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Sandworms. Yea Or Nay?

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#21 InspectorG


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 01:59 PM

View PostMister Blastman, on 14 July 2017 - 06:49 PM, said:

And you know what? I agree. Sandworms are the answer.

Remove arty and airstrike. Replace with sandworms. Stand still too long and, well..

Posted Image

Encourage Pressing W

The Immortal

Possible Dune reference.

I approve Sandworms.

#22 Jay Leon Hart


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 02:11 PM

As much as I love Dune, I prefer my sandworms to be of the striped variety Posted Image
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#23 Mister Blastman


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 05:58 PM

View PostInspectorG, on 15 July 2017 - 01:59 PM, said:

Encourage Pressing W

The Immortal

Possible Dune reference.

I approve Sandworms.

Bonus points for recognizing the game.

#24 Dollar Bill


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 06:27 PM

Professor Jean-Luc Picard and Muad'Dib give two thumbs up to this idea.Posted Image

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#25 KodiakGW


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 07:05 PM

Sad to say, chickens will always be chickens. You can introduce whatever you want, won't change their behavior. Seems to be what is being bred into society today. Don't do the work yourself. Sit back and let someone else to the heavy lifting, and then you run in to claim the rewards.

Problem is, somebody has to do the heavy lifting. Then they keep on taking away the tools to do the heavy lifting.

#26 Koniving

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Posted 15 July 2017 - 07:15 PM

View PostAlcom Isst, on 14 July 2017 - 07:30 PM, said:

Yea, but I feel like we have a thematic issue here. Sandworms wouldn't be out of place in a desert like Tourmaline or some rocky environment like Grim Plexus, Caustic Valley, or even Terra Therma. However it would be weird having sandworms attack Frozen City or Veridian Bog. We will need like iceworns or swamp-worms to match the theme of the maps. Terra Therma could have lava-worms to better match its theme, too. I'm not sure what you would do for an urban or sci-fi environment like River City or HPG. Perhaps you could have an ordinary giant worm pop out of the concrete in River City, but they'll look out of place if they pop out of a building that a mech is camping on top of. HPG is especially challenging for the theme, as a great majority of combat occurs on Death Star terrain, not exactly the sort of substance you see worms crawling out of.

The bog already has those caraspace laiden worm things (with legs) scattered about as corpses.

There's always the Dinosaurs approach.
Posted Image

There's also aliens such as the Crana.
Posted Image

#27 Insanity09


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 08:21 PM

I could support map features that attack (sand/lava/bog-worms, remorhazzes for ice, maybe land sharks for the urban maps).

There is far, far too much camping that goes on. I'm tired of shaking my head in disbelief.

As far as why camping is a bad idea, Mister Blastman had the right of it.

By staying put, you give up the initiative and momentum to the enemy team. You let them attack how they want, not how you want. Since campers don't move, the enemy knows where they are and can pick and choose how to attack. Even if strikes don't come into the equation, camping still goes badly 4/5 times.

(or let them stew? played a conquest match on HPG once where my team decided to take the 3 closest points, then camp en masse at the theta basement. a couple of us, myself included, were flabbergasted at the overwhelming stupidity of the idea, and said so (politely), suggesting an alternate plan. the rest of the team still did it and, shock, we lost quite badly, first getting behind on caps, then we died en masse when the team realized the error of their ways and tried to break out, poorly and split apart. What do you do when your team decides to do something colossally stupid? Or even just plain stupid?)

#28 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 16 July 2017 - 12:07 AM

View PostMister Blastman, on 15 July 2017 - 05:53 AM, said:

I'll be the last to defend NASCAR(because it's stupid, too), but... not defending doesn't mean you're doing NASCAR.

Defense is a losing proposition. Wars can't be won with defense, as defense will always be beaten, given time. Offense is what wins, and in MWO, this still holds true. Those who defend ultimately open themselves up to being picked off from their weakest angle, then charged upon and they die. Failure is the result of the defending team.

defense is not a in each situation a loosing Position
Fast Movemet and Rush not in each situation the better Way, seeing the glourious destaster of the Charge from the english light Cavalry in the Crimea war 19th. century or 1415 the Battle of Agincourt and the Fail of the Charge of the french Knights ended in the English Arrow rain.

Has the own Team the better Position and Weapons for it ,to many Movement can big fail by less the Overview of the Battle.

Push is good by Comp Teams , with Configurations for this Playstyle ,not in each situation by PUG and QP
it give intuitive good Players, and more tactical players , stupid Rambo Rusher and good Leading Rushleaders with tactical Awarness for the right Time to rush...Player with no Teamskill ,only looking of own Rewards an Killcount ...a wide Spread of individuals
what make a rush ,with a Stalker only with LRMs ,or a Atlas with only a Ac5 and a LRM 10 Launcher in his team ?to many slow Assaults and Peoples thats MWO his first PC Game ,or playing with Gaming Wheels and Gamepads ...to many Factors in MWO ..Players with many Ages or not experience in games like mWO , with handycaps ( Tunnelview, Optical Handycaps ,Reactionspeed)all this players to forced for personal View of gameplay from one? im seeing many Rushs ending in LRM Spawn or LL Fire from better teams or Team wait in HPG and Crimson near The wall like Rabbits in the rabitthole and die 0:12 ...seeing bad Pushs trough the Tunnel from Crimson, thats not seeing ,thats massive blob in a small area is a Bad idea while all Mates blocking each other

, thats not all Peoples with a military career and good aim and Tactical awarness...and many Trolls, Guys with social Problems...like other Games ...seeing Robocraftspawn Guys with no weapons.

Many Guys play only Brawler Only Builds, and forced to rush for his personal Playstyle ,and not can hit a Target over 100m ,and have not Time for wait or tactical Play ... Thats the other side of the Medal..Thats not Battlefield Close Quarters run around with Marine shotgun and dominated the Battlefield, to many not wait of the slow Assaults and run to the enemy only with te Half Firepower of the Team

Edited by Old MW4 Ranger, 18 July 2017 - 06:38 AM.

#29 InspectorG


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Posted 16 July 2017 - 08:28 PM

View PostMister Blastman, on 15 July 2017 - 05:58 PM, said:

Bonus points for recognizing the game.

CLASSIC Sega Genesis(i would even say it was Dark Souls before Dark Souls). Skipped my 7th grade fall dance to play it at my cousin's house! We got drunk on pepper vodka(cuz we couldnt figure out how to make a Bloody Mary).

No. Regrets.

#30 Mystere


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Posted 16 July 2017 - 09:19 PM

View PostBattlemaster56, on 14 July 2017 - 10:41 PM, said:

I have better methods of dealing with parked mechs.

Posted Image

It always worked against rebels terrorist scum, so it should work on those parked monkeys.

Weaksauce. I prefer this:

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#31 Mystere


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Posted 16 July 2017 - 09:24 PM

View PostE1nh3rjar, on 15 July 2017 - 01:08 PM, said:

Maybe PGI should consider a new type of tactical consumable.

Long-lasting smoke/chaff rounds is personally what I have in mind.

#32 Kiiyor


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Posted 16 July 2017 - 10:42 PM

View PostStar Colonel Silver Surat, on 14 July 2017 - 10:37 PM, said:

I still don't understand why standing still and defending one well chosen location (with good cover) is any stupider of a tactic than continuous counter-clockwise NASCAR.

I know tryhard players have twitch-based ADHD and so have to be pushing the W button every second of a match to feel like their life has any meaning, but they often spell the death of the slower mechs on their team which inevitably get abandoned on both sides in the rush to start the mutual tail chasing.

The best way to get rid of cowardice is to add large c-bill rewards for first strike on an enemy mech, first component destroyed on an enemy mech etc.

I agree. There's an obsession certain players have with thinking that a push is the only viable and accepted method to fight a battle - no matter what is happening around them. I've started to recognize them by name now, and groan inwardly as soon as they start trying to whip everyone up into a frenzy. 30% OF THE TIME, IT WORKS EVERY TIME.

While there certainly is a time and a place for decent aggressive action, the majority of aggressive players fail to recognize when that is.

Often there is palpable resistance to someone calling for a push, yet Captain McChaaaaaarge Face will still belligerently sound the bugle knowing that the majority of the team isn't going to follow.

Or, they'll see 4 friendly blips around them, with the rest of the team spread to oblivion, and think that having the rest of the team watch them die will encourage them to follow.

Then, there's my favourite: the crazy brave charge. If the enemy has a firing line set up against you, the last thing you want to do is charge into the teeth of that Kraken, yet I've lost count of the number of times someone insists that we willingly have our own T crossed, instead of doing it the other way round.

"Nobody followed me!"

They did. Most (wisely) peeled off once they lost limbs and the ability to fight.

"That would have worked if you weren't coooooowaaaaaaards!"

Nope, wouldn't have. Maybe if there was someone calling targets, people were focusing those targets, and the enemy weren't doing the same, it would have worked, but most PUGS are never going to endanger themselves sufficiently to commit to focus fire.

Plus, many people seem to confuse good sense with cowardice. People in pugs are out for themselves - if you're relying on everyone else to wholeheartedly commit to your own ideas to provide you with your own glory, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

Sometimes, you need to let gradual attrition make more of an impact on the battle before you decide on drastic action, especially in a pug.

#33 Radakash


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Posted 16 July 2017 - 10:59 PM

Sand-worms ! would like that on Tourmaline Desert.

I don't know if it´s part of the new people, or old cowards have returned (which I doubt) but in the last month the level of cowardliness has skyrocketed. Posted Image

Now when I have 2 or 3 games in a row with passive people hiding behind cover I just exit the game. Posted Image

I have concluded that in plenty of cases is not always the crazy MM that brings build miserable matches but some people at certain times of the day.

#34 Mister Blastman


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Posted 17 July 2017 - 09:21 AM

View PostRadakash, on 16 July 2017 - 10:59 PM, said:

Now when I have 2 or 3 games in a row with passive people hiding behind cover I just exit the game. Posted Image

I have concluded that in plenty of cases is not always the crazy MM that brings build miserable matches but some people at certain times of the day.

Aye, this is a very real problem, and I bet it contributes to our weak player population. It simply is not fun to play through 12-2 stomps, over and over, due to bad teammates being stuffed on one side.

Sandworms will at least make them move, but it won't fix bad, but maybe the worms will motivate them to face their fears and improve.

#35 Endost33L


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Posted 17 July 2017 - 09:45 AM

View PostKoniving, on 15 July 2017 - 07:15 PM, said:

The bog already has those caraspace laiden worm things (with legs) scattered about as corpses.

There's always the Dinosaurs approach.
Posted Image

There's also aliens such as the Crana.
Posted Image

Wow this is amazing, where is this from? an old battletech rulebook i guess?

#36 knight-of-ni


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Posted 17 July 2017 - 09:45 AM

Sandworms, eh?
+1 for thinking outside the box, but I'm not sure that will stop the turtles from turtling. They will instead just find a rock.

On the other hand, the worms will need sweaters for the cold maps. Or maybe have polar worms... each with a thick layer of fur.

#37 Big Tin Man


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Posted 17 July 2017 - 09:54 AM

Wait, so now long tom creates wormsign, or is long tom a thumper? Long tom fires worms at enemies?

So confused.

#38 Koniving

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Posted 17 July 2017 - 10:16 AM

View PostEndost33L, on 17 July 2017 - 09:45 AM, said:

Wow this is amazing, where is this from? an old battletech rulebook i guess?

"Mechwarrior." The 1st Rulebook.
They're mentioned there.
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Mechwarrior: Compendium.
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Some Mechwarrior 1st edition screens.
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Because, you know, Mechwarrior was an epic RPG of grand proportions about political strife, conflict, and daily lives which told grand Mass Effect, Firefly and Game of Thrones-like stories...before any of those existed.
Some developers think Mechwarrior is about um...this?
Posted Image

Edited by Koniving, 17 July 2017 - 10:32 AM.

#39 LordNothing


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Posted 17 July 2017 - 11:02 AM

game of thrones is also a dune ripoff

#40 Pixel Hunter


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Posted 17 July 2017 - 02:21 PM

View PostGwahlur, on 14 July 2017 - 07:48 PM, said:

Do they come with thumpers? Can we ride them?


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