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Intentionally Running Out Of Bounds Or Shutting Down To Force A Loss Is Not "non-Participation;" It's "aiding The Enemy"

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#21 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 12 June 2017 - 03:18 PM

View PostThoseWhoFearTomorrow, on 12 June 2017 - 02:20 PM, said:

The irony is gold.

I'm sorry, does it make me pompus to look down on people who give up and forfeit matches or something? Do you even know what Irony means? You could say it's ironic for me to look down upon quitters if I were to actually do something like that (suicide or shutdown FTL). The fact that I called someone out who said it's okay to quit as long as he's outperforming his team does not have anything to do with irony.

You probably are just scratching for insults. It's okay. Try this one:

*sees me post about people justifying their forfeiture*
"Hey, Propserity, your mom didn't want to quit last night."

There. That should work for you.

#22 Dee Eight


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 03:45 PM

View PostRestosIII, on 12 June 2017 - 12:36 PM, said:

Also, please report players that run away and shut down to try and prevent their K/D from getting lowered. It's infuriating to have 6 people on your team searching for a single Locust that ran and shut down somewhere on a map, extending the match way beyond its true end point.

That's also a vioiation of the CoC and a reportable act that can get you as into trouble with PGI as the ones prosperity is complaining about. It still counts as assisting the enemy.

#23 - World Eater -


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 03:57 PM

Let's compare what you've said so far -

"So, next time you see the last player on your team run out of bounds to "deny the enemy a kill" or if they intentionally avoid combat and force your team to lose the match (not shutting down to force a win by timer, but shutting down to guarantee a loss), then go to the match scoreboard and click their name to report then for Griefing -> Aiding the enemy."

"The disgusting mentality of "denying the enemy a kill" is pathetic for 2 reasons: Those guys you are denying a kill from can be on your team next match in Quick Play, which means you are harming your potential teammates, and the o ly reason you're doing it is to be rude to others. That's not what I call "mature behavior." I would call it other things, but my post would just fill with asterisks."

"I have a question: how does the air smell up there? Your nose must be turned so high that you're practically a weather station. "

Don't see it? Here's another -

"You probably are just scratching for insults."

"Or, you can run away like a scared bunny."

"I have a question: how does the air smell up there? Your nose must be turned so high that you're practically a weather station."

You make a thread thinking you're the moral authority on this topic and have the gall to tell someone else to get off their high horse. Instead of trying to understand different cases presented by other posters, you dismiss them with insults.

This thread is the equivalent of a kid shouting "NAH NAH NAH I CAN'T HEAR YOU NAH NAH". You're right on the matter and everyone else is wrong.

#24 Mystere


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 04:05 PM

View PostRestosIII, on 12 June 2017 - 12:36 PM, said:

Also, please report players that run away and shut down to try and prevent their K/D from getting lowered. It's infuriating to have 6 people on your team searching for a single Locust that ran and shut down somewhere on a map, extending the match way beyond its true end point.

I must reiterate that preserving K/D is probably not why some players do it. For these players, myself included, the intent is to force the enemy to earn the last kill instead of being served on a silver platter. This is as long as the player had been involved in the fight previously, of course.

People who incessantly demanded a skirmish mode were constantly warned about this very possibility. Now they must reap what they have sown. I have no sympathy, none, nada, nil, zilch. <shrugs>

View PostProsperity Park, on 12 June 2017 - 01:14 PM, said:

There is no Griefing -> Shutting Down option

That was intentional. See above.

Folks, we've already been through this discussion before ... several times.

View PostDee Eight, on 12 June 2017 - 03:45 PM, said:

That's also a vioiation of the CoC and a reportable act that can get you as into trouble with PGI as the ones prosperity is complaining about. It still counts as assisting the enemy.

Then why am I still around? Posted Image

And how is that assisting the enemy if you're the last one on your team?

Edited by Mystere, 12 June 2017 - 04:19 PM.

#25 The6thMessenger


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 04:11 PM

Wait, so death isn't counted by suicide? Or it's because suicide counts as kill?

Anyways, i would agree reporting something like that if it were at the point where it could still be anyone's game. But i wouldn't hold it against them when it's a dreadfully losing match.

Edited by The6thMessenger, 12 June 2017 - 04:14 PM.

#26 Mystere


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 04:16 PM

View PostProsperity Park, on 12 June 2017 - 02:06 PM, said:

Or, you can run away like a scared bunny.

I hope you realize that other than probably making yourself feel good, insulting those players actually does nothing, right?

#27 Zolaz


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 04:16 PM

Hmmmm, I always think of the people shutting down, running out of bounds and disconnecting as people letting me get more Match Score. There are only so many kills and only so much damage out there for you to collect.

#28 Wintersdark


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 04:24 PM

View PostJC Daxion, on 12 June 2017 - 01:47 PM, said:

How is shutting down or going out of bounds anything but getting the match over quicker. If you are the last guy left, and choose anyway to die, the sooner the better in almost every case.

The start of the match, sure. But at the end, I would never report someone for ending the futile battle. Should they Just draw out the match when it's typically a long range light that is the one real offender to this issue 99% of the time?

Jump off a cliff, Over heat, Break your leg, take a left instead of a right in Albuquerque.. I really don't care. Not to mention if they do die from over heat, or broken leg, or out of bounds, i'm not sure PGI can actually tell if you did it on purpose or not. Who is to say you weren't fighting near the boundary, or legit miss timed a jump.

Report TRUE greifing.. Don't flood up PGI's report box and make um sift through 100's or 1k's of reports because some guy ran out of bounds at the end of a match, and cost you 5k C-bills because you didn't get one last assist.

If the match is over, and you go and die - just run up to them, shooting or not - I don't care. You're ending the match and it's right over.

This is when you're the last mech fighting, not when your team is down 3 and you figure it's a loss. When the only difference between you fighting "properly" and just dying is a couple minutes? Sure, go in swinging and die, or just shut down in front of them.

The shutting down being talked about here, though, is the pathetic loser method of KDR preservation where you go hide in a corner somewhere and shut down with the intent of drawing out the match.

While your dead teammates can just disconnect without problem, the victorious team has to search around for the shut down mech or just wait out the clock. Either way, it sucks. It's grossly bad sportsmanship.

Because if they disconnect while live, they forgo all further bonuses from the match, including their earned win.

#29 Wintersdark


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 04:35 PM

View PostMystere, on 12 June 2017 - 04:16 PM, said:

I hope you realize that other than probably making yourself feel good, insulting those players actually does nothing, right?

No, of course it does nothing beyond making one feel a bit better.

But you're NOT "making them earn it" - go fight, if you want to claim that. At least own up to the fact that you're just doing because you utterly lack sportsmanship and are trying to artificially push up your stats and/or just lash out in any sad way you can at the people who beat you.

#30 RestosIII


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 04:36 PM

View PostMystere, on 12 June 2017 - 04:05 PM, said:

I must reiterate that preserving K/D is probably not why some players do it. For these players, myself included, the intent is to force the enemy to earn the last kill instead of being served on a silver platter. This is as long as the player had been involved in the fight previously, of course.

People who incessantly demanded a skirmish mode were constantly warned about this very possibility. Now they must reap what they have sown. I have no sympathy, none, nada, nil, zilch. <shrugs>

So hiding in the corner of a map that would take more time to fully search than there is in a match from start to finish is just to make the enemy "earn their kill"? That's total bull, and you know it. If you wanted them to "earn" their kill, you'd be skirmishing them the entire way, or setting up an ambush to take out as many as you can with you. Hiding without actually attempting to fight is just saying "Screw you, you don't deserve to have fun." to both your teammates who are waiting for their mechs to leave the match, and the enemy team who is stuck there until they find you or the timer runs out.

#31 Wintersdark


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 04:45 PM

I tend to speak pretty aggressively about this, because we're all playing together here, and IM!HO, sportsmanship is important. Gameplay is better for everyone when people show a measure of respect in game. It's easy to do that when you win, but it's more important to do it when you lose.

I'm saddened by how eager people are to degrade the gaming experience of others.

View PostRestosIII, on 12 June 2017 - 04:36 PM, said:

So hiding in the corner of a map that would take more time to fully search than there is in a match from start to finish is just to make the enemy "earn their kill"? That's total bull, and you know it. If you wanted them to "earn" their kill, you'd be skirmishing them the entire way, or setting up an ambush to take out as many as you can with you. Hiding without actually attempting to fight is just saying "Screw you, you don't deserve to have fun." to both your teammates who are waiting for their mechs to leave the match, and the enemy team who is stuck there until they find you or the timer runs out.


#32 Coolant


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 04:52 PM

i agree with the OP, I just hope PGI is doing something to those that repeatedly suicide. I report nearly every time I see it happening since the feature to report was started and have never seen anything to indicate that PGI is actively doing anything. At least let us know that it is being tracked.

In MW4 suiciding was done to purposely prevent a person from getting a kill, essentially robbing a kill and was a slap in the face and imo cowardly. Seems like things haven't changed...

#33 JC Daxion


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 04:58 PM

View PostWintersdark, on 12 June 2017 - 04:45 PM, said:

I'm saddened by how eager people are to degrade the gaming experience of others.

well it is kinda my point. when the game is already over, if you can end it faster and get on to the next quicker i'm all for it. I really don't care how it is done.

If there is still a fight to be had, have at it. If i wan't to DC and play again i drop and play another mech. Ending an already over match sooner, just lets folks move on and play again.

there are other things that i would call reportable.. Like just a match i had eariler, It was conquest, we pretty much took down the team. the fight was on tourmline, near kappa. The other team got a head in points, but we were not to far behind. There were two mechs left, and one was a viper. A few guys kept after the viper, 3 of us split off and headed to get the last 3 caps, to flip um. Sometime around this a few people started calling folks morons for fighting the viper. I said over comms, we got this, don't worry. (I clicked B and saw we were all about ready to hop on caps to flip)

2 people continued to call us morons, and thanks for loosing the match for us. We flipped the caps as i said, and they killed the viper. By the time the last guy standing got back to kappa it was to late. We won, but for the last 3 mins or so, two people berated the team for being morons.. then when it was known we would win, we were then "lucky morons"

the match totally turned me off, i logged out of MWO, and played Dark eye, Chains of Sativia for an hour instead. (pretty good adventure game, with a fairy!)

Which one is more toxic? I'll take a guy running out of bounds as the last one left any day, than listen to people that i stated in the above story. Sorta like the people that rage, after saying nothing all match. Can't even call a single target, and yet the entire team is full of idiots.

Hence why i report people for actually being jerks, Not the random afk person as that does happen, or suicide on last mech standing.

Edited by JC Daxion, 12 June 2017 - 05:00 PM.

#34 HammerMaster


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 04:59 PM

View PostProsperity Park, on 12 June 2017 - 02:16 PM, said:

Okay, it's acceptable to forfeit if you are sufficiently better than everyone on your team?

I have a question: how does the air smell up there? Your nose must be turned so high that you're practically a weather station.

Touche' sir!
I am terrible I'll have you know. BUT. I do know when it's a wash. The Mercenary in me has no problem cutting and running.

#35 Wintersdark


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 05:41 PM

View PostJC Daxion, on 12 June 2017 - 04:58 PM, said:

well it is kinda my point. when the game is already over, if you can end it faster and get on to the next quicker i'm all for it. I really don't care how it is done.

If there is still a fight to be had, have at it. If i wan't to DC and play again i drop and play another mech. Ending an already over match sooner, just lets folks move on and play again.

there are other things that i would call reportable.. Like just a match i had eariler, It was conquest, we pretty much took down the team. the fight was on tourmline, near kappa. The other team got a head in points, but we were not to far behind. There were two mechs left, and one was a viper. A few guys kept after the viper, 3 of us split off and headed to get the last 3 caps, to flip um. Sometime around this a few people started calling folks morons for fighting the viper. I said over comms, we got this, don't worry. (I clicked B and saw we were all about ready to hop on caps to flip)

2 people continued to call us morons, and thanks for loosing the match for us. We flipped the caps as i said, and they killed the viper. By the time the last guy standing got back to kappa it was to late. We won, but for the last 3 mins or so, two people berated the team for being morons.. then when it was known we would win, we were then &quot;lucky morons&quot;

the match totally turned me off, i logged out of MWO, and played Dark eye, Chains of Sativia for an hour instead. (pretty good adventure game, with a fairy!)

Which one is more toxic? I'll take a guy running out of bounds as the last one left any day, than listen to people that i stated in the above story. Sorta like the people that rage, after saying nothing all match. Can't even call a single target, and yet the entire team is full of idiots.

Hence why i report people for actually being jerks, Not the random afk person as that does happen, or suicide on last mech standing.

Yeah, we're on the same page here. I don't think anyone cares if the last mech standing runs out of bounds, or suicides. Park's post is about those guys who, seeing things going poorly at the start of a match, immediately suicide. The game WASN'T over yet - comebacks can and do happen - but just running out of bounds because things look bad early on cements the loss for your team and degrades everyone's gameplay.

It's obvious what the intent is. If you're ending a match when you're the last mech standing, if you fight till the bitter end (bonus points!) Or just walk up to the opfor and shutdown, either way you're wrapping things up. The last mech standing part is important, though. If there's two of you fighting, you're letting your teammate down by giving up.

What it comes down to for me is this:. It's a 24 player game, and they are as important as you. You elected to play the game, so play it. Don't let your teammates down, even if you think it's hopeless - as long as there are still friendlies alive and fighting, even if you don't think you're good enough to take the match, maybe they are. Give them a chance. The very best battles are the ones that looked lost, but then someone somehow managed against the odds to win.

It's pretty simple, there's no ambiguity.

People just need to adhere to the #1 rule: DBAD.

#36 LordNothing


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 05:45 PM

why not report them for both and get the rest of the team to do same?

#37 Wintersdark


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 05:46 PM

View PostHammerMaster, on 12 June 2017 - 04:59 PM, said:

Touche' sir!
I am terrible I'll have you know. BUT. I do know when it's a wash. The Mercenary in me has no problem cutting and running.
There's no gain in cutting and running. You're not being mercenary. I've seen lots of battles that looked lost, but then the last guy managed to pull 4+ kills because while it APPEARED lost, the opfor was in fact severely damaged (or just plain bad and lucky early).

100% of the time, you'll earn more cbills by staying and fighting vs running away and screwing your teammates, because alive or dead your paid by what you accomplish. So if you've a deep character flaws and your incapable of having any empathy for your teammates or even just basic sportsmanship, then at least be self serving and make as much money as you can.

#38 HammerMaster


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 05:52 PM

View PostWintersdark, on 12 June 2017 - 05:46 PM, said:

There's no gain in cutting and running. You're not being mercenary. I've seen lots of battles that looked lost, but then the last guy managed to pull 4+ kills because while it APPEARED lost, the opfor was in fact severely damaged (or just plain bad and lucky early).

100% of the time, you'll earn more cbills by staying and fighting vs running away and screwing your teammates, because alive or dead your paid by what you accomplish. So if you've a deep character flaws and your incapable of having any empathy for your teammates or even just basic sportsmanship, then at least be self serving and make as much money as you can.

Agreed sir. Yes, if there is a chance me 1 vs 3 or 4 wrecked mechs. I will and have overcome those odds to pull a victory. I'm talking about 12-3 wipe and vs fresh KDKs. You see I have been playing a while(Founder). I can see the writing on the wall. Don't mistake my flippancy for a rude scum who would do as you say and dump when it could be pulled off by skill or luck. I'm talking: Not a chance in hell odds. And 100% of the time I will give my enemy NOTHING! NOTHING! if I can.

Edited by HammerMaster, 12 June 2017 - 06:16 PM.

#39 Mystere


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 06:04 PM

View PostWintersdark, on 12 June 2017 - 04:35 PM, said:

No, of course it does nothing beyond making one feel a bit better.

But you're NOT "making them earn it" - go fight, if you want to claim that. At least own up to the fact that you're just doing because you utterly lack sportsmanship and are trying to artificially push up your stats and/or just lash out in any sad way you can at the people who beat you.

If I'm already a walking stick barely held by duct tape after killing 5 of the enemy, I think I have earned the right to do whatever I want after that as the last player alive on my team. Posted Image

And once again, I repeat, there are people who actually do it not because they want to artificially push up their stats. Just because you do not know of anyone does not mean they do not exist.

View PostRestosIII, on 12 June 2017 - 04:36 PM, said:

So hiding in the corner of a map that would take more time to fully search than there is in a match from start to finish is just to make the enemy "earn their kill"? That's total bull, and you know it. If you wanted them to "earn" their kill, you'd be skirmishing them the entire way, or setting up an ambush to take out as many as you can with you. Hiding without actually attempting to fight is just saying "Screw you, you don't deserve to have fun." to both your teammates who are waiting for their mechs to leave the match, and the enemy team who is stuck there until they find you or the timer runs out.

See above.

Also, do realize that sometimes even if one is trying to set up a successful ambush, the opportunity does not always come. What to do then is the ambusher's prerogative and no one else's as far as I am concerned.

But then again I've been known to stalk my so-called "pursuers", to the hilarious enjoyment of my team. Posted Image

Edited by Mystere, 12 June 2017 - 06:11 PM.

#40 Wintersdark


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 07:06 PM

View PostMystere, on 12 June 2017 - 06:04 PM, said:

If I'm already a walking stick barely held by duct tape after killing 5 of the enemy, I think I have earned the right to do whatever I want after that as the last player alive on my team. Posted Image

And once again, I repeat, there are people who actually do it not because they want to artificially push up their stats. Just because you do not know of anyone does not mean they do not exist.

Of course not everyone does it to push up their stats, I didn't say everyone did. I said that was one reason.

Another is just to be an ****. Because that is what you're doing, if you drag the match out for several minutes: you're saying those other players - your teammates and your enemies - deserve to have their Mechs locked up just so that you can get your laughs, and the guys who beat you also deserve to be stuck in that match or forfeit the rewards they earned. That's narcissistic.

You don't earn the right to be an ******* no matter what you accomplished in the match. Hell, what you accomplished is irrelevant.

This is the thing. You're just being a **** to people who don't deserve it, for no other reason than your own entertainment.


Also, do realize that sometimes even if one is trying to set up a successful ambush, the opportunity does not always come. What to do then is the ambusher's prerogative and no one else's as far as I am concerned.

But then again I've been known to stalk my so-called &quot;pursuers&quot;, to the hilarious enjoyment of my team. Posted Image
it's not hard to tell when you're trying to set up an ambush vs. hiding in a corner with no desire to engage.

You let that jab out earlier - "this is what people get for demanding Skirmish", implying that you should have the right to abuse the game mode because they were dumb enough to demand it. If your opposition (and for that matter, teammates) where specifically the people who demanded Skirmish, perhaps you'd have a leg to stand on.

But they're not. They're just random players. Statistically, most never said a word either way with regards to whether we should have Skirmish or not.

So, stop trying to make excuses why you somehow have the right to be a sh**ty person. If you're going to be that way, fine, but own it at least. Because otherwise that's all you're doing - finding hollow excuses to be sh**ty to people who don't deserve it.

Edited by Wintersdark, 12 June 2017 - 07:07 PM.

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