KHAN ATTAKHAN, on 20 June 2017 - 09:25 PM, said:
Founders, Storm packs, etc. etc. when they're released for MC or c-bills it's time pack up, loyalty mechs should have stayed exactly that, LOYATY MECHS.
What do you mean "Time to pack up"? The mechs don't suddenly become worse.
And why should others be unable to gain access to mech variants that have unique attributes like ECM, Masc, JJ's, and so on? Less exclusivity is healthy for the game, and it doesn't hurt you in ANY way, this is some "my toys and my toys only" mentality.
And the notion that they are "Loyalty" mechs, what makes one player more "Loyal" than another?
Tertius, on 21 June 2017 - 05:44 AM, said:
Please elaborate on your thoughts, as what you quoted doesn't really mean anything except "I want exclusivity"