Lordhammer, on 14 June 2017 - 10:31 AM, said:
I would like to hear how content the community are with solo queue, as i am rather discontent about matchmaking and curious how it is for everybody. So i will ask that you rate your matches in different categories to which i will adhere and serve as an example
- Search duration is less than 30 seconds for almost always, sometimes only a few seconds so that is excellent. 9/10
- In about 1 in 10 matches (or even less) score board is 12v6+ which i use to determine a somewhat close match. So i rate match quality very low. Stomps are regular occurance, which is not fun gameplay even on the winning side imo. 4/10
Missmatching happens only when you have one or two players in the winning team who take all kills. It happens but it is very rare. I see dominating players more often on the loosing side (MM can pair tier 1 with tier 5 against tier 3-4 team).
Before blaming MM for stomps let look first when and how stomps happen. Team spreads out, and say one part wants to snipe, another to push, if the other team stays as a whole and does counter push, you loose. Your team gets first kills and pushes, enemy instead of counter push pulls back, makes fire line and kills your team, you loose. Your team stays passive and tries to hide from enemy lrms, few lbks and lights from enemy team start picking your teammates one by ones, you loose. Also very common when more than a half of the winning team survives with a health 50% or less....I was in all these situations on both sides.
In all these and all other cases of stomps you have phenomenon of a avalanche: something happens and some team using advantage of relative positioning, focus fire and simple aggression very quickly (usually during one minute) wins. And I don't mention DC (drop calling) yet.
I was a lot on both sides, loosing with no kills and 400 damage, winning with 400 damage and 3 kills etc. Stomps is intrinsic part of team games. Teams which happen to have better synergy in mech composition (speed is very important) better positioned in the moment of first contact win more often. Wins thanks to the significant time to kill end being stomps, just because 3 mechs shooting at one tend to kill it first without loosing any.