Khobai, on 11 July 2017 - 03:52 AM, said:
not really. people will actually survive longer due to having more internal structure.
Not gonna matter if they couldn't even shoot back otherwise. They're effectively dead anyways.
Khobai, on 11 July 2017 - 03:52 AM, said:
instead of having your components completely destroyed and all your weapons gone, your components will still be intact due to the increased internal structure and only some of your weapons will be gone.
You will be contributing more damage with partial weapons destroyed than all your weapons destroyed.
If the LBXs could knock off most weapons, whose to say it wouldn't knock off the rest? And wouldn't that make LBXs just top pick, cause it can effectively negate the rest of the structure of the mech, and go straight to neuter?
Khobai, on 11 July 2017 - 03:52 AM, said:
LBX should be a little better at critting components but it will hardly be anywhere near the level where it instantly kills weapons like youre exaggerating.
It does, and it's actually pretty okay considering, of course competing with UACs with a bit more pin-point damage, critting isn't that of a good field to excel.
Khobai, on 11 July 2017 - 03:52 AM, said:
I have given a good enough reason. To make critical hits more viable.
No you didn't. Nuking components are actually pretty okay, all you wanted to do is make a distinction between crits to equipment and crit to component. Ultimately moot.
Khobai, on 11 July 2017 - 03:52 AM, said:
Yes we really need that distinction. Some weapons like LBX will never be good at punching through armor. They will always be inferior to slug autocannons. The best way to make LBX viable and give it a powerful role in the game is to make critical hits viable.
No, we don't need that distinction. We can just improve LBX base damage so it can actually participate in stripping armor, like a normal shotgun in first-person shooter. No it's not the best way, because critting is just a minor part of the game, stripping them bare plays a larger part. But okay you want it to be a large part too no? But does it really need to be?
Khobai, on 11 July 2017 - 03:52 AM, said:
And its hardly trivial. Critseeking was a HUGE part of battletech. And it should be equally important in MWO.
This is not BT TT, this is MWO, there's a lot of difference between playstyles, and direct translations won't necessarily help with balance. No it shouldn't be equally important, as there are different mechanics between BT TT and MWO, TT is a strategy turn-based game, MWO is FPS.
Khobai, on 11 July 2017 - 03:52 AM, said:
Actually TTK being too low in general is the main for increasing internal structure. Making crits matter more is just a bonus. It addresses multiple issues at the same time.
Dafuq? You're slipping in "TTK being too low" now? Without justification even?
Low TTK is just the symptom of the problem made by pin-point shooting, the same reason why ppfld builds such as gauss-ppc could easily kill, because they can just isolate components and kill mechs. You can just point so much lasers on one spot till your enemy is dead, while in BT the places you hit are random.
Increasing structure is just power-creep. You wanna fix TTK and go back to roots TTK? Remove the pin-point aim.
Khobai, on 11 July 2017 - 03:52 AM, said:
It does fix it. The #1 reason crits dont matter now is purely due to lack of internal structure. Increasing internal structure absolutely fixes the problem.
Crits kind of do matter, even if it doesn't knock off equipment, it does aggravate the component. No it doesn't fix it, it just adds another headache to the balancing act, creates an unneeded distinction between component crit and equipment, and power-creeps the game.
No. Just no.