So I got a steam pack yesterday because I needed PT. I don't mind collecting mechs but really I just got the light pack for the PT, Colours, and MC.
Now today I log on and you gave me the extra MC and C-Bills. I understand because I read the forums that somebody noticed a typo but I knew what I was buying through Steam. You didn't have to do this. I am grateful, thank you so much.
Guess it's time to buy another mech, I hate having MC lying around. Still cannot believe this, I wait for a sale because I have budgets and then sale comes and I get an even better deal. Did I say thank you yet? Thank you PGI, you made the weekend for me.

Pgi Thanks A Million; You Didn't Have To Do That
Started by Gwei Loong, Jun 23 2017 03:18 PM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 23 June 2017 - 03:18 PM
Posted 23 June 2017 - 03:23 PM
+1. PGI Support Team is the best. They need a raise for all the stuff they get in their mail everyday with reports, issues, and more.
Posted 23 June 2017 - 03:28 PM
That's nice! Good to hear they took care of you. They need to include PT with early adopter mech packs now. It was one of the only reasons that I jumped on the early adopter programs.
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