. Just take the others as you go. And those mech you didn't get to play before? Still don't. No one is forcing you to use all your skill points right now. Just use them when you come around to that mech and have the time. You know, like always.

why should we have to waste the time.... thats the point

#35 Insanity09


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 02:11 AM

On the one hand, the new skill system does allow players to customize each mech's skillset. So, plus there.
They got rid of the arm pitch skills, so that's good.
They did adjust the firepower tree a bit, eliminating some of the forced useless (or less useful) purchases to get to the valued nodes. Kudos.

Too convoluted.
Many clicks for seemingly little benefit. Lots of time.
Unclear trade-off values. (How much value does one node of 20% radar dep have? Versus one more node of skeletal/armor/casing? Do I really care about that last 1.5% speed tweak? Etc.)

I've already found myself thinking "heck with it, I'll just dump points here and not spend so much time on it".
This system also suffers, in a BIG way, what most mmo skill systems go through, lots of effort to get that next skill point for very little return, because only in bulk do most nodes have any real effect. Many folks had said that before it went live, and it's still true. Sigh.

#36 Savage Wolf


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 02:15 AM

View PostVaderman, on 16 May 2017 - 09:03 PM, said:

It's a solution in search of a problem.

Is the game better for it? No. Yes

That was a lot of effort for a big negative in fun factor and just driving customers away.

There's no excuse for this abortion.

Are we talking about the skill tree or the mechlab, because they are both solutions to the fun that is mech customization.

View PostFoghorn71, on 17 May 2017 - 12:33 AM, said:

why should we have to waste the time.... thats the point

Why then waste time in the mechlab or the old skill system? To customize.

My point is, if you are against the complicated nature of the new skill tree, you should also be against the mechlab, because it's equally complicated and time consuming and solves the same problem.

#37 The Unstoppable Puggernaut


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 02:54 AM

I've got so many mechs I haven't played in ages (the numbers are nothing compared to Max Von of course). On the plus side I look forward to seeing what nasty combination I can setup with that mech.

It does feel like having 'x' amount of sculptures, and someones poured some fresh cast over them all. You'l'l have to start again yes, but you'll have a very different product afterwards.

The kdk's are ... even nastier but feel like wood to move (even when fully quirked).

#38 Crumudgeon


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 03:31 AM

The concept of switching the skill system to a more complicated one (and a la cart) is not the problem, in my opinion. I do not think that it is too difficult to use. I get that they did not think their Quirk system though well enough and it lead to unintended consequences, so I am fine with the way they are reducing those. The Quirks being needed to entice players to play poorly translated (from tabletop) mechs. I like that they are allowing for additional percentages that you can gain, as long as you are willing to trade off skill points in other areas. I do not mind having to go through and re-skill all of my mechs, although I do not have very many.
They definitely need to get rid of the gating concept, forcing you to take stuff you do not need to get to what you want. There are enough skills available to force you to make choices already, gating is not needed. You can only take 91 of the 237 available skills anyways. Why does a PPC Panther NEED additional range? I would like Cool Down, and Heat Gen., can't get that without range though (STUPID!!!). HATE the new skill system!!!! Still not thought out intelligently.
Here is a completely simply answer to the Mech Skill Tree problem (it is not about the pilot or it would apply to all mechs), PGI sets your skill as you already had them with previous skill system, with old percentages. You start off ready to play just like pre-patch. Had radar Derp before? You have that skill with the new one, at the old percentages. Then you can change your skills as suits your play style. Maybe you are willing to trade Quick Ignition for something else, maybe you want even more Quick Ignition.
PGI needs to roll this patch back and try it again, or they will lose players/money. I definitely will not spend another penny without PGI making changes to their Skill System. Happy players will spend money, angry player find another game. Too bad too, I really enjoyed this game on May 15th.

#39 soapyfrog


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 05:53 AM

The problem is that they could have the same skill tree but in 30 nodes instead of 237.

You know those useless nodes that no one wants but you are forced to take? Give them to everyone for free and take them out of the skill tree!

Now take all the useful nodes and consolidate them, so that each one is a meaningful choice. Make them linear so you can get the specific thing you want, but make all lines desirable so that you have a hard choice to choose what to specialize in.

Lastly, remove respec costs. Let people play with the mechs they have paid money for and then spent hours and hours levelling without punishing them again and again just for wanting to change something.

#40 Brom96


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 09:01 AM

Too complicated and convoluted. It takes time to adjust and I have an hour per dayif even so, to play. So, maybe I manahe to set my main mechs by the end of the next week, and I have 2 of them :). Oh, i assume it was made in orde to make people pay more money?

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