Technically this is 6 Streak SRM-2s. But that isn't what this is about.
Some mechs of the past have had reduced missile tubes to help add a little flavor. In some cases this was good. In some cases it was bad, particularly when the number of tubes you got didn't make any sense (Victor's first 2 missile slots were great, the third only gave you twin tubes and no control over what weapon system got it. Quickdraw's CT slot having 4 tubes was kinda bleh).
There have been times when limited tube counts provide interesting gameplay, too, such as Wolverines. An LRM-20 on a Wolverine only nets a 10 tube launcher, but the 'ease' of two heat spikes of half heat instead of a single heat spike allows for some great tactical elements. The reduced spread of 10 missiles being fired from an LRM-20 instead of 20 also made it almost as if each volley had Artemis when it didn't, and with Artemis the benefits are more compounded, more than making up for the added risk of those missiles being shot down or potentially missing.
But beyond the gameplay elements, there's the cosmetic elements...
And lets be honest. This looks like ****.
The Vindicator, whose missile door we missed out on because PGI gave it additional missile hardpoints and lots of tubes... looks like ****.
The Centurion, whose missile door was sacrificed to give us a mess of holes... looks less like **** compared to the Javelin and Vindicator, but my god the loss of that missile door is too drastic. I would happily accept something like a limit of 18 to 24 tubes on my Centurion if it meant I could keep them all behind a missile door, and I say this as someone who typically sports LRM-20 + 2 SRM-6s. I would be fine knowing that my LRM-20 launcher is trying to spew out of 5 to 6 tubes if it meant I'd look good doing it. God knows it'd do wonders for my heat management, too! So long as it isn't accidentally spiking ghost heat.
So if there was ever a case to cut back on extreme missile tube counts... here it is.
Can't make a poll here.
So please also provide:
Yay, Nay or Abstain/neutral.
and the reason for your position.