RestosIII, on 03 July 2017 - 01:32 PM, said:
You know what assumptions make out of you and me, especially when it's about PGI fixing geometry. If they did say something about it, please do link me the source, otherwise I'm going to have to go with the worst case scenario of them releasing heroes without their geometry. And even if they do launch with it, that's still not an excuse for an entire month of them looking like beta additions.
Why don't you just tweet Russ or Alex then.(or that other guy.. Russ Talked about the person in the town hall). The art team does a great job.. It's how they did camo. Every new mech released had full camo... Old mechs were fit in and Retro updated as they had time.. So moving forward all new mechs will have full geometry. All previous mechs will be under the Reto update.
It would make zero sense for the art team to release new mechs and not have them updated. They just don't do that, and have never done that outside of perhaps a couple of issues on a mech that got fixed in a hotfix. If i had to guess, I'd bet that was one of the big reasons for the flood of heroes. They needed to update mechs, so why not do it to the ones that didn't have heroes, so they could add the hero, work on the geometry, and then make a little Cash by filling the Hero void many mechs had.
The alternative is to push back the new tech 3-4 months.. Maybe you might think that is a better option, I defiantly do not.
But if you want we could make it interesting... How about a clan hero.. If your right, i buy you one.. If i'm right, You buy me one?
I'm feeling pretty lucky... Rolls dice,,, Come on gargoyle!
Edited by JC Daxion, 03 July 2017 - 02:05 PM.