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Hellbringer Builds That Are Only Doable / Make Sense With No Endo/ff?

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#21 Methanoid


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Posted 18 August 2017 - 09:59 AM

my setup, http://mwo.smurfy-ne...4967068e9db6c04 you can remove 1 heatsink and fit the Prime head for a laser ams if you want it.

#22 panzer1b


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Posted 30 August 2017 - 06:18 PM

Honestly there are 2 major build archetypes that ive had success with in regards to the hellbringer chassis.

The first and probably more conventional one, is essentially 6 ERMLs with 1-2 ERLL/HLL or 1 LPL and everything else into heatsinks. The single best clan energy weapon (in my opinion at least) is the ERML, since it has range (unlike other options such as the MPL/HML), is very weight efficient, and since you are gonna be boating over 20 HS, isnt that hot either. SInce ghost heat is 6, there is no reason not to have 6 of these on your HBR (and its got more then enough hardpoints), and they you pretty much choose how much DPS vs alfa strike you want. For maximum DPS, choose 1 of the heavy class of laser weapons, place weapons as you like (i usually go with 2 ERMLs in arms (for UAV killing) and everything else in torsos split evenly left to right), and go kill stuff with it. My personal favorite though is the 1 HLL 6 ERML HBR, at least for solo pugs since it combines the best qualities with respectable sustained DPS (you will not be a liability in agressive strats), decent alfa strike (60 is nothing to scoff at), and good range along with the above average mobility provided by the HBR chassis. You can always drop 4 heatsinks in exchange for a 2nd HLL, giving you the ability to outtrade anything short of a direstar or the Op as hell gauss vomit deathstrike, but you loose ~15% of your sustained DPS and both builds have roughly the same effectiveness if you have the ability to fire a double alfa at the target before hiding or moving on (the 78 alfa cant double alfa but can do 78 and then follow up by the ERMLs). In super competitive games that favor trading, id stick to the highest alfa possible, but for solo pugs i strongly suggest adding those 4 extra heatsinks just so you can actually play more agressively and not rely entirely on poking.

The other major build type ive had luck with is 1 ballistic weapon of choice with 5 ERMLs (or 1 HLL 4 ERML if you want to be more poky) as secondary, and with all prime omnipods so i get that 10% heat generation quirk which is just too good to pass up even if i loose the head hardpoint and cant quite bring 6 ERMLs which would have been the ideal build in this regard. I almost always would go with a gauss as the ballistic, since its the one and only truly powerful ballistic clans get like at all (unless they get single shot ACs the gauss will remain top of the entire group), but if you feel like screwing around and just having fun the UAC-10 or 20 provides alot better sustained DPS (and doesnt even jam if you resist the urge to doubletap in a brawl or other sustained engagement). Regardless of what you put on it, the 10% heat gen quirk is going to make the entire mech run much cooler and give you a decent abaility to sustain your damage output with lasers for quite a while (as in there are very few mechs that wont die if you make every shot count before you have to slow your ROF due to overheat). The gauss one (if you can master the charge crap), is just as comeptitively viable as laser vomit (just has a much higher skill cieling so i wouldnt reccomend this to new players), and while the uac model isnt quite up to par, at least its a fun ride for those that want to try uacs on the HBR. I guess you could try the one with dual uac-5s, but ive not had any luck with that since the HBR cannot facetank, and the uac10 while a facetanky weapon, at least gives you that 2.5s to shield a tad, and ofc you lack the laser alfa strike since at best you will have 3 ERMLs (have to fully strip arms ofc).

Granted you can always try other things (it can do every possible build archetype even if badly, missiles, cannons, energy, all with ECM to boot), but these are the 2 things that ive found to wreck the enemy with good reliability, and at least the first one, should be well within reach of the average player in terms of gameplay, just find a target, click, and do your best to keep the lasers on one component.

Just whatever you do, you have to at least give the 2 HLL and 6 ERML aids-vomit build a try. That thing is stupidly broken right now, its got just enough DPS to not be absolutely screwed in a sustained fight, and anyone who eats 78 alfa into their ST is gonna have a very bad day (itll strip anything that inst assault and or very heavilyquirked).

Edited by panzer1b, 30 August 2017 - 07:25 PM.

#23 DemonicDonut


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Posted 03 September 2017 - 10:06 AM

One I haven't seen mentioned is 6 Medium Pulse. HBR-PRIME Just buy the P right torso and A head. Distribute front/rear armor as desired, you can drop DHS for probe/comp if wanted as well.

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