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About The Lurms, The Salt, And Pgi's Point Of View.

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#221 Xiphias


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 10:18 AM

View PostGalenit, on 03 June 2017 - 09:10 AM, said:

Is it a proof, if its based on less then 20% of the playerbase?
Does it even matter, if this proof only counts for a gamestyle that dont matter for more then 80% of the playerbase?

The question was on effectiveness. At the top skill levels LRMs simply aren't an effective weapon. Read what I wrote earlier:

View PostXiphias, on 01 June 2017 - 09:40 AM, said:

If I didn't know how to lock tagets (extreme example) I would think that LRMs were terrible dumbfire weapons and that streaks were completely broken and useless. Should PGI balance the game around this opinion? Should LRMS autohome without having to lock targets at all? Clearly not. It makes no sense to balance from this point. This is why balance needs to start from the top down. Balance based on the optimal performance of weapon systems and then tune this so that it isn't broken in the lower tiers.

View PostThe Trojan Titan, on 03 June 2017 - 09:18 AM, said:

1 lrm-5 costs 2 tons (1+1/2 if you use minimal ammo) in a clan mech,
1 lrm-5 costs 3 tons (2+1/2 if you use minimal ammo) in a IS mech.

If you're murderballing, you can focus spread 55 damage at any given time when you have enough time to acquire locks and for the missiles to reach the target on top of any other damage coming in, while also generating additional heat.
If that means nothing. sure. keep laughing. Ha ha?

Nobody in comp play uses ams, only ECM, its either min/max Gauss PPC or Laser vomit, every single ton is dedicated to firepower spam or armor.
And nobody will ever expect it either.

You can't put damage on a target that is jumping in and out of cover with LRMs, you can do this with a direct fire weapon. Because of this direct fire weapons are superior for trading. You also can't always both lead a target and get a lock so you'll have to decide what weapon to use. If you are running up against a brawl deck, they are just going to ignore the damage and close range and when they do the LRMs will be mostly useless.

You act as if the LRMs are free, focused damage. In reality they have an opportunity cost of other weapons/heatsinks/etc. that you could take and they generate real heat which limits your other weapon systems.

The only reason LRMs are ever even close to useful in comp is because of the surprise factor. If, as previously suggested, they were required to be taken they would lose the one thing that even gives them an occasional chance.


Don't confuse the clusterfk in public play with what is possible in group or comp play with eachother.
Think about it.

I play comp, I understand what organization can accomplish. Don't confuse the effectiveness of LRMs against uncoordinated players to there effectiveness against organized competitive teams. If LRMs were as good as you suggest you would see them in comp. You don't because they aren't effective in that setting.

#222 Xiphias


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 10:22 AM

View PostOrmsbyGore, on 03 June 2017 - 10:06 AM, said:

I don't understand what you're getting at. Surely you're not implying that LRM-5s deal 55 damage? or that it is focused? Or that you are the first person to think of teaming a NARC light with LRM carriers?

11 mechs running an LRM-5 + 1 light mech spotting. Anyone who thinks using lights to hold locks/tag targets is a good idea has never played lights against a team like EMP running Gauss+PPC. You have to minimize exposure time and holding locks is the opposite of minimizing exposure. What happens to those LRMs when his spotter dies?

#223 MischiefSC


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 10:23 AM

Going to repeat this -

Why don't all these pro LRM players go dominate top tier comp play. Would love to see it. All the talk about how it would work but it never happens.

Go ahead. Anyone. Watching and waiting. Put those scrubs in their places, roll comp play with LRMs.

#224 Ted Wayz


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 10:41 AM

View PostMischiefSC, on 03 June 2017 - 10:23 AM, said:

Going to repeat this -

Why don't all these pro LRM players go dominate top tier comp play. Would love to see it. All the talk about how it would work but it never happens.

Go ahead. Anyone. Watching and waiting. Put those scrubs in their places, roll comp play with LRMs.

Top tier comp play....MWO...oxymoron. Can't even find it on ESPN 8, the OCHO.

Do they allow macros in comp play? No? Hey maybe I will put a team together!

#225 OrmsbyGore


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 11:42 AM

View PostXiphias, on 03 June 2017 - 10:22 AM, said:

11 mechs running an LRM-5 + 1 light mech spotting. Anyone who thinks using lights to hold locks/tag targets is a good idea has never played lights against a team like EMP running Gauss+PPC. You have to minimize exposure time and holding locks is the opposite of minimizing exposure. What happens to those LRMs when his spotter dies?

not to mention that having lock doesn't guarantee hits, what with cover and ams

#226 Incendiary Tracer


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 08:45 PM

Lurmspammers deserve whatever they get.

Especially assault lurmspammers.

#227 TLBFestus


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 08:57 PM

OP, I don't know if this will help, but try to keep in mind that the people criticizing LRMs are the people getting whacked by them.

Not exactly cream of the crop, tier 1 tryhards, if you get my drift.

Heck, I'm pretty terrible these days, but I know that when I get abused by LRMs I have only myself to blame.

#228 Ted Wayz


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 09:51 PM

View PostVladimus, on 03 June 2017 - 08:45 PM, said:

Lurmspammers deserve whatever they get.

Especially assault lurmspammers.

So during the memorial day event I ran an assault lurm boat. Had an average match score of over 370 (would have been 400 but a couple quick cap losses destroyed the average) and a >2.00 k/d. I got what I deserved, all the memorial day loot and a ridiculous amount of XP and c-bills.

And yes, I shared armor and did everything else an assault should do. Several times I used my secondary weapons to shoot at the feet of direct fire ******* who wouldn't deign to leave the safety of the backside of a building. When we lost it was due to lack of movement, not focusing targets, or just being dumb by doing things like sitting in the middle in Incursion and not sending lights to find out where the other team is (hint, hint: they are at your base).

It is not the weapon system, it is the pilot. This prejudice needs to end.

Couple months ago I was told I shouldn't post because my Roughnecks were getting like an average match score of 133 because I was screwing around and having fun. But for the event I went tryhard and ran the same mech over and over, just like a leaderboard event. The results? To all my critics, and you know who you are, using an assault lurm boat I crushed you. So I guess all of a sudden my opinion matters? Just sad.

#229 Vxheous


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 09:56 PM

View PostTed Wayz, on 03 June 2017 - 09:51 PM, said:

So during the memorial day event I ran an assault lurm boat. Had an average match score of over 370 (would have been 400 but a couple quick cap losses destroyed the average) and a >2.00 k/d. I got what I deserved, all the memorial day loot and a ridiculous amount of XP and c-bills.

And yes, I shared armor and did everything else an assault should do. Several times I used my secondary weapons to shoot at the feet of direct fire ******* who wouldn't deign to leave the safety of the backside of a building. When we lost it was due to lack of movement, not focusing targets, or just being dumb by doing things like sitting in the middle in Incursion and not sending lights to find out where the other team is (hint, hint: they are at your base).

It is not the weapon system, it is the pilot. This prejudice needs to end.

Couple months ago I was told I shouldn't post because my Roughnecks were getting like an average match score of 133 because I was screwing around and having fun. But for the event I went tryhard and ran the same mech over and over, just like a leaderboard event. The results? To all my critics, and you know who you are, using an assault lurm boat I crushed you. So I guess all of a sudden my opinion matters? Just sad.

I'm sorry, your stats from last month (which includes memorial event) don't line up with your story of AMS 370 and >2.0 K/D.
Posted Image

Play what you want, but please don't make up your stats to prove a point.

Edited by Vxheous Kerensky, 03 June 2017 - 09:57 PM.

#230 Deathlike


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 10:00 PM

View PostVxheous Kerensky, on 03 June 2017 - 09:56 PM, said:

I'm sorry, your stats from last month (which includes memorial event) don't line up with your story of AMS 370 and >2.0 K/D.
Posted Image

Play what you want, but please don't make up your stats to prove a point.

Well, my stats are already inflated for playing 1 day this season with Linebackers (zero Lurms used).

Oh well. I'm not saying cherry picked stats help, but I don't think I've ever really seen Lurmboats with anything resembling 2 k/d ratios, let alone 2 w/l ratios (even when matchscore is through the roof).

#231 OrmsbyGore


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 10:18 PM

View PostTed Wayz, on 03 June 2017 - 09:51 PM, said:

It is not the weapon system, it is the pilot. This prejudice needs to end.

Sure, but for some reason brawler assaults don't tend to hide behind buildings/walls while the rest of the team engages. It's like there is some quality of the weapon system that allows it, thus drawing the more.....timid players to them. If you are not one of those, great! more power to you. please teach other LRM boats to do the same

#232 Wil McCullough


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 10:41 PM

View PostTLBFestus, on 03 June 2017 - 08:57 PM, said:

OP, I don't know if this will help, but try to keep in mind that the people criticizing LRMs are the people getting whacked by them.

Not exactly cream of the crop, tier 1 tryhards, if you get my drift.

Heck, I'm pretty terrible these days, but I know that when I get abused by LRMs I have only myself to blame.

don't confuse the issue.

people who complain about lurms being OP are the ones getting abused by enemy lurms. either that or they have no idea how ineffective sandblasted damage is, let alone how inaccurate lurms are due to missile spread.

people who complain about lurms being extremely underwhelming are the ones who have to carry lurmers on their team. or like myself, very interested in seeing lurms being brought up to par with laservomit, goose peeps or srm bombing.

they are two VERY DIFFERENT demographics with OPPOSING viewpoints.

#233 I_AM_ZUUL


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 11:00 PM

View PostMischiefSC, on 03 June 2017 - 10:23 AM, said:

Going to repeat this -

Why don't all these pro LRM players go dominate top tier comp play. Would love to see it. All the talk about how it would work but it never happens.

Go ahead. Anyone. Watching and waiting. Put those scrubs in their places, roll comp play with LRMs.

"Comp" play is a gross caricature of everything wrong that PGI has ever done in this game (which is a fair amount) because of their total inability to read ONLY TWO books, Total Warfare & Tactical Operations. So using that exploit scene as the basis for judgment on anything else is false, especially when 90% of the player base is NEVER going to ever do it. Since LRMs can not be exploited by pixel perfect convergence or firing more than one weapon with Jumping or the laundry list of ways that PGI has utterly failed to properly implement the Ruleset correctly... then NO, LRMs will never have a place there because they are not useable in broken munchkin fashion under "House Rules".

Edited by I_AM_ZUUL, 03 June 2017 - 11:01 PM.

#234 Brain Cancer


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Posted 04 June 2017 - 06:05 PM

View PostXiphias, on 01 June 2017 - 05:55 AM, said:

LRMs used in serious comp play: 0

That's the only proof of the lack of effectiveness you need.

First response, best response. If a weapon isn't part of the meta, it's situational at best and in need of retuning.

That LRMs are used in quick play is a given. They're derided in team play (comp, FW) as not bringing what better players crave- pinpoint damage, ideally frontloaded or at least in as short a damage-over-time as possible.

They desperately need a velocity increase (with a velocity penalty for indirect fire, but a +80/+40 direct/indirect velocity boost), normalized spread, and tweaked arcs for direct (lower arc, higher speed) and dumb (flat line, lower speed) fire options. They need normalized LRM-10 levels of spread for all launchers.

That'd do wonders. At the least, it'd make higher level players more nervous around missile boats.

#235 Vxheous


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Posted 04 June 2017 - 07:46 PM

View PostBrain Cancer, on 04 June 2017 - 06:05 PM, said:

First response, best response. If a weapon isn't part of the meta, it's situational at best and in need of retuning.

That LRMs are used in quick play is a given. They're derided in team play (comp, FW) as not bringing what better players crave- pinpoint damage, ideally frontloaded or at least in as short a damage-over-time as possible.

They desperately need a velocity increase (with a velocity penalty for indirect fire, but a +80/+40 direct/indirect velocity boost), normalized spread, and tweaked arcs for direct (lower arc, higher speed) and dumb (flat line, lower speed) fire options. They need normalized LRM-10 levels of spread for all launchers.

That'd do wonders. At the least, it'd make higher level players more nervous around missile boats.

The last time PGI increased velocity of LRMs and changed the arcs of fire, we had a lrmageddon, and that was a real cancer on the game, because everyone used them, and no one could break cover, period. It was so bad that PGI had to revert it within a week. Thing is, a no-aim lock on long range weapon is very hard to balance. Make it too good, and everyone uses it (including comp players and other good players that currently shun them), and LRMs blot out the sun (and demolish your fps) in the game.

#236 Wil McCullough


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Posted 04 June 2017 - 07:59 PM

View PostVxheous Kerensky, on 04 June 2017 - 07:46 PM, said:

The last time PGI increased velocity of LRMs and changed the arcs of fire, we had a lrmageddon, and that was a real cancer on the game, because everyone used them, and no one could break cover, period. It was so bad that PGI had to revert it within a week. Thing is, a no-aim lock on long range weapon is very hard to balance. Make it too good, and everyone uses it (including comp players and other good players that currently shun them), and LRMs blot out the sun (and demolish your fps) in the game.

it is however, pgi's job to balance them.

right now, lurms are ****. i would take machine guns over lurms. long face-time, sure. but at least they don't need 4 tons of ammo to work, work better on open components and they offer pin point damage when you need it the most - in a brawl.

#237 Tesunie


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Posted 04 June 2017 - 09:06 PM

Okay. I'm going to mostly respond to only posts directly directed in my direction. (I couldn't help myself.)

View PostMischiefSC, on 03 June 2017 - 06:27 AM, said:

I hear this said a lot and it flat out isn't true.

Competitive play, both in context of real comp teams and even just teams that work hard at winning are constantly looking for new strategies, tactics and approaches. This consists of private matches and hours of theory crafting. Building decks and playing those new strats in live matches. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

If there was any way to squeeze value out of LRMs then good players would do it. LRMs fail due to spread vs precise damage, time to target and the counters available. Because getting someone to move into cover is not as useful as killing them. Plus the guy in cover can still peek out, shoot, pull back in. Taking 20 pts of spread LRM damage to deliver a 60pt alpha to a single location is a great trade to make.

The meta for comp play has changed constantly. Poke, push, gauss/ppc, laservomit, SRM rush, it's a big bag of tricks. If LRMs worked as well they would get used.

They don't. They're good for spud farming in pug queue. People want to use them for that, great. It's pug queue, it's for derping. Saying they're actually useful but all the people who are better at the game "just don't get it" is incredibly disingenuous.

I didn't say they didn't experiement and try to find new things that work, but often times I find their tactics to be rather "straight forward" in their approach. Mostly because "outside the box thinking" doesn't always have reliable or consistent results (which I'll admit). Sometimes, it's also a matter of effort as well, and most comp players look for the most results with the least effort applies (least chance of something being able to go wrong or ease of use, not talking about being lazy, this is different). If lasers can deal the most damage currently with less effort than SRM boating (maybe do to wonky hit reg, range, spread, or even lasers just happened to deal damage easier to one location), than lasers are what gets boated (and become a meta). Then, when ACs happen to being "easier to kill something" with (quad CAC10 for example, despite comp players saying for months before that they "where awful and spread damage all over the place") due to pure DPS they can spam (where as, then pin point damage isn't as necessary when you are splatting out 100-300+ damage in seconds at a target)...

I'll let you know, when I use LRMs, most times if you even get to hear the "Incoming Missile" warning, I've probably already hit you with them. No chance of dodging most times when I'm shooting it (unless it's an indirect fire support shot or some such). If they are shot within 400m, you really don't get much time to "duck into cover", and it's really hard for me to lose a lock. Closer to minimum range grants better results. Not saying I'm a great pilot (I'm not), but I can manage to get them working fairly well. You've seen my Huntsmen stats with 100+ matches on each mech with the same build on it (so those stats are for said build specifically, for my level of play). In my instance (in example of my Huntsmen Prime build), I'll be lobbing 30 LRMs at you, most of which should hit (excluding AMS, which I'm still not seeing much of yet). Even if they don't hit, I'll also most likely be shooting you with four ERMLs, into a single component if I'm lucky/skilled enough. Typically, while I'm also popping up over terrain, reducing their effective time to react.

A lot of people, including many of the "top level comp players" seem to (in my opinion) use them poorly. Even some of the people whom I've seen (that comp LRM team vs Comp direct fire team video for example) that I know can use them reasonably well, tend to fall into the same traps as everyone else (my opinion again). They tend to boat them, depending upon DPS to counter spread, shoot indirectly, bloat the team with them... It's real easy to fall into the "boating" trap. WIth most weapons, you emphasize and expand upon your strength, and can play away from your weaknesses. With LRMs, once you boat them you tend to not only emphasize your strength, but also your weakness. Spread can quickly go from being a potential ally (counting shield siding for example) to being a detriment (you can't take advantage of any holes you may open at all). You can't play "away" from spread with LRMs, and then have to try and depend upon even MORE DPS to counter it... Creating a "feedback loop". Once you get so heavy with it, you just keep sinking. It's one of the large reasons I find LRMs most effective in a mixed build, and not placed as an entire team of LRM only mechs...

As for the bulk of my statement, I called out different levels of play, far more than how comp players do thing.

You can't possibly tell me that T5 QP plays the same as T1 QP matches, and that those matches also plat the exact same as GP (as PSR tiers don't always matter here), or again as it does in FP matches, or that those play exactly the same as top tier competitive play matches. If it truly did, then why are their PSR tiers?

Depending upon the level of play of the player, LRMs may very well be an effective and useful tool. Maybe even boating them works very well for them at that time. The question is, will they adjust and adapt as they rise in tier? Can they continue to play as they once did, or do they need to work harder or bring better tactics/weapons than before? Is that UAC2 and LPL Nova build (I've seen them) really going to continue to work "like a charm" when they finally get to T3?

I'd also mention, as an LRM user who has worked through the ranks, I've found that I've had to work harder to make LRMs as effective as I have. Against a player standing out in the open... I don't need to work all that hard. When I'm in GP with my unit, I find I really have to stay on my toes to remain as effective as I do. And yet, I continue to find that I do very well with LRMs. Even more so than with direct fire mechs, via analysis of my mech stats for over hundreds of matchs of data. I'm apparently doing "something" right, at least often enough. And I can assure you, it isn't from lack of using direct fire mechs, even my LRM mechs use direct fire weapons. I also spent almost a solid year using nothing but direct fire weapons, hardly if not even touching LRMs at all. (From the time the Crab came out, to the time the Huntsmen came out.)

LRMs are different. They have many uses. I can not say they are better nor worse than direct fire weapons, as it seems to greatly depend upon who is using them, how they are being used as well as who they are being used against.

View PostMischiefSC, on 03 June 2017 - 10:23 AM, said:

Going to repeat this -

Why don't all these pro LRM players go dominate top tier comp play. Would love to see it. All the talk about how it would work but it never happens.

Go ahead. Anyone. Watching and waiting. Put those scrubs in their places, roll comp play with LRMs.

(Firefox went goof. I was typing and "hit enter" and it posted. What? Anyway... this is the "edit".)

I can continue to repeat what I've said, not all levels of play are competitive top tier play. Not all players are top tier competitive players. Even then, unless you do that test hundreds of times, against opponents who do not know who their opponents are going to be (so they can't "bring in the counter builds" and sabotage the results) and get only the "best of the best" LRM players in the game together (which, good luck finding those people out), it would be rather moot.

I can't say how LRMs might work in comp play. I'm not a comp player. I don't play at those levels of play. I most likely don't have the current skills/computer/internet stability to truly play at those levels of play. I can say, I seem to do rather "alright" when I'm with my unit and we drop against a comp team with "well known good players" on their team. I'm not ripping their faces off (don't expect to), but I'm also not "bottom of the team" either.

So, for my level of average game play, I seem to be holding my own or doing even better. Do I always do well? No. I have some bad matches sometimes like everyone else. If you even try to look at my "leader board stats" I'd have to remark that I also don't always run LRMs in every match, the same mech in every match, nor do I even run the same play style in every match. (Which is why I refer to individual mech stats combined with their loadouts for those specific mechs for crunching numbers. Only thing I miss out on there is average match score for said mech, which is kinda sad.)

View PostDeathlike, on 03 June 2017 - 10:00 PM, said:

Well, my stats are already inflated for playing 1 day this season with Linebackers (zero Lurms used).

Oh well. I'm not saying cherry picked stats help, but I don't think I've ever really seen Lurmboats with anything resembling 2 k/d ratios, let alone 2 w/l ratios (even when matchscore is through the roof).

K/D really is rather irrelevant. That only tracks the person who deals the last shot on a target. If you stripped the CT of a mech out to red internals, and someone else taps it with a MG or a fraction of a laser burst and dropped the target instead, it doesn't account for you "nearly almost killing" a target.

I can not account for LRM boats on the second half, but I can state (and I can screen shot my individual mech stats with posted builds, but I think you've seen me post about them already) my LRM mechs tend to have a higher W/L ratio than my direct fire mechs do. Though I shall admit, I don't have any mechs (with 100+ matches) with a 2.0 W/L rate. I have some at 1.5, but then again I never claimed to be "the best" either... Just I seem to do well for my level of play.

PS: I think the websites "stats" page is messing up again. Suddenly I have a Huntsmen Prime(S) stat line, and it doesn't seem to be accurate at all. I also have other stat lines that, I know I played far more matches in the mech (because it was mastered in old skill system, and I didn't master it in 5 or fewer matches)... So I don't even know how reliable that information may be... Posted Image

Edited by Tesunie, 04 June 2017 - 09:27 PM.

#238 Deathlike


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Posted 04 June 2017 - 11:09 PM

View PostTesunie, on 04 June 2017 - 09:06 PM, said:

K/D really is rather irrelevant. That only tracks the person who deals the last shot on a target. If you stripped the CT of a mech out to red internals, and someone else taps it with a MG or a fraction of a laser burst and dropped the target instead, it doesn't account for you "nearly almost killing" a target.

I can not account for LRM boats on the second half, but I can state (and I can screen shot my individual mech stats with posted builds, but I think you've seen me post about them already) my LRM mechs tend to have a higher W/L ratio than my direct fire mechs do. Though I shall admit, I don't have any mechs (with 100+ matches) with a 2.0 W/L rate. I have some at 1.5, but then again I never claimed to be "the best" either... Just I seem to do well for my level of play.

PS: I think the websites "stats" page is messing up again. Suddenly I have a Huntsmen Prime(S) stat line, and it doesn't seem to be accurate at all. I also have other stat lines that, I know I played far more matches in the mech (because it was mastered in old skill system, and I didn't master it in 5 or fewer matches)... So I don't even know how reliable that information may be... Posted Image

W-L is totally relevant though and you're not disputing my point.

Any time an LRM boat is challenged, they cannot respond. The difference between that so many other direct fire mechs... you still can at least repay in damage before you die. LRM boats simply cannot respond effectively due to LRM mechanics.

When you're calling targets and weak spots, you can expect some level of confidence that people that can aim will hit the spot more often than not... whereas LRMs... what and where you want something hit is totally on a prayer.

Edited by Deathlike, 04 June 2017 - 11:16 PM.

#239 PhoenixFire55


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Posted 05 June 2017 - 12:18 AM

View PostLorcryst NySell, on 02 June 2017 - 09:27 AM, said:

If that same player is in a match that is lost due to cap points / timers, even if he killed 11 'Mechs, his Tier bar will at best stay the same, at worst go down.

You've just clearly displayed your total cluelessness by this one line of text ...

But please, keep educating us about something you have zero understanding of. Its the internet after all.

#240 PhoenixFire55


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Posted 05 June 2017 - 12:21 AM

View PostVanillaG, on 02 June 2017 - 09:54 AM, said:

At the risk of going off topic, one of the main reasons that LRMs are under powered in TTK is because the other types of weapons have instantaneous pinpoint convergence. LRMs are the only weapon type that drastically spreads the damage compared to the other weapons and is the only weapon that does not benefit from convergence. But the topic of convergence is another lightening rod that should be avoided in this thread.

And yet convergence is the thing that causes more than half of MWO balancing and gameplay issues. We keep talking about if for five years and keep getting ignored for five years ...

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