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More Pgi Ghost Heat Bs


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#1 VirtualRiot


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Posted 05 July 2017 - 12:51 PM

Decided to prove something that has seemed off to me for awhile.
Would anyone from PGI care to explain the results of this video?

TL;DW - Firing LRMS while using JJs produces far more heat than normal.

I think it's so BS how many "ghost" effects there are in the game that are just not explained at all.

*EDIT - I would also like to add that per mechlab numbers, each LRM should produce 5.37 heat, and yet firing all 4 in chainfire results in 26 heat, not the 21.48 heat as is listed.
Heat dissipation over time plays a role, but not to this extent.

Edited by VirtualRiot, 05 July 2017 - 01:03 PM.

#2 Vxheous


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Posted 05 July 2017 - 01:36 PM

Maybe you chain fired the LRM20's too quickly, and incurred a +1 ghost heat on the LRM. Only thing I could think of

#3 MAXrobo


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Posted 05 July 2017 - 07:19 PM

Heat sinks continue to dissipate heat all the time, even while you are firing weapons or using jump jets. When you are jumping and firing your missiles at the same time, you are generating more heat in the same time period than if you only preformed one action. This gives your heat sinks less time to dissipate heat than if you preformed each action one after another, like you did in your initial observations, resulting in a higher heat percentage.

Also, the percentage shown on your heat bar is not the same as the number of heat generated. It is the percentage of your total available heat capacity that is currently being used.

You should try jumping to your max height, then firing your missiles. That will give more accurate results for what you are testing.

#4 Kiiyor


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Posted 05 July 2017 - 08:01 PM

Looks to me like you fired too quickly in your second salvo and incurred a GH penalty.

Also, you dissipate heat far quicker when you're not jumping, and there was a longer interval between your first shots where your heatsinks could do their thing. That dissipation was pretty much nullified between volleys as you jumped with your seconds shots, thanks to the heat from the JJ's.

Looks pretty close to working as intended to me.

#5 Major Tomm


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Posted 05 July 2017 - 08:07 PM

There is a 1 heat penalty when you fire two weapons together and an additional 1 heat penalty for each additional groupfired weapon. This is from BattleTech I think. I think chainfired weapons are excluded, but maybe not in MWO? Also in MWO mechs can't shed heat while jumpjets are firing.

#6 MrJeffers


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Posted 05 July 2017 - 08:27 PM

Two things:
1) When standing still on cold or heat neutral worlds your heat can actually be negative a few percent, but still shows as zero. You need to start with heat on the scale (i.e. 5%) to get a truer representation of the actual heat increase
2) You don't dissipate heat while the jump jets are active. So in your test jump all the way with the jets, then when out of fuel fire the missiles.

There isn't any JJ ghost heat.

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