I`m asking because from gameplay videos is doesn`t look like tesselation is enabled, but as it`s the next big thing and many games are/will use it, i was hoping to see it in MWO.
Dynamic tesselation is a means of generating complex geometry. This provides far superior details on a model. Consequentially it alters conditions for lighting, giving a more natural looking shadow and improved lighting effects. It also removes the LOD issues as details scale dynamically rather than using various pre-set levels of detail. Finally dynamic tessellation also generates greater depth in the picture. Currently it is being implemented in EVE-online.
It looks great and it works great with cheap and readily available graphics cards (because it scales so well). They just need to be Shader 3.0 Standard as far as i recall.
Here is a video you should see before posting:
Edited by Baudolino, 22 July 2012 - 11:25 AM.