Kristov Kerensky, on 22 December 2011 - 01:07 PM, said: took a builder, selected that particular variant of the Cyclops, then lock down all the slots you don't want to see changed, some as unchanging, some as specific weapon type.
... I see people still won't click links. I guess I *will* have to repost my post for the ... i think fifth time? Now.
Quote which version of a Mech do you use as the BASE model,
NONE of them. I had hoped this would have been obvious from my previous post.
There will be a separate chassis for every variant built.
IE: A cyclops 10-Z, 10-Q, and 11-A, each one would have its own chassis in the 'mechlab.
You just can't lock certain sections of a Mech to only accept particular weapon types, the stock variants can't be made when you do so, the Catapult is just ONE of the many examples of this. THAT was the failure of MW4, and your system isn't any different in that respect and you know it.
I guess when you decide to be ignorant you can say anything you want about what someone says?
Funny, you link the actual BTech Mech information but then want to ignore how it works to enforce some sort of restrictions on it for 'balance'. I believe that falls under the 'ironic' catagory doesn't it?
Funny, the link I was referring to was my first post in this thread, not my sig link. Ironic, no? ... NM that nothing I've actually posted about how to set up a 'mechlab contradicts or negates anything from my sig link - again, ironically, it uses some of the stuff from that link as justification for the restrictions.
Post I linked to and referred to:
Pht, on 07 December 2011 - 05:07 PM, said:
"Blue" is mislabeled. It should be "equipment" which mostly means you can put heatsinks there, maybe ammo.
Should be pretty straight forwards.
Things that those familiar with the MW4 lab and the parent game won't see so obviously:
Don't allow internal structure type to be changed - don't allow engines to be changed (instead, look to the things in Tac Ops, like sprinting, for a wide 'Mech performance envelope). cockpit, gyro, and actuators (hip, arm joints) should not be allowed to be messed with (with the single exclusion of omnimechs with omni arms removing the hand and I think the lower actuators for using ppcs and gauss?).
Omnimechs can't modify their armor or otherwise do anything that would cross over from non-omni areas into omni-slots - otherwise, they're no longer modular, in addition to the above restrictions.
This gives a quick way to resolve penetrating hits and allows for the armor/damage behaviors to be ported with ease in a way that fits the fluidity of a VG with ease, and it stops (as much as the original mechs meant to!) munchkins from lunacy.
Omnimechs might have to be somehow restricted in number, because they'll be (as they should be and as the Lore blurbs them) scary, as far as loadouts are concerned.
One of the other things this would necessarily bring with it is that all the variant chassis of a base chassis (non-omnimech chassis, that is) would actually have to be in the game. There would be a large field to choose from - which would be even more fun if they managed to get the combat setup where they could handle the 'Mech quirks (marauder is supposed to be deadly in combat, that sort of thing).
This would stop the MW3 problem where all 'Mechs are rendered into nothing more than visually different bags full of guns - munchkin min/max Sheol misery, and still allow for a LOT of customization.