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Direstar2.0 For Theb33F! 8)

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#1 Arugela


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Posted 30 May 2017 - 07:12 PM

DS2.0 / 2 / 3 (AMS+Ammo=Lams)

Improved with LAMS. One with MPL, one with extra heatsinks, one with jumplets! ><

Or is it 3.0 now?!


This is lacking heat containment and dissipation skills. But it gives full JJ, AMS, and some survivability! ><


BTW, what are elephant PPCs!? 8p And amore is love in french.... What is he getting at?

Edit: Is there some trick to that mech setup. I think someone mentioned it doesn't deal with all the heat correctly. did anyone every figure out why. And does it still do this? I wonder if it will still work with skill tree. Let alone maxed out heat.
DW-W 7/11 / 2 (no shirt no shoes no service?!) https://tarogato-mwo...4c-6f90337e36dc

You can also drop it to 7 PPC's and call it DireStare 7/11. It can chainfire then continuoustly(heat pending) and has more DHS. And more utility like Full JJs.

Edit: It's definetly going to be fun calculating in extra armor and structure if it effects fibrous and endo.

Edited by Arugela, 30 May 2017 - 08:31 PM.

#2 VonBruinwald


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Posted 01 August 2017 - 02:09 PM

"Maximum Alpha", it means 'I love you' in Direstar...

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