James The Fox Dixon, on 01 June 2017 - 09:47 AM, said:
Way to put yourself up on that pedestal there. No, competitive players do not have a holistic understanding of the game. If they did then they would be arguing the merits of combined arms and the use of tactics. They don't. They are all about PPFLD and the depth of their tactics is to form a firing line in the hope the other team walks into it. Yeah, we're talking comp players being at the tactical level of Napoleonics while other players are at the level of modern combined arms with in depth tactics and strategies. Do you need help patting yourself on the back or do you have it?
The more you post, the more clueless you show yourself to be. Comp play has far more tactics than forming up a firing line. Considering most comp matches take place in conquest mode, forming up two lines and hoping won't get you very far. Top comp teams spend countless hours doing walkthroughs on each map, finding the best ways to have map/lane coverage, optimal routes of approach to caps, optimal timing for said mechs to get to cap, how to properly gain 3 cap, or at least gain 2 cap and pressure theta, and then the optimal builds for each mech that they'll bring to execute the strategy that the team has decided on. On top of all of that, they will play scrims against other top teams to test their theory-crafting, and refine before an actual comp match.
Top comp teams will know where/how you will poke from certain cover because they've explored all all terrain. They know that you will expose parts of your mech when you walk from certain cover. They know to expect you from certain areas based on your spawn point at start of match. There is so much attention to detail that you trivialise to "forming a firing line". You have no clue.
Edit: and no, I don't play comp (I've only ever done one season of MRBC, and my team won our division), but I completely understand how much time and effort teams have put in and how much understanding of the game/mechanics/balance issues that they gain from all that they do.
Edited by Vxheous Kerensky, 01 June 2017 - 10:14 AM.