Part Four – Alas, Babylon
Sisyphus’s Lament – The Periphery – August 17
th 3049 0746 Local Time
Joss had vowed that her first op with the Rebel’s would be her last. Immediately upon their return to The Lament Joss and Kazumi had agreed secretly that they would leave the Rebel’s at the first opportunity. However, their plan relied on the Rodger, Jazz, and the Ashigara. As they were their only way off this rock without out getting killed for attempting desertion. With recent events the Ashigara had not been to the base in a few weeks, and Joss was getting anxious to get off world quickly. But luckily, it just so happened the Ashigara was in port today.
The pirates recent activities has angered quite a few people both in the Sphere and in the Periphery. Rumor had it that the famed Kell Hound’s had been hired to find and eliminate Ryan’s Rebels. The patrol rotation had increased for Joss and her lance-mates as the pirate’s paranoia grew, but they had seen no sign of the Hounds.
Joss and Kazumi had formulated a simple plan in secret along with with Rodger and Jazz. When they returned from patrol they would tell Swede that they were going to train as they often did each day. At this point they would wait for Swede and Bart the enter the base and then simply walk their ‘Mechs on to the Ashigara as if they belonged there. The pirate’s we not meticulous about their book keeping or observation of the comings and goings at the port and most likely no one would even notice they were missing until they were long gone. They definitely increased their risks by taking the ‘Mechs, but Joss thought at least she could take one last jab at Swede and the rest by stealing ‘Mechs right out from under their noses. Once they were in space they would be in the clear since they pirates had no aerospace assets in system. Rodger had also arranged for an independent JumpShip whose captain he had know for twenty years or more to meet them at the Zenith jump point.
After their escape they planned on possibly starting their own mercenary unit. With the Ashigara, a JumpShip and two 'Mechs they did have a core, albeit a small core, of a unit in the making. Their first stop would be Outreach home of Wolf’s Dragoons and a who’s who of mercs in the Inner Sphere. Having a JumpShip and a DropShip they should be able to recruit fairly easily there even with limited resources. Worse case they should be able to sign on with a legitimate merc unit on Outreach so they could make an honest living.
All those plans seemed far away out here on a ridge at the end of known space. She completed her scans and noticed that there was quite a bit of interference and her long range comms were down.
“Swede this is Ramirez,” she neglected her ‘assigned’ call-sign purposely.
“Go ahead,” he replied tersely as usual.
“I have some interference are you able to contact HQ?” she asked.
After a short pause he replied, “Negative I am unable to contact the base either. I don’t like this crap.” His voice was getting more broken through the static. “Everyone form up on my position. We are going to regroup and return to base. Probably nothing but with the Hounds out for blood we can never be too careful.”
A few minutes later the Joss joined the other three ‘Mechs of the 2nd Recon Lance. Repeated attempts to contact HQ met with failure and static. The entire lance was getting nervous unsure of what was going on.
Suddenly the tac-comm hissed and crackled, “..fpffffzzz...der atta...immedi….zzfftt...shigara…sssssffpt...lifting off...” the harried voice faded into static as once again contact with lost.
They all turned in the general direction of base. Even though the HQ was at least twenty klicks away they could clearly see the small shape of what appeared to be the Ashigara lifting off on a plume of smoke heading for space at maximum thrust. The gazed at the ship in the distance as it continued to rise until it was only a pin ***** in the sky.
Bart’s voice broke the silence, “I don’t know what the hell is going on, but there goes our ride. If we need to get out of here in a hurry we’re screwed.”
“Stow that crap BeeBee. We need to get back to base. If we are evacuating there are still two Leopards on station. Move it now and keep sensors at max and watch your dispersion. We don’t know what we will be walking into from here on,” Swede said trying to get control of the situation.
“Lot of good the sensor will do,” Bart replied sullenly even as the lance turned from the ridge and set a course towards the base.
“Bryson I am going to beat the ever living...” Swede began, but was quickly cut off by a loud boom in the distance followed by a flash far up in the sky.
Everyone in the lance focused their attention in the general area of the sky where the commotion had been. A few moments later Joss spotted something hurtling from the sky it appeared to be a flaming meteor entering the atmosphere.
“Swede,” she begin keeping her eyes on the falling object, “I see what appears to be a meteor entering the atmosphere around 11 o’clock high to the Northeast.”
“I see it on visual,” said Swede as they watched it’s descent.
A minute or more passed and the trajectory of the object made it appear that it would pass directly over their position and impact the valley she had been looking at from the ridge just a few minutes prior. The object continued to get closer and closer, but had not veered from its original trajectory, so it appeared they were safe for the moment. At about a kilometer out it was still too far away for the reduced functionality of their sensors to get a clear reading on it, but visual details were starting to be able to be distinguishable.
Joss gasped as she and the others came to the same realization. It wasn’t a meteor at all, that flaming mass was the Ashigara. The ship clearly had multiple large hull breaches and was coming in way to hot for any sort of a controlled landing. The fiery ship shrieked as it pass overhead at about a thousand meters, the pressure wave of its passing caused ‘Voodoo’ to vibrate and rattle. It crossed just above the ridge line and dropped over the lip of the ridge and out of sight. A second later there was a huge explosion in the valley. The crash was out of their line of sight, but the sound was unlike anything Joss had ever heard and the concussion shook her ‘Mech even thought the impact must have been at least a couple of kilometers away.
“No...,” she said through clenched teeth as she ramped her Wasp up to full speed heading for the ridge. A ship that big maybe there was a chance of survivors. She had to see.
“Did you see that?” Bart said to no one in particular. “The damage done to it? That wasn’t just your everyday holes that a ‘Mech or another DropShip can punch in you. Something ripped it clean open like a tin can. What could have done that and who destroys something as valuable a DropShip rather than boarding and capturing it?” his voice was rising now clearly he was loosing the little bit of self control he normally had.
Swede’s Nordic accent cut in again, “Bart shut that damn hole between your ears and get your **** together before I end you. FNG get your *** back here now!” he bellowed. “That ship and everyone on it is dead don’t waste your time.” Clearly Swede was rattled as well, but he was holding it together much better than Bart.
Joss ignored his instructions and continued on at speed to the ridge line. When she arrived and could finally see the destruction below her. She felt as if someone had punched her in the gut and her breath caught in her throat.
The ship was smashed, broken into pieces from the uncontrolled impact and the parts were strewn about the valley in a trail of destruction. The small amount of oxygen in the air only allowed the wreckage to smolder which was somehow worse than the purifying heat and flame of a true fire. Clearly anyone who might have still be alive when the ship crashed would have died instantly from the velocity of the impact. A tear rolled down her cheek mixing with the already present sweat as she scanned against all hope for any sign of movement below.
She noticed movement on her left and quickly snapped our of her daze and spun the Wasp to face the new threat, raising the Diverse Optics laser to the ready.
“Thank God,” she thought, lowering the ‘Mech’s main weapon, it was Kazumi’s Commando.
“Imoto-san, I am sorry, but they are gone. There is nothing we can do here. You must return with me to the others. There is strength in numbers and time is short,” she said her normally stern professional tone cracking ever so slightly.
“They will pay... Whoever, did this will pay.”
“Hai that is honorable and I will help you when the time is right, but that time is not right now. We must return to Swede-san and secure passage on one of the Leopards or we will die here. Anything that can destroy a DropShip of that size so quickly is more than we can handle.”
Joss glanced once more into the valley below and thought of Jazz, Rodger, and the others that would forever be entombed on this rock. Another tear rolled down her cheek and she angrily brushed it away. “No time for that now,” she thought as she turned her ‘Mech to return to Swede and BeeBee. Grieving and revenge would have to wait. It had now become about survival and their only chance surviving seemed to be to get to HQ, get on one of the Leopards, and hope it could avoid the same fate as the Ashigara.
Joss and Kazumi returned and joined up with their lance mates. Swede didn’t say a word. But his silence spoke volumes. The MechWarriors turned their machines towards home and set off.
Sisyphus’s Lament – The Periphery – August 17th 3049 0833 Local Time
As usual Joss and Kazumi were paired in the point positions in their Wasp and Commando, followed up by Swede and Beebee in their Javelin and Locust respectively. There was still no further contact from the base, but the static had cleared, it was as of they were alone on this rock. Joss hoped there was still someone back at HQ that could get them off this rock. Stranded or dead was no way to get payback on whoever attacked the Ashigara.
The were only a few kilometers from the valley where the Ashigara had crashed when Voodoo’s sensors lit up like a Christmas tree with multiple contacts.
“Swede I have multiple tangos inbound about 750 meters closing fast. They are coming from the general direction of our base. IFF does not paint these as ours.” She reported the tension in her voice clear.
“I have them too,” Kazumi replied seemingly unmoved by their latest predicament. “Five Mechs inbound clearly fixed on our position.”
Joss worked on the settings on her sensors trying to get a clear reading and see what they were up against. The IFF system struggled to make positive identification. Either there was a glitch in her system or their opponents were piloting BattleMechs of an unknown type.
“I can’t getting a clear reading on them IFF will not identify those ‘Mechs. Only reading I can get is a mass estimate they are definitely light ‘Mechs which means we probably can’t out run them.” Joss replied. Her training from the academy was kicking in aiding her in remaining calm and focused on the task at hand.
Swede’s voice began to speak, but was cut off in mid sentence, “OK we need to set up defensive positions here in the rocky grou...”
Am unknown voice interrupted him over the general comm-channel. The voice sounded like no Periphery or Sphere accent they had heard before, “This is Star Captain Kade Torc, Clan Wolf, Alpha Galaxy, 2nd Assault Cluster, 3rd Reconnaissance Binary. I challenge the last free-birth unit on this planetoid for possession of Sisyphus’s Lament. Hopefully you will be more honorable in your deaths than your brethren were. With what forces do you defend?”
“What the hell is he talking about?” Bart asked in a shaky voice on their closed comm channel.
“Hell if I know.” Swede replied clearly worried.
By this time the hostile unit had reached the top of the hill in from of their position. The two forces stood face to face with scarcely 350 meters separating them. Joss was finally able to get clear visuals on the ‘Mechs. They were of a make and manufacture unknown to her, quite unlike anything she had seen before. There were two different types of bipedal ‘Mechs similar only in a very loose sense to Bart’s Locust, but much more menacing and dangerous looking. There were also three various humanoid ‘Mechs each looking sleek, deadly, and utterly alien in design.
Than she noticed there were small objects, armored infantry or tiny ‘Mechs, clinging to each the five BattleMechs. As she watched mesmerized they ignited small jumpjets, descended from their perches, and formed up in some sort of battle formation on the ground below the foreign ‘Mechs. They looked almost toad-like as they hopped to their positions. There were approximately twenty-five of these powered battle armored infantry though due to their small size their sensors were having trouble tracking them and confirming how many there truly were.
Before she could continue her inspection Star Captain Kade Torc’s clearly irritated voice was on the general comm again.
“Once more stravags with what do you defend? If you do not answer I will bring my full binary to bear on your meager forces.”
There was silence for a moment and then thinking it was better to say something than nothing Joss blurted out, “We will defend with our lance.” She had no idea if that is what she was supposed to say or not or even if she should have spoken at all.
There was another pause and then Torc’s voice echoed from the comms again, “Very well free-birth even though you do not deserve the honor we accept your bid. Clan Wolf will attack with two BattleMech points and one Elemental point. Bargained well and done free-birth.”
With that the two bipedal ‘Mechs and five of the armored infantry stepped forward separating themselves from the others. With no further communication they moved forward to engage Swede’s lance. The ‘Mechs were quick and agile, and the infantry bounded forward in huge leaps their jumpjets covering large distances as they advanced. Clearly the infantry would engage first.
“OK Joss, this is it. The real thing,” she thought to herself as she brought her medium laser to bear on the advancing armored infantry. Her targeting computer was having trouble tracking the small nimble infantry. She would have to eyeball this and shoot on reflexes alone.
Before she could depress the firing stud Bart triggered a wild shot with his Locust’s medium laser and carved a furrow in the dirt just in front of the advancing infantry. The infantry instantly changed direction veering away from their original target, Joss’s Wasp, and bounded towards the Locust.
“Concentrate on the ‘Mechs first. The infantry isn’t a major threat to our ‘Mechs.” Swede instructed in a strained voice following common Inner Sphere wisdom that infantry was little threat to armored BattleMechs.
Joss swung her Diverse Optics Medium Laser up and snapped off a shot a the nearest advancing ‘Mech. The beam of coherent light stitched across the oncoming ‘Mech’s torso. Armor melted and ran in glowing rivers flowed from the wound. The bipedal ‘Mech had low slung arms and evidently sufficient armor for a brawl. It shrugged off the damage and returned fire.
The Auto Cannon in it’s right arm barked and spat flame. Joss instantly felt the impact as the shotgun like spray from the invader’s cannon peppered the Wasp’s left torso and arm with a forceful impact, luckily not breaching her light armor. Internal gyros spun, aided by her own sense of balance which was fed directly into the war machine via the neuro-helmet, she kept ‘Voodoo’ upright and in the fight.
Unfortunately things elsewhere on the battlefield were going even worse for the others in her lance. The armored infantry had reached Bart’s ‘Mech and were swarming over the surface of the Locust. They fired small arm mounted laser and tore at the small ‘Mech’s armor with mechanical claws attached to the arms opposite of the lasers. Clearly Bart was in trouble.
Due to the Locust’s lack of arms he was unable to clear the infantry from the surface of his ‘Mech. “They are all over me!” he screamed clearly in a panic. “Multiple armor breaches. Someone help!”
Kazumi’s Commando shifted it’s stance and sprung to life trying to quickly close the distance between her position and that of the Locust. She struggled to lock in on the small forms swarming Bart’s ‘Mech. She couldn’t risk a shot with her SRM packs or medium laser, as they would surly damage, and maybe even destroy the Locust as well as the enemy. Opting instead to hopefully close the distance in time to use the hands of her machine to physically clear and crush the armored troops.
Before she could close the distance one of the Toad-like infantrymen attached itself to the cockpit of Bart’s Locust. Tearing armor with it’s claw and firing it’s arm mounted laser directly into the breached cockpit Bart had little time to do anything but scream before he was vaporized.
The ‘Mech crumpled to the ground. Kazumi cried out, “Omae o korosu! (Japanese – I will kill you)” as she charged ahead firing her medium laser and SRMs at the infantry. The laser scored a direct hit on the Battlesuited soldier that had just killed Bart. The chest clearly breached it fell to the ground unmoving. Amid the multiple explosions from the SRMs impacting around them the others scattered momentarily retreating stunned by the ferocity of her attack, but otherwise appearing operational.
At the same time Swede had his hands full with his opponent as well. He maneuvered his Javelin trying to bring his two SRM-6 batteries into firing range. But his opponent, a squat ‘Mech with two low slung arms each carrying some sort of high caliber weapon, had other ideas. From beyond Swede’s SRM’s range the squat ‘Mech fired these weapons, charging ahead as twin arcs of man-made lightning illuminated the battlefield briefly. One struck the Javelin in it’s right torso and the other missing just right of the cockpit.
One PPC much less two on a ‘Mech that small was unheard of in the Inner Sphere. The Javelin twisted to the right under the impact as the man-made lightning crackled and melted armor from the machine’s torso. The impact caused Swede to prematurely fire both his SRM-6s at the menacing foe. All but one impacted harmlessly in front of the quickly advancing monstrosity. The one hit barely scratched it’s leg armor and did nothing to phase the piloting MechWarrior in the least. It continued to close in on the damaged Javelin.
Swede’s voice, losing much of it’s Nordic accent, could be heard over the tac-comm, “Damn it what the hell is that thing?” He was clearly confused and losing his composure. With barely a moments hesitation Swede swung his Javelin 180 degrees and pushed it to full speed attempting to retreat from the battlefield.
“Dezgra, stravag! You will not rob me of my honor!” Star Captain Torc’s furious voice bellowed over the open channel.
Twin bolts of lightning once again erupted from the arms of the Clan ‘Mech. This time both stuck with full force in the back of the retreating Javelin. Armor melted and internal structure twisted as the twin PPCs did their work. The Javelin’s heat signature blossomed in what was a MechWarrior’s worst nightmare, the fusion engine shielding had been breached. The engine’s immediate thermal expansion left no time for the automatic safeguards to shut the engine down or for Swede to even think of ejecting from the machine’s fiery death. The fireball grew and devoured everything within nearly a hundred meters of the ‘Mech leaving no evidence other than the smoldering crater and small bits of scrap that the Javelin ever existed.
Joss glanced at her sensors, only moments into the fight they were down two ‘Mechs at a loss of only one powered infantryman for their foes. Only Kazumi’s Commando and her Wasp remained on the field. It was clear their opponents would neither ask or offer quarter.
She continued her dance of death with the second ‘Mech nimbly dodging incoming laser fire from the opposing warrior. Only ‘VooDoo’s’ mighty Rawlings jumpjets were keeping her in the fight. But jumping multiple time to avoid the incoming fire was quickly raising the operating temperature of her ‘Mech.
“I won’t be able to keep this up for long” she though as she triggered her Bical SRM-2 pack, causing the internal temperature of her ‘Mech to spike again and sweat to cloud her vision. The twin missiles spiraled and made a clean hit impacting the advancing ‘Mech at the left knee. The hit clearly affected the ‘Mech and she noticed it slow with a noticeable limp. “Not invincible after all are you?” she thought with a brief glimmer of hope.
That hope was short lived as the damaged ‘Mech returned fire with all it’s weapons in unison in a maneuver known as an alpha strike. Evidently her opponent wanted this fight over quickly. This was a risky move that could potentially over heat and shut down a ‘Mech in combat leaving it essentially helpless on the battlefield. Missiles, beams of coherent light, and the invisible supersonic shotgun like round from the arm mounted AC all flashed towards her at once as she triggered her jumpjets in a desperate attempt to avoid the salvo.
Her attempt was only partially successful as the four SRMs flew past her ‘Mech exploding harmlessly on the ground where ‘Voodoo’ had just stood. However, the AC tore once again into her already damage torso and the lasers converged on right arm at the shoulder, tearing the Wasps right arm off at the shoulder actuator taking her medium laser with it. Warning lights lit up all over her control panel as she fought to gain control of the seriously damaged BattleMech while still in mid jump. Somehow she managed to land the savaged ‘Mech upright. The machine pushed to it’s limits stumbled slightly going to one knee in the process. She worked the controls getting ‘Voodoo’ back in a full standing position. Her opponent did not immediately finish her off as she expected. Instead it seemed to be venting heat while closing in and perhaps waiting on it’s weapons to cycle before completing the kill.
Simultaneously across the battlefield Kazumi watched as the Armored Infantry reorganized quickly and began to advance towards her ‘Mech. A familiar voice came over the open channel once more.
“Neg, I will engage this free-birth in personal combat, retire your point. Quiaff?” Star Captain Torc commanded.
“Aff Star Captain,” came the deep voiced response.
The remaining four battle-suited infantrymen, stopped their advance on Kazumi immediately and headed back towards the unengaged units to their rear. The squat ‘Mech with the two PPCs turned quickly and faced Kazumi’s position.
“I hope you bring more honor than the first stravag I faced this day. His attempted retreat from the battlefield has made him and his dirty free-birth kin dezgra. My honor has not yet increased today,”
“Star Captain Torc-san there will be no disgrace in this moment on this field. Not at least until I stand over your burning carcass,” came Kazumi’s steely reply.
“Aaarggh! How dare a free-birth address me in such a manner!” Torc yelled as he advanced yet again.
Both Mech’s accelerated. The metal behemoths raced towards each other as the dance began again. Kazumi knew inside of 90 meters that Torc’s PPCs would not be effective and his ‘Mech didn’t appear to be carrying much if any other weaponry. Getting inside that radius was going to be difficult, but it was her only chance of surviving this encounter.
Torc triggered his PPCs again this time in chain fire mode to lessen the chance of overheating, The first shot sizzled as it missed to the right of the evading Commando. The follow up shot from the second PPC found it’s mark hitting the right arm of the fast moving Commando in a shower of sparks and molten armor. Metal twisted and the arm fell useless hanging at the side of the war machine, taking out the Coventry four shot SRM mounted there along with it.
Kazumi expertly compensated for the weight of the lost armor and the now useless appendage dragging alongside her wounded machine and continued her advance firing her Defiance B3M Medium laser striking Torc’s Mech in the right arm as she could tell by the glowing wound just above the elbow actuator.
“Stravag!” Torc cursed in his open mic as he patiently waited for his PPC capacitors to fill once more.
Kazumi counted the seconds and the meters as she closed the gap praying that the PPCs would not complete their charge before she was inside their effective range, “175...150..125..100,” she counted as the rangefinder ticked down. She was now basically at point blank range. She depressed the firing stud and activated her Shannon Six Shooter SRM pack and watched with satisfaction as five of the six missiles spiraled in and found their mark. Four impacted on Torc’s already damaged right arm sending the barrel of the PPC flying and spinning away from the impact. The other hit the squat ‘Mech’s center torso causing little damage other than to the ‘Mech’s armor.
She had effectively halved the Star Captain’s fire power and was now inside the remaining PPC’s effective firing range. The fight had turned decidedly in her favor as her Commando was much better suited to infighting than her opponent. Or at least so she thought.
The Star Captain’s ‘Mech slowed swiveling it’s undamaged side towards the Commando and fired it’s remaining PPC. Lightning arced towards Kazumi, who was much too close to avoid it, striking the already damaged ‘Mech’s torso. Kazumi could hear the grinding gyros and lost complete control of the Commando as it crumpled and fell to the ground. She tasted blood and sweat and her eyesight was fading.
“I guess the invaders tech doesn’t play by our rules,” was her last thought before the blackness engulfed her.
Glancing at her screen Joss saw Kazumi’s last moments and felt a hollow pit in her stomach. She was the last. No one to save her, no way out.
“So be it," she thought. "If this is end, let’s make it one to remember,” she said aloud to no one as she steeled herself for what was to come.
She fired her only remaining weapon, the SRM-2, at the recovering ‘Mech in front of her. Nothing happened. Frantically she depressed the firing switch to the SRMs again and again still nothing. The weapon was either jammed or destroyed. She felt a panic for a second and as the metal giant in front of her moved forward sensing victory.
Then a peace, a calmness even, surrounded her this was the end she would join her friends that had gone before her. Almost unconsciously she fired ‘VooDoo’s’ Rawlings jumpjets once more, even though the heat in the cockpit was unbearable at this point. The twisted hulk that remained of the Wasp rose quickly into the air hurtling towards the enemy ‘Mech as it moved in to finish the job once and for all.
The unsuspecting MechWarrior had no time to react as twenty tons of steel and myomer careened towards his ‘Mech. The was no time to dodge or even throw his machines arms up in despair. There was no time to contemplate what insanity would cause another warrior to use their Battlemech as a projectile.
The heat generated by the ‘Mech had finally taken it’s toll on Joss. At some point during the short flight she had blacked out. But, as if taking on a life of it’s own ‘VooDoo’ continued her course straight and true. The Wasp’s foot crashed into the opposing ‘Mech’s cockpit smashing reinforced steel, armor, flesh, and bone, crushing the life from the MechWarrior inside.
With no one at either controls the two ‘Mechs fell in a crumpled heap on the battlefield, smoking ruins of once proud machines.
Dire Wolf – Clan Wolf Flagship – Sisyphus’s Lament Nadir Jump Point – The Periphery – August 18th 3049 2103 Local Time
Voices, she heard voices. Though her eyes remained shut and she was still unable to open them the voices were clear to her. One voice she recognized from her nightmare, no not a nightmare...
“She appears to be stable Aff?,” Kade Torc’s distinctive voice echoed in her head. “How long before she awakes?”
“Aff Star Captain she is stable,” a gentler female voice replied. “But there is no way to tell when she will have full consciousness. She is wounded and was without proper oxygen levels for sometime before recovery, add to that the heat stroke she suffered...” the woman was cut off by a third deep masculine voice.
“Bah, Star Captain, we should just end this free-birth now. This stravag is weak and of no use to us!”
“Neg Star Commander, I have claimed Isorla. I am her bondholder she is now my bondsman under my protection. You will not lay a hand on her without my permission. In our victory over the free-births yesterday she fought like the Clans, ruthless and unyielding, defeating ristar Warrior Edward with no functioning weapons of her own remaining. Just a low born free-birth, yet she beat my best Warrior in one on one combat, while piloting an inferior Battlemech. We must know if this is typical of the warriors of the Inner Sphere or just an anomaly. Quiaff?” Torc paused for a moment.
“Aff Star Commander,” the baritone voice sullenly replied.
“She may yet be of some use to Clan Wolf,” Torc concluded thoughtfully.
The voices were fading and she was no longer able to keep even the semblance of consciousness she had so briefly achieved. Once again the sweet soothing darkness enveloped her. Torc’s voice echoing one last time in her mind, his last words lingering like a warning. “Clan Wolf...”
– The End –
Edited by Connor Davion, 10 February 2018 - 07:00 PM.