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Your Tops 3 Mechs

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#21 Jay Leon Hart


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 09:22 AM

Well then...

2x LB10X, 2x ASRM6, ERPPC, ECM
Still a favourite of mine and consistent performer. I may not look that great, but I am more consistent in this than any other Assault 'mech with any other build. Sure, it's not my most damaging build, or highest DPs, or biggest Alpha, but it does *serious* work.

6x MPL
This simple beauty has quickly become my most played 'mech and for good reason. What it lacks in range, it makes up for with mobility, firepower, sustainability and staying power. While the 48 damage Alpha was nerfed to 45 recently, it now runs noticeably cooler as a result, for greater sustainability. Corner pokes and hill humps like a champ.

#3 RVN-4X
2x LPL
My 4th most played IS Light (just behind the RVN Hero and 3L, way behind the 2X), this is the only one of those that has never needed a build change. Even with the reduction in LPL damage from 11 to 10, that 20 damage is nothing to sneeze at from a 'mech than can get (almost) anywhere, sharpish.

#4 SMNTHOR-Prime
Sure, it's not packing much firepower for a Heavy. Sure, those arms are getting blown off. Sure, 2/3 of the weapons are low mounted. Sure, I haven't got room for enough ammo. I'll *still* blow off your arms and legs, then kick in your gorram cockpit!

#22 sycocys


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 12:26 PM

1. HBK-4SP -- 5 ML, 2 SRM6/A -- 5 MPL, 2 SRM6
Good hitboxes, good speed, good firepower. Just a good mech.

2. Death's Knell -- 3 MPL, 1 SL
Its a f'n ninja, that you have to actively try to overheat.

3. Jester -- 4 MPL, 2 LPL, 2 (I think) JJ
This mech was the best counter to Timbers when they were the "thing" because it could hop and cockpit in a second.
Not quite as effective against other mechs but with the resize its still a super fun mech to run.

4. bonus mech
Hellslinger - 6 LL, 3 SRM6
Its a 92 point alpha + c-bill bonus + enviromental heat reduction. You barely have to try to make a pile of c-bills to fund everything else with this mech.

#23 Humpday


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 12:38 PM

WHR-6R: UAC20, 3 ML, 1 LPL
WHM-6D: 2 LPL, 5 ML(i think?)
RGH-3A: 4 LPL, 1 ML

HBK-4G UAC20 , 1ML

Post new tech, I think it'll be.
MAD-3R/D with snubs

Edited by Humpday, 12 July 2017 - 12:41 PM.

#24 Skanderborg


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 12:42 PM

I go by most fun , not KDR.

Centurion , Mad Cat , Atlas.

#25 scadateck


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 12:43 PM

Nice to see some Warhawk love out there!


Edited by scadateck, 12 July 2017 - 12:44 PM.

#26 Luminis


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 12:55 PM

  • Madcat Mk II MCII-DS for Gauss Vomit, PPC/Gauss, UAC10 + MPL shenannigans...
  • Madcat Mk II MCII-2 for LB20 / SRM brawling
  • Madcat Mk II MCII-1(S) so I can run two builds that are possible on the DS without swapping
I'm kidding, of course. Might need to reserve a slot for the MCII as it's my favourite 'Mech in BT, but at present:
  • Supernova SNV-C as I quite enjoy the 6MPL + 2LPL Superwubva. Quad LPL is also kinda fun.
  • Marauder IIC MAD-IIC which is... Well, it's a bit ubiquitous, but I love the 9MPL build.
  • Warhammer WHM-6R with dual AC10 and, soon, dual UAC10s. Just sounds and feels mean AF.

#27 Alexander of Macedon


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 12:58 PM

1. Locust 1E: 190XL, 6x SPLas.

The most fun you can have in a 'mech short of cockpit sex. Civil War tech changes nothing.

2. Raven 4X: 265XL, 2x LPLas.

Reliable, flexible, dangerous. No changes for Civil War tech here either.

3. Ilya Muromets: 280XL, 3x LB-10X, 6t of ammo.

Came, saw, kicked ***. Still my favorite ****-stomper. Way more fun than the old chainsaw build. Civil War tech? Probably not. LFE will leave too little tonnage for ammo, UAC/20 | HGR | LB-20X won't work with XL, UAC/10s would take too much tonnage.

Bonus: Stalker 5M: STD 300, 5x SRM6+A, 4x MPLas, 1x MLas, 6t ammo.

Might try a MRM build, but they didn't impress. Will probably drop the MPLas and MLas for ERMLas and more heatsinks + ammo. Might swap to LFE, but honestly the sheer tankiness of STD Stalkers is appealing. I've had this one shot down to a one-legged stick in a 1v7 confrontation, killed three in the process, and still been alive by the time my team finished the job I started.

So yeah, that rounds out my favorite and most reliable/fun picks. LCT-1E for butt-poking, scouting, and the speed rush, RVN-4X for reliable mid-range skirmishing and harassing, CTF-IM for erasing people, STK-5M for wading through a sea of wrecks and coming out alive.

#28 JediPanther


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 01:07 PM

1. Catapult C1 Founder. 4 med lasers and 2x lrm 10. Max sensors and mix of firepower and mech ops. It's been my number one mech since I started the game in closed beta and remains one of my top three most mused mechs. It has the right combination of mobility,firepower, and durability even with all the clans around. I've had it been shot to red every thing at ten percent left and live.

2. Jenner D. Good ol' 'Jenny' She doesn't disappoint when I got the need for speed. 4 med lasers and an sometimes ssrm2s for the heck of it. I learned lights in Jenny and got to be well known as much with it as I was once known in closed beta days for the C1 lrm-er.

3. Locust 1-E. In a constant battle with jenny for my light mech favorite. Not as tough or as mobile as Jenny but the lct can dish out the pain. I got my ace of spades in the lct 1-3 spl build.

4. Catapult K2 aka Battlecat. When I need the guns I go to bck2. I've ran him as the classic ppc but my horrible aim combined with high heat and gh on 2 ppcs means I normally run the acs. I'm constantly swapping a mix of acs on the K2. Currently it's in the 2x lbx build. The thing is a tank when you put the 'ears' as shields with torso twisting.

Will the change with new tech? Naturally yes as I want to try the new tech as much as any one else. Will I go all out for new tech and ditch the 'old?' Not likely as I know what I can do with the old and have most my mechs skill tree-ed to the older weapons. I am hopping the subby ppcs will make me want to get a second K2 for the ppc sniper build and a rac on the 10p panther will make it fun.

#29 LordNothing


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 01:58 PM

right now my boom hammer, dakkaviolet, and tripple ten ctf-im are my favorites. of course it always changes. my dual 10 bushie is an honorable mention, though i think its going to get an upgrade to dual uac10 and lfe. that build was pretty good on the pts and the og version was worth a 5 mech killing spree in fp.

i like weapons that go boom.

Edited by LordNothing, 12 July 2017 - 01:59 PM.

#30 Tier5 Kerensky


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 02:10 PM

Marauder IIC-D, Mad dog and Shadow Cat.

Those would cover most playstyles and loadouts I like to play. I would miss the Mist Lynx though.

#31 ocular tb


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 03:22 PM

Jenner-F 6ML and 300XL. The first mech I bought and kept. Not the strongest light by any means but I can usually make it work.

Yen Lo Wang- AC20 and 2ML with 300 XL. I'm not much into mediums but this is one of the few I like.

Cataphract- Ilya Muromets loaded with 3LL and 1GR.

Banshee-3M Consistent performer for me as an assault. 3LPL and 4MPL and 400XL

#32 Alexander of Macedon


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 05:10 PM

Can't speak for others, but clam 'mechs are boring and I despise their HUD and announcer. Now, if my list were longer, I'd include my 3x MPLas/TC IV Shadow Cat, but that's mostly because I love 'em and it's not dull clan meta cheese. Probably a 6x HMG Shadow Cat too once Civil War tech hits.

Edited by United Airlines Security, 13 July 2017 - 05:25 AM.

#33 Aggravated Assault Mech


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 05:54 PM

Most played?


Will probably stay the same (quad LB10X) but I might swap out to twin LB20X and add a pair of ERML.

Pretty Baby

Maybe I'll try rebuilding it as an MRM boat. More inclined to play my -8Q with snubs


No change.

Edited by United Airlines Security, 13 July 2017 - 05:26 AM.

#34 Wil McCullough


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 08:39 PM

Pre st, my go-to trio was

1) splatdog 6asrm 3 ersl
2) laser vomit hellbie 3erml 2lpl tc1
3) arctic cheetah 6spl

Post ast, my current go-to mechs are
1) splatdog 6asrm
2) laser vomit linebacker 3erml 2lpl tc1
3) jenner 6mpl no jj

With the new tech, i foresee my ach coming back with 6 micro sl though. Nothing will bring my hellbie back from the dead though. Its nimbleness took a big hit and since it has all torso mounted weapons, its now too sluggish to trace components anymore.

#35 ingramli


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 09:40 PM

1. TBR-C
Reason : Jack of all trade, hard to predict, fast and can take some punishment = you can do something silly/crazy

2. KDK-3
Reason: Dakka is fun, and fun is justice

3. Direstar
Reason: One shot kill is great, even if u can only fire oncePosted Image

Edited by ingramli, 12 July 2017 - 09:40 PM.

#36 VitriolicViolet


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 10:58 PM

1. HGN-733 Slayer
1.8 second cooldown on an AC10, with mpls and srms you can get a 73 damage alpha with a STD engine and 142 front armor. pretty easy to get 600-800 damage games.

2. SNV-B Krakatoa
all the wub. 5 CMPL and 2 CLPL with JJ and XL engine. seems to do well consistently.

3. ONI-IIC-C Night Shade
2 ML, 2 UAC10, LRM 5, 10 and 15, XL engine. good at most ranges and i really like dual UAC10s, has the highest w/l and k/d of my mechs

Edited: my most played mech would the Highlander across the chassis, and the Heavy Metal is my most played mech, closley followed by the BL-6-KNT

Edited by VitriolicViolet, 12 July 2017 - 11:01 PM.

#37 Vellron2005


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 11:27 PM

My three favored are as is:

1) Supernova SNV-a (Amazing LRM boat)

2) Timberwolf TBR-S (great all-round mech)

3) Executioner EXE-D (great flexible mech)


4) Arctic Cheeta ACH-PRIME (excellent light harraser)

#38 BrunoSSace


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 11:44 PM

I enjoy IS mediums.
Hunchback 4J
2 lrm 10 art, 3 medium lasers, tag. Bap
I really enjoy this mech. A tag in the head so you can poke over the hill and cancel ecm and start the rain. Since most of the clan mechs have ecm. This is a great clan killer. Most played mech atm.

Blackjack 1
2 Ac2's, 4 medium lasors.
I love the high rate of fire of this machine. With the skill tree it has made this thing even more nasty. Fill it with around 500 rounds of ammo, a few heat sinks and go to town. I bet you, that anyone, you shoot in the face with this thing will back down. Second most played mech.

Hunchback 4G
Ac20 3 medium lasers
Its a classic and I love it. Nothing like throwing a Ac 20 round down the throats of your enemies. It was the first mech that I brought, mastered and fully equipped. Will be getting some new tech love.

I have these three mechs uploaded onto my Youtube channel. If you are interested. ;)

Edited by BrunoSSace, 12 July 2017 - 11:51 PM.

#39 Nerokar


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Posted 13 July 2017 - 12:48 AM

1) LCT-PB 3 MPLs. I simply love this mech... after the update I'll switch to 4xspl + 2xHMG and drop ECM for maximum chaos... maybe...
2) CP-10-Q with 40xSRMA just to blow things up. With the update I'll try to drop SRMA to 36 and throw the OhShitSomethingHaveToDiePanicButton rocketlouncher in...
3) My Workhorse EBJ. Actually it runs the boring 2xLPL+6xML build if I need a bit self-confidence after Dual Gauss + PPC instagib in my LCT. Or 8xMPL for agressive play. After the Patch I'll try some heavylaser builds.
Bonus) My sad TBR-D with 24xSRMA and 4-6 SPLs. But at the moment it is benched, because SRM brawling is done by my CP and all the other things EBJ does better.

Edited by Nerokar, 13 July 2017 - 05:56 AM.

#40 VirtualRiot


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Posted 13 July 2017 - 05:53 AM


1. 8xAC/2 DWF-UV The highest sustained dps in the game that can reach out to over 1km optimal. As long as you have your positioning game down, you can pull 900dmg every match in that mech, no sweat. Posted Image

2. 4xLRM20+A & 1xLPL SNV-A. One of the only clan mechs that can do 4lrm20 well. Does what it says on the box. Totally wrecks QM players, especially since the summer started. Posted Image

3. 2xLPL & 6xERML MAD-IIC. Its like an EBJ laser vomit, but with more armor and heatsinks, whats not to like? Posted Image

Bonus: 2xSPL & 2xSRM2 COM-1D. Fastest mech in the game just got a bunch more surviveability. Never stop moving, and you'll speed tank damage like no other mech can. Not to mention, the firepower is nothing to laugh at when its being pounded into your rear CT constantly. Posted Image

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