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Weapon Groups & Chain Fire

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#1 ArmageddonKnight


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Posted 18 May 2017 - 12:26 PM


I propose that ether or both the following features be implimented.

Difficulty of implimentation & Time required : Minimal.

Increase Max weapon groups to atleast 8, prefrably to the maximum possible weapons that can be equiped (16?). or allow the user to add or subtract weapon groups themselves up to atleast 8.

Add an option to adjust chain fire rate of fire.

The seperation of weapons is a neccesity. The seperation of weapons bassed on which side of the mech they are on is also very usfull.
To do this on a mech with 3 weapon types requirs more than 6 weapon groups.

Example: LRMS, SRMS, Lasers

Alpha SRMS
Alpha Lasers
Left SRMs
Right SRMS
Left Lasers
Right Laser
Alpha SRMs & Lasers

8 Groups.

Chain fire is currently of no use to fast ROF weapons such as the AC2's.
The ability to modifiy the chain fire ROF would allow proper timing of chained weapons and remove the requirment for players to use 3rd party macro programs for consistant rapid fire of fast ROF weapons like said AC2's.
Said macro's are also limited by the 6 weapon group limit when using more than 6 weapons, unless ur prepared to pair up the additional weapons, which defeats the purpose of seperating them for chain/rapid fire.

A simple easy request, one which wont affect balance in the slightest.
More options for the players the better.

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