MRM10 and MRM20 tested on an ARC-5W.
Streamfire begins, reticle is rotated as if to track a moving target, entire MRM burst hits original point of aim.
Unknown if this is a design feature or a bug.
Tested with MRM30 and MRM40 on the same platform, same result.
To clarify, MRM bursts will exit your chassis at an angle (towards original point of aim) if you turn rapidly after firing.

CDA-X5 with much better torso agility shows more of an issue. End of the streamfired MRM10's originate outside of the mech when torso twisting.

Conclusion: this has to be a bug. The launch is anchored to a point in space much like SRMs, but because they're streamfired, it creates a ghost stream if you're either moving fast enough or torso twisting.
Edited by r4zen, 28 June 2017 - 02:28 PM.