End Time Sunday 4th of Feb 18 - Midnight UTC +10
( The event will start so Aussie get to play on there weekends for a change

Aussie day is all about mateship, during this event you will get a 10% bonus for playing with a mate; 20% bonus for playing with 4; 30% bonus for playing with 6 or more.
The lucky country:
Have a go, you mug - Win 2 games
Rewards: Aussie Flag + 3 Days Active Premium Time
6 Pack - Win 6 games in QP/CW
Rewards: 500,000 C-Bills and 2 Supply Cache Keys
Onya bike - Win 10 game in QP/CW
Rewards: 15 Supply Cache Keys and the 'Target 2' Decal
A few tinnies short of a slab - win 20 games in QP/CW.
Rewards: 500,000 C-Bills and 2 Supply Cache Keys
Slab - Win 24 games in QP/CW
Rewards: Get a Mech Bay and 3,000,000 C-Bills
Bragging rights:
She be right mate - Win a game with less that 40% armour left
Rewards: Green and Gold (gold looking) Paint.
6 and out - Get 6 KMDD-
Rewards 100 MC, Decal M
Beauty - Get 10 KMDD
Rewards 100 MC, Decal A
Bloody oath! - Get 15 KKDD
Rewards 150 MC, Decal T
Fair Dinkum - Get 20 KMDD
Rewards 150 MC, Decal E
Buckley's chance
Rewards Get 25 KMDD 500MC
Tell him he's dreeeamin
Rewards Get 30 KMDD 500MC
U wot m8 - get 10 Killing blows
Rewards 250,000 C-Bills and 2 Supply Caches Keys
No Wukkas - get 15 Killing blows
Rewards 250,000 C-Bills and 5 Supply Caches Keys
A dingo ate my baby - get 25 Killing blows
Rewards 500,000 C-Bills and 5 Supply Caches Keys
Yeah, nah - Get 25 assists
Rewards 250,000 C-Bills and a 5 C-Bill Consumable Packs
Not Happy, Jan - Get 35 assists
Rewards 500,000 C-Bills and a 5 C-Bill Consumable Packs
Ya flamin gallah - Get 50 assists
Rewards 1,000,000 C-Bills and a 5 C-Bill Consumable Packs
Doing a Bradbury. - Win a game with no kills ( min Match score 100)
Mateship Rewards ( Min match score 80)
Give it a burl - Play 5 games in group Q
Rewards 250,000 C-Bills and a 5 C-Bill Consumable Packs
Good onya - Play 10 Game in Group Q
Rewards 500,000 Cbills
No worries! - Play 15 Games in Group Q
Rewards 2,000,000 C-Bills
Piece of piss - Play 20 games in Group Q
Rewards Cockpit item, NEW - Snag in bread + a Mech bay
Major Prize:
A fair go -
Complete any 10 items
Rewards new warhorn - howzat and 5,000,000 Cbills
Complete any 15 items
Rewards a choice of a BSW-P1 Or IFR-D ( Bushwacker or Beer Fridge)
Cash is hand sale:
50% off all Colours, decals, war horn, cockpit and hanging items
New Cockpit items
Snag in Bread
Boxing roo
New Hanging items
Thongs ( Feet Type you crazy yanks)
Cricket bat
New Decal
Cricket stumps
Aussie Flag
Edited by live1991, 07 August 2017 - 09:46 PM.