Games would be much slower and last longer due to less alpha strike, higher overheat chance, lower damage output, etc. Call it the Hardcore mode. That's also where players skills would really shine.
This idea comes to me because if I have 30 minutes to play I just want to launch the game and jump in a match quickly without having first to spend 20 minutes on a Mech to finetune skills. I will eventually look at adding skills to many Mechs but for now I would really just like to play a quick game here and there without having to look at skills at all.
Then I realized why not make it a permanent option? So even when all your Mechs are skilled properly you would always have the option to select Hardcore to jump in a game where skills do not apply.
I think it would be a totally different gameplay and be one more option when you're looking for a change.
Edited by Rhialto, 17 May 2017 - 12:36 PM.