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Quickplay Faction

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#1 Doc Arachinus


  • PipPip
  • The 1 Percent
  • 44 posts
  • Locationmichigan

Posted 17 July 2017 - 09:40 PM

make a giant map. maybe combine polar, alpine, forest colony and heck can even add in maps like HPG and mining collective for help out with objectives.

Allow players to drop in instantly. Once in players can locate other players in your friendly massive, heavily fortified base. Must be well armed to keep enemys from farming. Players can then vote on an objective at an objective screen.

Objectives: deeper inside enemy control zone the higher the risk/reward will be. Also maybe adjust reward based on last half hours traffic in area.

1) search and destroy: players go out on a randomly choosen wave point path looking for targets.
2) destroy ammo dump: unit is sent to destroy a facility inside enemy control zone.
3) hit weapons facility. Either destroy or capture supplys. to capture must remain with in 90 meters for specified amount of time.
4) rescue prisioners. Hit a prison deep inside enemy control zone possible attached to their base
5) rescue unit: find and rescue any survivors of a unit that was sent out and destroyed. give a general last known location and they must find their destroyed mechs and remain on site for specfifed amount of time to rescue/salvage.

you get the drift.
would need to make this huge. more then 24 mechs on the field at a time. not sure what kind of load servers can handle but maybe due to large map size can allow for 4 full 12 man teams at once. Though units of less can be tossed togather.

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