Wintersdark, on 12 June 2017 - 04:45 PM, said:
I'm saddened by how eager people are to degrade the gaming experience of others.
well it is kinda my point. when the game is already over, if you can end it faster and get on to the next quicker i'm all for it. I really don't care how it is done.
If there is still a fight to be had, have at it. If i wan't to DC and play again i drop and play another mech. Ending an already over match sooner, just lets folks move on and play again.
there are other things that i would call reportable.. Like just a match i had eariler, It was conquest, we pretty much took down the team. the fight was on tourmline, near kappa. The other team got a head in points, but we were not to far behind. There were two mechs left, and one was a viper. A few guys kept after the viper, 3 of us split off and headed to get the last 3 caps, to flip um. Sometime around this a few people started calling folks morons for fighting the viper. I said over comms, we got this, don't worry. (I clicked B and saw we were all about ready to hop on caps to flip)
2 people continued to call us morons, and thanks for loosing the match for us. We flipped the caps as i said, and they killed the viper. By the time the last guy standing got back to kappa it was to late. We won, but for the last 3 mins or so, two people berated the team for being morons.. then when it was known we would win, we were then "lucky morons"
the match totally turned me off, i logged out of MWO, and played Dark eye, Chains of Sativia for an hour instead. (pretty good adventure game, with a fairy!)
Which one is more toxic? I'll take a guy running out of bounds as the last one left any day, than listen to people that i stated in the above story. Sorta like the people that rage, after saying nothing all match. Can't even call a single target, and yet the entire team is full of idiots.
Hence why i report people for actually being jerks, Not the random afk person as that does happen, or suicide on last mech standing.
Edited by JC Daxion, 12 June 2017 - 05:00 PM.