Rotary Autocannons:
Russian Roulette of MWO
Rotary Autocannons are one of the new Ballistic Weapons introduced in the upcoming Civil War Tech, and is accessible during the PTS. Lovely for those who enjoyed pounding enemies with shells, especially beautiful equipped on an Urbanmech.
This analysis is meant to review the RACs, and provide recommendation in how to improve such weapons.
Using nothing more than a Rotary Autocannon, I continuously shot from beginning to end at a target upon the Academy. Suffering the full extent of the Spin-Up, completely filling up the Jam Meter, and still shooting until the weapon Jams. Then total damage done is recorded.
After the Jam has been cleared, and the Jam Meter empty, the Rotary Autocannon was shot again from Spin-Up to Jam, and then recording the total damage done. Repeated 24 times, recording 25 instances, and done so on each weapon system.

The AC5, weighs 8 tons, shoots shells dealing 5 damage, every 1.66s, at 3.012048192771084 DPS.
The AC10 weighs at 12 tons, shoots shells dealing 10 damage every 2.50s, at 4 DPS.
The UAC5, weighs 9 tons, shoots shells dealing 5 damage, every 1.66s. It can double-shot, at 15% chance of jam, for 6.0s. Effectively, it can double-shot 6.666666666666667 times on average, dealing 66.66666666666667 damage, at a cumulative 11.06666666666667 CD + 6.0s cooldown, effectively doing 3.90625 DPS.
For the RAC2, as shown by the data of 25 tries of average total damage done incurring 10 second jam. It has an average of 29.04 damage done, 7.26 seconds of average continuous shoot time. Does a minimum of 1.22 EDPS, and maximum of 2.22 EDPS, with an average of 1.68 EDPS.
For the RAC5, as shown by the data of 25 tries of average total damage done incurring 10 second jam. It has an average of 75. damage done, 7.26 seconds of average continuous shoot time. Does a minimum of 2.68 EDPS, and maximum of 6.20 EDPS, with an average of 4.24 EDPS.
The E-DPS is calculated by means of dividing the Average Damage Done by the added Average Shoot Time and the Jam Duration:
The Maximum and Minium is calculated by means of dividing the Damage Done by the added Shoot Time and the Jam Duration, with the Shoot-Duration calculated by diving Damage/done with the Burst Damage/Second provided by the weapon system:
Shown in the scatter plot, the RAC2 have a fairly consistent range around 18 to 35 total damage done with only 3 instances out of 25 of above 40 total damage done.
While the RAC5 has a consistent range around 36 to 60 total damage done. Nearly reaching nearly 180 total damage done, with 10 instances out of 25, of above 60 total damage done. Both RACs show wide ranges of total damage done.
> I ******* hate math, no really I do. One of the worst time of my child-hood is suffering failing to do math like Trigonometry. That i was only passed at high-school math out of pity. However, I need data and math to communicate with objectivity. I cannot say that my data is correct, I only relied on MS-Excel to do the math for me. But if my math is correct -- and hopefully it is -- this is how RACs are objectively is.
> "10s Jam Duration" is taken from different community source.
> During the course of testing, there were times i think i may have missed and started from the beginning of one of the sessions.
> There was a time I missed the screenshot of the damage done, I simply ignored it and moved on.
> I only did 25 instances of full shooting, which may not be completely representative of the weapon considering full service along with many other users.
> This only assumes a complete trigger-happy shooting sequence of holding down the button till it jams while shooting, but does not account stopping when the gauge is full, let it go down and shoot back again. However like UACs, the jamming portion is where it gets it's extra DPS as how PGI did it. But it does not account of what could be, prescriptively if ever, the "proper" use of such weapon system.
The RAC2 is in an abhorrently bad spot. Consider that it's DPS is between 1.22 to 2.22 at an average of 1.68, but with a weapon of similar tonnage, the AC5 that does 3.01, its not as good. Factor in the immense face-time to do damage, and such damage means that it would be spread ALL OVER both by inherent cone of fire, and torso-twisting that can be done by competent pilots.
The RAC5 seems to have good damage output. At 4.24 average EDPS, at a maximum of 6.20 DPS, but at a low 2.68, resulting in a fairly inconsistent and erratic instances of total damage done. For comparison, the AC10 at 10 damage/shot and 2.50s interval, does 4 DPS, sitting at 12 tons. At 4.24 average is a massive boost of DPS, for a 10-ton weapon.
The RACs takes advantage of a very high damage per second, done so at an immense amount of face-time. Realistically, this is not good considering the meta, as staring people to death means better window of time for retaliation.
At nearly 7-8 seconds to maximize damage output, this duration is completely devastating. To put that into perspective, the old C-ER-LL does 11 damage for 1.5s, but it's already widely regarded as hard to use, at the same duration the RAC2 only dealt 6 damage, despite 8 tons of weight, and the RAC5 only dealt 14.4 damage which is good relatively but consider that C-ERLL is just 4-tons and is hitscan which already improves it's success rate, as opposed of RAC5's slow projectile that you need adequate lead, has to suffer spin-up time, requires ammunition, and 6 tons more heavy. Realistically, you might as well load up two ER Large-Lasers.
The RACs may also do large amount of damage, but that is spread everywhere due to the nature of stream-firing shells. Like lasers, they can be spread by torso twisting, aggravated by the fact that it has cone of fire, requires spin-up so it has the same barrier as the Gauss Rifle, but instead of a 15 PPFLD quick moving projectile that you can land fairly easily, instead it's a risky and deathly stare-down contest that does so much damage but spread all over.
> The RAC5 has an erratic damage output, even if capable of high damage output. It would be best if the RACs -- even the RAC2 -- could be more consistent.
> The RAC2 needs immense damage boost to normalize it's damage output for it's weight, else it won't be worth to be used over better choices like the AC5.
> The RACs should immediately jam after filling up the Jam Meter, this makes the weapon predictable and opens up for more control, then balance the weapon around that which is much easier than relying on chance.
> Following the predictable Jam, it should have a larger duration before jamming.
> The Jam Meter shouldn't be filled while just winding up. If people worry about macros, another angle can be approached, like heat generation whenever spinning up or spinning down as well, as keeping it spun just builds up heat anyways.
> RACs spread an enormous amount of damage all around the mech, than focused on one spot. Making more powerful shells, and less amounts of shot would fix that. But also increase ammo count and/or damage per ammo/ton.
> RACs are hard to hit, immense velocity buff should be considered. 2000 for the RAC2, since it's AC2 caliber, and 1650 for RAC5 cause it's AC5 caliber.
Here's a complete set of suggested changes:
Edited by The6thMessenger, 16 July 2017 - 01:12 AM.