Xhaleon, on 25 December 2011 - 11:51 AM, said:
You know, it would be very strange if seasoned players were forced to downgrade their machines, or pick an entirely crappier one, all because their recorded skill (as the game sees it) makes them worth so much they can't join games without upsetting the BV matchmaking.
CSN, BV's for balancing a tabletop game so both commanders start on an equal standing, where their skill is shown through the use of the forces available to them. In a competitive game where we play the pilots and not the puppeteers, the two sides are only supposed to be balanced by their equipment (and only if PGI decides we're supposed to be so disconnected from the "real world" warfare and campaigning). Having better skills at the game is supposed to be an advantage, not a hamstring.
Well, it comes down to how that "pilot skill factor" will be weighed in matchmaking, won't it? To state this clearly in advance, I am in favour of factoring pilot skill in. But that is "factoring in", not making it the whole point. Let's face it, with modern computing power you have the option to let a truckload of variables influence the matchmaking without causing much delay. The more, the better, I say; and yes, that includes pilots kill/stats. To what degree/percentage though realted to the total matchmaking "value", well, that is the big balancing question.
Exaggerating a bit, I won't want to have to face an Atlas in my smaller Assassin every time just because ther Atlas pilot has LOL-stats. On the other hand, I'd also hate to be teamed up with the Muppet Show every other time just because they happen to drive Mechs with comparable BV. But sadly can't find their d**** on a sunny day at noon with a flashlight. I'd like something in between, thank you very much. Somewhat of a challenge if I happen to be that really good Mech pilot, but not being penalized to kingdom come for being a decent pilot.
In order to avoid these (prolly exaggerated) extremes, I'd like a multiplicity of factors to play a role in the matchmaking value you get assigned. Let me list a few I think could be important:
- The rating (BV, if you want) of the Mech I'm sitting in, a no-brainer really.
- My personal "pilot rating" in that specific Mech. It usually might take a match or five to get used to that new ride. Someone with 100+ good matches in it will be somewhat more accustomed to it.
- My overall "pilot rating" as a MechWarrior. If I cannot hit the broadside of a barn, I shouldn't be rated like an élite pilot in the same Mech. That would just cost PGI a bunch of frustrated, thus leaving, customers.
- A very minor modification if I happen to join the random battle as part of a crack lance which has a really impressive "unit record". Not in order to penalize good teamwork, but rather make it count.
- A modifier based on my performance on a specific map type. Experience shows some players have massively different stats on certain map/terrain types. Some may excel e.g. on a desert map but be actually subpar on an arctic one for some reason.
Now all these factors being influencing variables with vastly different percentages on the final value. For example, make the Mech by itself count for 65%. Make the"pilot in given Mech" count for 20%. Make general pilot "skill" count for another 5%. (Just throwing out numbers here, might end up with totally different ratios.) And yes, there's a lot of other factors that might come into play as well I just cannot come up with right now.
The end result should be a "rating", that allows for matches that are balanced ina way, that allow for decent
random matches. Mind me, I am not, repeating it,
not talking about a campaign/capture game mode. This kind of matchmaking should go for random, aka "free for all" matches that get randomly formed. In order to avoid matches where due to a bunch of crack pilots on the one team, and a bunch of newbs on the other the match will be over after 4 minutes, and everybody participating will be dissatisfied and likely bored.
Remember, with regards to the background/canon, you always have and had pilots of different skill levels. Yet, they all came to the battlefield at one point and contributed. And rarely would you send a crack unit to wipe the floor with a bunch of nOObs, because it wasn't worth it, you'd have some other use for your best units/pilots usually (discounting an infamous Death Commando raid attempt from one novel...). Thus for a random "casual" battle, a system that would offer some attraction for everybody, both the vets and the newbs, would be benficial, IMHO.
Now for the campaign/conquest mode where the game clans/units will play the major role, that of course shouldn't be the way. If you want to mess in that game mode with the "big guys"™, that's your call to make. No need to try to balance that one out too much as far as skill/capability is concerned.
TL;DR: A matchmaking for "random" battles where pilot skill is an influencing factor, would be beneficial for the game
as a whole. Not for campaign game mode though. It won't do the game
as a whole any good if newbs get ROFLstomped most of the time in those "random" matches. Present everybody, no matter gow good a pilot he is, with both somewhat of a challenge and an opportunity in the random match mode. If you want to swing your E-Peen around, you can always do that in campaign/strategic mode.

And don't just let the Mech design fresh out of the "cooker" be the only determining factor for matchmaking for sure. That is just plain dumbing down the game badly.
Edited by Dlardrageth, 27 December 2011 - 11:58 AM.