My ranking:
0 - bad so bad never use bad
1 - not my choice but could find a use
2 - meh it is what it is
3 - alright
4 - good
5 - Over Powering will take every time I get a chance!
RAC 2s and 5s
OK my review of this weapon is purely my feel because I do not do that spread sheet warrior stuff but I actually PLAY THE GAME!. So in my opinion the RACs are good not over powering but basically good. My prefer is dual RAC5s on a jager or rifleman. Any more and it would not have enough speed, ammo, and be HOT!!. Yeas RACs are hot, as in you can get away with firing one for a awhile and be fine like a ppc but then add two and you have to start managing. After that as in 3 or more then RACs hurt more than help. Best use is some heavies and mediums can use this weapon. Mind you that you will have to also face time to get damage dealt too which is always a down side to any weapon because that means the enemy can shoot back. (3 out of 5)
I tried them and wanted to love them but they have issues. One is the feel is that they do not do the damage they are suppose to, or it feels that way. You have to be VERY close otherwise you spread the damage to much. Furthermore heat is a pain in the A. I tried boating them and just running a few. when I boated they did meh because it streams the missiles in a huge pattern which spreads damage and requires face time. When I ran 2 on my heavy metal (2 MRM 10s) it was alright, but in truth I think the RAC 2s and 3 ER Mediums did more of the work. (1 out of 5)
Not bad just like clans but less range. Outside of that everything feels the same as if you ran clan. (3 out of 5)
Rocket Launchers
BAD ... just BAD do not use do nto waste just stay away!!! I tried them on a locust 4 rocket packs and 1 er mediums. The rockets I blasted out in an alpha which uses all of them in one wave. Spread is horrible, no heat, but worst of all no damage. I fired the rockets on the rear armor of a hunchy at good range 100 meters on river city (in testing grounds). Turned the armor of everything yellow. Didn't even open it up in the rear and some how transferred damage to the front because everything was yellow. I then re launched and chain fired ... similar result; better pattern but still barely any damage. Mind you this is feel I have no numbers. (0 out of 5).
Light PPC
Great for smaller mechs and some mechs to boat but meh on the damage that has more to do with use to erppc. Sadly though even with less damage, less tonnage, and less space you still get same heat which kinda sucks. Overall though not bad for mediums and lights and some heavies to boat like a quad rifleman. (4 out of 5)
Snub Nose PPC
Great weapon and I would recommend it to anyone who likes brawling in the case they can not have a ballistic on there and they can manage their heat. (4 out of 5)
ER Mediums
Alright like using clan. They have decent heat, good range, and as mentioned just like clans in the feel so I definitely will be changing out my mediums for these when I can. (3 out of 5)
Light Gauss and Heavy Gauss
I feel I can put them in the same one because when I used them I did dual. The light is alright and will have its uses but the heavy is just so bad with range and then combined with all other gauss issues might as well just take AC20 and be done with it, but you never know you might find that one use which I can only think of is if you have a brawl build where majority of your hard points are energy but you have a lone ballistic point that can fit it. (light 2.5 out of 5) (heavy .5 out of 5)
OK so this is going to sound like I am talking out of both sides of my mouth to some but that is because I play IS and Clan where some of you only play one or the other. The LFEs are great for balance, they give you some tonnage if you have a standard in sacking 4 slots. They also have clan xl kill rules which is great. BUT do not be expecting a boat load of freed tonnage. These are not XLs and most likely will not give you everything you are looking for. I believe I will most likely see some of my bigger mechs use them but my light mechs most likely not. The reason for this is on my lighter mechs I will not have the armor, so I will need the speed and weapons to off set that which means an XL. But on my heavier mechs these engines will work great because it gives me the ability for more weapons and better speed than using the standard engine I use in many of them. IS got a lot with this but not everything and no this will not make them OP. (4 out of 5)
Heavy MGs
Not bad, I wish I could put them on my firestarter but seeing as how I can't they will help lighter mechs that need that extra crit-a-bility. In simple terms good for a nova with 4 MGs and Small (whatevers). (3 out of 5)
Heavy Medium and Large Lasers
HOT, but fun. So I tried an assortment of combinations and just boat of these types. They are fun but they are hot. Not much else to say. (3 out of 5)
Like lrms, have very little practicality but I am sure I will see people use them. If I had a choice I would just take streaks instead. Get full damage between 0 and 360 i think instead of no damage till 90 then step down from there the farther you get out. (2 out of 5)
All other new tech I did not get a chance to play with so sorry I may not have hit something you wanted but these I felt would cover the majority.
My ranking:
0 - bad so bad never use bad
1 - not my choice but could find a use
2 - meh it is what it is
3 - alright
4 - good
5 - Over Powering will take every time I get a chance!
Edited by Clownwarlord, 06 July 2017 - 10:45 AM.