Yellonet, on 16 July 2017 - 11:29 AM, said:
As long as that mentality remains we won't have well balanced maps.
Thing is, if you design maps with specifically designed areas for specific builds (ie. long lanes for sniper, tight areas for brawlers, etc. Kinda like World of Tanks), people will always go to the area rated for their type of build.
So when a guy comes roling in with a mech that carries regular PPCs and an SRM, he'll be at a distinct disadvantage in both the sniper part and the brawl part of the map, whereas a mech with more PPCs and no SRM, or a mech with no PPCs and more SRMs will have the upper hand.
Personally, I believe Battletech is not a place where boating should be the endgoal. Then again, gamelogic dictates that there is no such thing as overkill.
Imperius, on 16 July 2017 - 12:17 PM, said:
Well, I guess you're right, people prefer to poke at long range because they're scared of getting shot at, same like World of Tanks. While there is brawling, most people seem hesitant to do so because it usually means wading through incoming fire from those long range chickens. I'd love a good brawl in my Atlas if it didn't mean ending up the target of focus fire all the time.
Well, what is there really in the way of scouting? You have crazy longer render ranges and spotting ranges. Scouting like in World of Tanks simply doesn't work because sniping doesn't require a scout when the target is already in line of sight. You'd be left with scouting behind buildings and terrain features to get those locks for the LRMs, but as you said, the lurmer is a potato, not to mention LRMs are useless to the point that boating them is a waste of a good mech.